Thursday, December 26, 2019


By Fernando del Valle
Valley Morning Star
Michael VargasSAN BENITO — The San Benito Independent School District board  on Monday accepted president Michael A. Vargas' resignation, appointing a former law enforcement officer to replace him.

After a 45-minute closed-door meeting, board members reviewed about six candidates before appointing Baldemar Olivarez Jr. to serve in the Place 1 seat until May, when voters will elect a trustee, Orlando Lopez, the board’s new president, said after the special meeting.

Vargas did not attend the meeting.

In his resignation letter, Vargas cited the board’s accomplishments including a staff pay raise, improved student standardized test scores and passage of a $40 million bond issue aimed at building a performing arts center, an aquatics center and an indoor practice field.

“When I first embarked on this elected journey, it was my goal to turn this district around relative to its dysfunction, financial incompetence and leadership instability,” Vargas states in his letter dated Dec. 20.

“We have done exactly that — we have turned the district around in all facets — operationally, financially, leadership, etc. We are indeed a gold-standard district and I am proud of my tenure.”

“As I have done before my tenure as an elected school board member, I will continue to fight the good fight along the periphery, especially fighting those mental models and individuals that seek to destroy the growth and positivity our district has achieved.”

On December 13 in 107th state District Court, visiting Judge Manuel Bañales ordered Vargas suspended pending the judge’s appointment of a replacement.

Vargas would have remained suspended until an April 13 trial, when a jury was expected to decide whether to remove him from the school board.

However, Vargas’ resignation closed the civil case against him, removing Bañales’ authority to appoint a replacement, Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz said last week.

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Anonymous said...

No more papas y vargas

Anonymous said...

Wow what accomplishments a pay raise something very impossible down here being that this area is the most impoverish in the nation. Way to go san bene he became useless after his most important accomplishment nomas en sanbene

Carl Clitoris said...

Puro pedo, Juan. Inside job. Little town politics.

Anonymous said...

Vargas is a gas. Like fart gas, I mean. Scram, guey! Largate a la chingada, vato inutil.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@12:29 PM

Ese Carl Clitoris is fingering it, huh? Ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

I hear Sylvia applied to go in as an interim for Vargas.
Now she wants to go to San Benito and mess things up over there.

Anonymous said...

Well things are already messed up in san bene. We don’t need any help thank you. We set our goals high in san bene and don’t y’all forget it. And we don’t bash anyone. United and proud is our new motto.

Anonymous said...

A joke at December 27, 2019 at 8:42 AM should be in the texas monthly if you sanbenians know what tm is.

Anonymous said...

December 27, 2019 at 8:42 AM

El Sevo Dice:

How high 6 beers high or 12 beers high there is a difference and than there is the volume size 12 or 18oz or quart size or tall boy and don't forget cheap beer or domestic beer.
No wonder they're drunk all the time, nomas en sanbene where their goals are set high.

Downtown sanbene no longer has stores in the downtown area only beer joints starting to look like browntown...

Buy another bank building cameron county so you can house the maintenance department downtown close to las cantinas any one?

Anonymous said...

Judge Banales now how is he still a judge doesn't anyone read about his history in Corpus what a guy!

Anonymous said...

tm= tu madre.

Anonymous said...

Este guey ni fu ni fa adios cucara..
