Friday, December 13, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: The Texas Government Code defines that for a seven-member board, the quorum is four. A quorum is an assembly whose membership can be determined is a majority of the entire membership.

So when one of our readers saw Brownsville Independent School District board member Dr. Prisci Roca-Tipton, Drue Brown, president Minerva Pena, and vice-president Dr. Sylvia P. Atkinson at the I-HOP a couple of weeks ago seating at the same table and discussing something with board counsel Baltazar Salazar who, if anyone, should know better than to allow quorum of the board to meet in violation of state law, he took a photo and emailed it to us.

The apparently illegal meeting took place before Atkinson was indicted on bribery and conspiracy charges in federal court. At $280,000 a year salary, Salazar should have dispersed the group, not facilitate the meet.

The Open Meetings Act’s definition of “meeting” provides that “the attendance by a quorum of a governmental body at a candidate forum, appearance, or debate to inform the electorate” is not a meeting if formal action is not taken at the forum, appearance, or debate.

Is it any wonder that some trustees feel like anything goes?

However, we don't know whether the discussion taking place here was related to district business, but we have a suspicion that it probably was. We have also heard that state officials working with Gov. Greg Abbott's office had been in talks with the superintendent's office and with the federal prosecution for corruption at the BISD in full swing, it might be but a matter of time before the BISD could be taken over by the Texas Education Agency.

Given this apparently brazen flaunting of the law by the board and board  counsel, that may be sooner than later.)


Anonymous said...

Drue Brown looks horribly worried. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Knownly how valley people commerce when shit of this magnitude of people with power is in place. Probably talking shit about another person while scheming a way to get that person fired. Puras pinches jaivas, in a bucket. Literally that is what they see right there. Trustee? more like backstabbers waiting on who fucks up to take their place and their salary.

Anonymous said...

The balls on these bitches!!!

Dum pedro said...

juan you know que les vale madre.

Anonymous said...

Abbot needs to worry about his own house and get rid of the attorney general. Leave local politics alone unless he’s gonna prosecute his own goons on the state level. He needs to go after all the men still around that made more money off bribes than Sylvia. Abbot is clueless what goes on in his own capitol.

Anonymous said...

These current board members do not know shit from Shinola. Totally ignorant of the law and extremely incompetent. None of them should be entrusted with a more than a half billion dollar budget. They are all as crooked as Atkinson. BISD is in big trouble. TEA needs to send a Monitor to evaluate operations.

Anonymous said...

The trustee on the right looks like EL PAYA JERRY wearing a blonde's wig! Is it him in drag? LOL

Anonymous said...

The D.A office needs to do what they did with the San Benito school board president. an initiated court proceeding to remove both Castro and Atkinson immediately since the Brownsville present school board won't. That Salazar attorney needs to be replaced as well

Anonymous said...

They are splitting the pot five ways....but it's not 10 but 50.

Anonymous said...

Which of the three piggies weights more? are's the one who a celts t he money....she short a lesbian and a crook.

Anonymous said...

These are very stupid persons, any time one more than half of the governing body meets, any where, it's a no, no. They should be held accountable, and held in contempt. Ass holes!!! Including the board attorney.

Anonymous said...

The separation of UT-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College leads to hundreds of layoffs.

The bill is authored by the (2) Eddie Lucio Jr EDDIE LUCIO III
Senate Bill 24 is a companion to House Bill 1000.
HB 1000 would provide for the UT System to abolish two universities: the University of Texas at Brownsville and the University of Texas-Pan Am

Anonymous said...

We voted for Drue Brown because she was one of us. She worked long enough here under a crooked administration to know who were playing the game. We expected a champion. We got a Sylvia Atkinson vote. A pawn for Sylvia's corruption, manipulation and thievery.

No tienes verguenza Drue.

Anonymous said...

Very simple report attorney to the State Bar and file violation of open meeting law with DA. Oh that's funny file with the DA what a joke.

Anonymous said...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Drue we all thought you knew better, you’ve been a part of the district a long time, WHY, oh WHY did you go into the dark side, you are supposed to be representing us , not your personal agenda being driven by others. You, Drue, more than anyone else, YOU are a huge disappointment and an embarrassment to your husbands perfect legacy. Minerva, you are bought and sold and the worst Board President we have ever seen. Minerva, STOP saying that you are for the students, STOP praying to us, , STOP begging to take all the left overS everywhere you go, STOP protecting your chosen principal and chosen school, STOP talking so loud that you take over the room with your ridiculousness. you are a hipócrita at the highest level. YOU NEED TO RESIGN SINCE YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT BOARD POLICY, you know that this meeting was wrong.

Anonymous said...

I’m sure it was a very positive meeting and they were discussing curriculum at IHOP. Lmao

Anonymous said...

Clearly bisd needs an ethics code -a legitimate audit committee

And new leadership

Bringing in questionable leadership from the corrupt upper valley was a smart move

Time for everyone to go-

At this point erasmo looks like the best candidates -the board and Atty already aired his laundry —and I’ll take the dwi
It’s what everyone else is hiding that scares me

Btw charters are loving this - stupid board wants to know why they leave- well look in the mirror? It’s leadership. Look at who you brought in- and look at yourselves -

Gov Abbott c’mon down !

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you have a convicted felon as General Counsel. Damn it Drue. How could you throw away your more than 30 years of unblemished service to the District and cast your lot with this vermin. This will be your legacy. As the old saying goes, “You can shoot pool your whole life and never be a pool shooter but suck one dick and your a cocksucker for the rest of your life.”

Anonymous said...

Hope they all go to prison along with Adela and TREYmendous 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This board has brought in outside leadership for the highest paid positions in the district

No one in brownsville is good enough- no one

Now that they made a mess they will NO Doubt reach out to their local educators and friends they used in the past to try to explain their actions (violations)

Forget it we aren’t worthy- frankly y’all don’t deserve our trust or support

Anonymous said...

I would never vote Democrat and this is why.

jr said...

no vale verga pena

Anonymous said...

Roca and Brown are next. They’re going to say they didn’t know where the donations Sylvia was giving them for their campaigns came from. Hey home wrecker Prisci and two face Drue, Atkinson didn’t sign your campaign finance forms. La Silvia played you both like a fiddle this past year. Your going down sisters.

Pancho Vulla said...

Folks we are just gathering for a meal no BISD business will be discussed any way if we get out of hand our atty salazar will correct us right? Stay clam, everything is A-Ok. Business as usuall, puro robo y transas. Arriba BISD

Anonymous said...

BISD staffers who support these crooks should also be removed from their employment with the BISD.

Anonymous said...

Balta is counting how the bribes are going to be split. If it’s a big one he’ll have to take his shoes off.

Anonymous said...

House big spender #4: Eddie Lucio III, Lucio’s expenses also include 14 trips to Ben’s Liquors in Brownsville totaling $2,282 and 18 trips to Jones Liquor in Brownsville totaling $5,586

Former RGV LEO said...

So, who within the BISD is going to file a criminal charge against this corrupted group? Whose not to say that oh crooked carpet muncher was telling them that she was going down? Its Brownsville, there is always a leak? Either way, this was a quorum and whether they discussed BISD business or not, it was illegally! BISD has always been one gossip of corruption especially when Joe "Millionaire" Rodriguez was on the board or as AD. When does it end in CC?

Anonymous said...

You pay Salazar $280,000 to advice you???????? What kind of credentials does he have to call himself an attorney-at-law? I, with a political science double major know that I would have advised them not to meet as the picture indicates they did. Even better, I would not have been stupid enough to sit with them and "give advise." And, if the judge told SPA not to mingle with people involved or possibly involved in the case, it is obvious that she should be arrest for breaking her bond conditions when she showed up at Hanna for ground breaking ceremonies. It just makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with this lady? I surely was mistaken in thinking that she was smarter than that, and even to mess up her life for a lousy $10,000. But, of course, I will admit that she is innocent until proven guilty, but she is making it harder for all of us to believe anything else that she says. And, she surely did not do her homework in choosing the lawyers that she did.

Anonymous said...

Pinche wino

Chuy said...

Voters can make a change for the better of BISD and the community if they want to. Dont complain go out to vote next time if you want change.

Anonymous said...

It is high time (and then some) for the state to take over the cesspool which is BISD administration. The Board has become a kind of social club for criminals and aspiring criminals in training. The taxpayers here deserve better.

Anonymous said...

Worried little minds alert Consciousness is missing here.gueyes.

Anonymous said...

Sang by The Kingston Trio

It takes a worried man to sing a worried song
I'm worried now but I won't be worried long

Got myself a Cadillac thirty dollars down
Got myself a brand new house five miles out of town
Got myself a gal named Sue treats me really fine
Yes, she's my baby and I love her all the time

It takes a worried worried man to sing a worried worried song
It takes a worried man to sing a worried song
I'm worried now but I won't be worried long

I've been away on a business trip travelin' all around
I got a gal and her name is Sue, prettiest gal in town
She sets my mind to worryin' every time I'm gone
I'll be home tonight so I won't be worried long

It takes a worried man to sing a worried song
I'm worried now but I won't be worried long

Well Bob is in the livin' room holdin' hands with Sue
Nicky's at that big front door vowing to come on through
Well I'm here in the closet, oh lord what shall I do
We're worried now but we won't be worried long


Anonymous said...

Not smart enought to meet in SPI or in Rancho

Anonymous said...

Social media will not let you escape from any nook and cranny that you may want to meet at. Everyone has that stupid phone at all times taking pictures and messing around with facebook sharing everything. Serves them right.

What will happen to those 5 now that it is known they met as a quorum? TEA come on down! If you did it to Houston, while not Brownsville?

Anonymous said...

juan, Balta salazar is just another hog in the pig pen, oink oink

Anonymous said...

Animal languages are forms of non-human animal communication that show similarities to human language. Animals communicate by using a variety of signs ..

Say for instance if a pig makes the oink sound and moves the right ear she(excuse the pun) it means "feed me" if the pig makes the oink sound twice oink oink and moves the left ear it means "give me".
There is a long list of oink meanings on the FBI list of animal sounds and their meaning an FBI profiler came up with the meanings of pig languages after a big bust over by the east coast. The rounded up a sounder of swines.

Anonymous said...

I see an envelope under the table, no I take it back, I see five envelopes...

Anonymous said...

They were discussing EOC test scores and how BISD is corruption free.
