Monday, January 27, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: On Tuesday, 138th District Court Judge Arturo Cisneros Nelson administered the oath of office to appointed Brownsville Independent School District trustee Eddie Garcia, a retired Brownsville Police Dept. officer. Garcia is replacing trustee Erasmo Castro, who was facing a removal action petition and lawsuit under Texas law that allows for the removal of elected officials after they have been charged with various violations, including DWI.

Garcia will serve until the next general election in November.

There are six trustees serving on the BISD board due to the bond restrictions upon trustee Dr. Sylvia Atkinson who has been changed with eight felony counts in federal court. Castro is charged with one misdemeanor DWI count. Atkinson, on the other hand, has eight felony counts of conspiracy and bribery and no removal petitions have been filed to remove her although she "voluntarily" said she would not attend district events, including board meetings, to comply withe the bond requirements imposed by the court.)


Anonymous said...

jaja sworn in to be given a license to steal from the children of BISD. todos con su palanca, y luego dicen que no sabian que andaba de transa.

Anonymous said...

Otra vez, la burra al maiz! Same family controlling? Eddie is married into the Mariano Gonzales' family, the Aurora de la Garza family and the Luis Saenz family. What does that tell you? A generalization says, De el tal pelo, sale la estilla. Please, Eddie, prove these sayings wrong. We need someone in that board that has some common sense and does not let others pull their strings. Oh, two family members on two of our school boards? Something does not smell right! Prove yourself and prove us wrong.

Anonymous said...

Eddie GarcĂ­a is a good guy.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville has good people. Why settle for chumps time after time?

Anonymous said...

Eddie Garcia borrowed that suit from Pat Ahumada! LOL

Anonymous said...

Get a job already, Montoya. Shit, man, do something!

Anonymous said...

Why do they bother? BISD is a cesspool. Still, teachers and kids excel. Adults suck the big one.

Anonymous said...

The suit was kind of big for Eddie. Erasmo dressed like a clown and acted up. Eddie, please bring respect. No clown shoes!

Anonymous said...

The gringo kid Art Nelson has morphed into Auturo Cisneros Nelson with the passage of time. Strange how Browntown politics can have such a profound changing effect on a fellow.

Anonymous said...

I need to see your registration insurance and driver license.

Anonymous said...

Eddie was worthless as a police officer, why do you all think this will change things? He could not handle patrol duties after getting kicked out of the detectives squad. A self proclaimed "legend", but his reputation follows him.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't he a security guard?

Anonymous said...

Ask the girls at the Horizon Clinic how they feel about this guy.

Anonymous said...

Yea, that's the problem, he's too nice! I can't see him in a scuffle or a foot pursuit. But I guess he was able to stay under the radar. Married to that family. OOOF. No wonder she walks around making a face like she's smelling dog poop all the time. Poor Guy!

Anonymous said...

I could use that robe to cover my from window its a 20x20 ft. size well maybe the window is is to small. PIG at the expense of the tax payer...

Anonymous said...

I promose to continue the inherit traditions of past and current board members to help my pockets so help me aaah aaah
