The City of Brownsville City Managers's office just got a little bigger.
City Manager Noel Bernal has added Bryant Walker - the director of the Brownsville-South Padre Island International Airport - to his staff consisting of Assistant City Manager/Aviation Administrator, Helen Ramirez Deputy City Manager, Elizabeth Walker assistant City Manager, Marina Zolezzi, Assistant to the City Manager, Ramiro Gonzalez, Director of Government and Community Affairs, and Rachel Figueroa, Executive Assistant

and is an instrument-rated private pilot with over 2500 PIC hours logged.
He has held management positions with the Sacramento International Airport (SMF), Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT), the Ft. Lauderdale International Airport (FLL) and the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL). He is actively involved with the industry and his community, serving on numerous boards and committees including ACI-NA’s Public Safety and Security committee.
Currently, Walker manages and maintains the Brownsville South Padre Island International Airport (BRO) and directs all airport functions. He is responsible for developing airport policies, negotiating with airlines, and establishing the airport budget. Additionally, he researches and formulates long range goals for the organization, and develops policy and position papers for city management and elected officials.
How many assistants does the city manager need daum! Tax payer money??
What did he do to be promoted? Oh he's white he deserves the promotion just like the one at the library. So coco promoted a bunch of females - just wondering, what - no more gfs up north?
juan will it matter? Really whoever is the new asst city manager. I surely dont see any difference in browntown. Its all the same, Bernal is a small town manager-la villa, falffurias. Seems to be like the scarecrow in the wizard of oz-no brains, nl direction, no leadership skills etc. Problem is too much bureaucracy, too many chiefs and NO indians. Things will never change os well, we will just continue with McAllen eating our lunch.
GOD help our city.....He doesn't give a damn about our city much less the airport......He is about filling his pockets and getting rid of city employees.....does care about anyone but himself...our city has never needed an assistant....lmao.....and now who is going to be promoted at our airport.....the none other than another bullshitter that could care less and doesn't give a damn about our city.....his airport assistant.....just watch....😩 good-bye to our hard earned money into the pockets of out of state rejects....
It takes that many people to make a shit sandwich?
Its all about salaries the more idiotas you have under your supervision (sic) the more money you get paid.
Now the rest of the city department directors will follow suit.
City of Directors and Ass-_____ fill in the blank: A kisser, mamones, family, friend, night friends etc...
shit sandwich lol its more like a money sandwich or pizza more appropriate and its on his watch el chapo...
Bernal felt that if BISD new supt needed 2 new deputy supts, why should he lag behind. Gutierrez hired 2 of his Lady Buddies from Edinburg at almost over a half million dollars plus his $350,000 to run a district that was being runned by one lady with complete success. Board kept telling her to cut down on personnel and not hire replacements because there was no money, so where did this new money come from. Where is Bernal getting the money for his deputies?
Compadre system is alive and well in Brownsville and we sit here and just watch them get away with it.
and the pot holes que? funds only to hire assistholes and bike trails
Over a million dollars in salaries in only ONE office!
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