Monday, January 6, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: It has often been said that if you really want to know about your ancestors, you should run for political office. Former San Benito Police Chief Michael R. Galavan is finding this out after he announced his run for sheriff against incumbent Omar Lucio and challenger Eric Garza, the former Cameron County District Clerk. Would anyone care to guess which side is spreading this info on the San Bene police officer? Was it Lucio's people or Garza's supporters? Or could it be  some of his own city folks who just plain don't like him?) 
Curriculum Vitae of 
Michael R. Galvan
Candidate for Sheriff

Domestic violence complaint by first wife.

Sexual harassment complaint by fellow female police officer confirmed by his personal secret recordings.

Did not reduce crime during three years as Police Chief.

No-confidence letter by police union for failure to follow policies and conduct unbecoming.

Lied under oath in a statement of record.

Violated oath of office by allegedly not enforcing the laws of the State of Texas to protect Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem.

Missing person died because he lacked police department policies for missing persons.

Turned welfare call into a speed chase causing the wrongful death of a 21 year old.

Violating twenty or more police policies and procedures.

Left the City of San Benito without police protection for thirty minutes.

Recorded himself urinating and other stupid instances.

Least decorated officer on the force with years of service.

Took three chances to pass the police psychological exam.

A real stand up police officer.


Anonymous said...

What does this say about the San Bene City Commission that they hired him?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a candidate for a management position at the Brownsville public library.

Anonymous said...

Need a White man as sheriff. Mexicans have blown it time after time.

Anonymous said...



Democratic candidate for Texas State Representative District 38


Anonymous said...

We are very fortunate to have El Rrun-Rrun to fill in the blanks that any other news service here leaves.

Anonymous said...

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Michael Galvan is not smart enough to answer that one! Ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Is his name "Michael" or Miguel? Check his birth certificate, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

That is quite a record! By Cameron county standards that should make him very electable. We don't want any saints in public office, just dirty, incompetent crooks.

Dom pedro said...

juan sounds like Pura crema

Anonymous said...

All facts. No slander here Mikey. And there is more facts to come....

Anonymous said...

That's a pretty big nose. Is he half-Black?

Anonymous said...


Former RGV LEO said...

Montoya, you forgot the he bragged around San Bene that the CCDA wouldn't do anything to him or the others about the shooting. This worthless excuse of a police chief was walking around Market Days in Harlingen and wasn't being recognized by anyone! The POS had to walk up to people to say hello or introduce himself. I'm willing to bet that all of San Bene will vote him into office to get rid of him? Oh Montoya, why do you have that worthless dark cloud over his head abel gomez on top of your page? Did he pay more or is he related to you? This is one that needs to be locked up because of corruption!
Oh, President Trump in 2020!

Anonymous said...

Mexicans do better when managed by WHITE PEOPLE

Anonymous said...

Sounds like real scumbag with a badge. Sounds familiar don’t it.

Anonymous said...

That police department is all messed up. U have a temporary Mayberry police chief that was in charge of a whopping 5 police officers including himself in Arcola tx. Everyone in san benito knows the Austin based city manager is running the police department. O and a letter of reprimand for violating at least 20 police rules and regulations. Well maybe after may when the a new mayor gets elected that police department will change.

Anonymous said...

el CACA huate.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

pobresito san bene it’s in disarray. When the mayor turns the official city facebook page into his person page is self serving. He has posted school functions and school pictures that have nothing to do with city business. And some posted pictures he has with females are very misleading and possibly self gratification and has no business on a taxpayer funded facebook account. And please please stop wearing that FACE polo shirt you love to wear at the city meetings. You unfortunately represent the city of San benito not the school district you work for.

Anonymous said...

On sexual harassment, there is just so much RGV pussy that has been ruined by abusive men. Pity.

Anonymous said...

January 6, 2020 at 1:48 PM

Does dannenbaum ring a bell idiota?

Anonymous said...

Wyatt Earp was arrested for stealing a horse, escaped from jail, shooting somebody in the back and was sued twice around the 1840's. These gringos start early and than denie it ever happened.

Anonymous said...

Scumbag with a badge?
Give him the keys to CCSO

Anonymous said...

El RRunnRRun has completely lost its journalistic integrity publishing such complete anonymous bullshit. It is just a regurgitation of complaints by the same individual at the San Benito City Commission and on this blog. This has the finger-prints of Mr. Benny Cortez all over it. The same Benny Cortez who lost a defamation case filed against him by Chon Lopez. Mr. Cortez reported Mr. Lopez to the State of Texas Department governing Social Workers alleging Mr. Lopez was vote harvesting and signing mail-in ballots. The State cleared Mr. Lopez. The judge in the defamation case awarded Chon Lopez $40,000 but Mr. Benny Cortez hasn’t paid a dime. Allegedly, Mr. Cortez also went around shopping snippets of the so-called police recordings to the Valley Morning Star and the local TV stations. They all told him to get lost. There was nothing to report. Here are some anonymous Special to el Rrun-Rrun ranting and raving on the same topics without providing any proof. El RrunRrun can do better than this. Or change its name to El Browntown Inquirer where shiite is thrown to the wind hoping something will stick. I am not defending Mr. Galvan but I firmly believe in fairness in journalism. Despite the lies that come from the White House, The truth matters even at the local level.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the Reyna brothers

Anonymous said...

The X-police Chief’s 400 or so personal recordings were I believe to be within the bounds of the law. But was it morally right for him to do that ?. When you have a private conversation with someone behind closed doors you are under the impression that the conversation would be private and not being recorded. I don’t understand why the chief or any person would stoop to that level les they had a hidden agenda. Well anyway the person with the most votes will win qualified or not.

Anonymous said...

This is a blog not a newspaper pendejo...

Anonymous said...

‘Felonious Benny’, ( I wonder if he still has that felony on his record), as he is known in some circles continues to show up in public meetings and rattle on about his ire du jour. He particularly hates Mr Galvan for some reason and has for years. I wonder what’s behind all of that negativity?

Anonymous said...

Hate is such an ugly word.

Anonymous said...

Dat guy is a Jasso Frank...... Das a PIG that don’t fly straight!! Lol!!

Anonymous said...

Poor Mirella...... every one at HCISD talk about her RAT husband. “We-Te.”
