(Ed.'s Note: We can only hope that the year 2020 means that things will look a lot better this year. In the Mayan numeral glyph system the symbol above equals to 2020. To learn more about this neat system, click on link https://www.dcode.fr/mayan-numbers#1

Above is the glyph for the Mayan calendar and Man carrying the burden of Time in the middle.)
Herald, Star announce promotions; New structure to help regional, local coverage
I heard they promoted the only two employees they have here in the valley Bro and Hrg. Are they still at that X building in a 20x10 room with a small rr? Just asking. Any way congrad to the whole group that got a promotion...
There's little to be happy about in Brownsville, Montoya. Get that through your thick head, boy.
Oops, I thought it was SPA carrying it now? How come you have not followed through with more info on her? How much did her Mom pay you to keep it out of the blog? Or, are you just on Christmas Break and haven't had time to work on your investigations. Poor babies; those that whistle blew on her. I bet they are running scared. Hopefully they won't chicken out - the authorities who should be prosecuting her.
El Panson Barton attacking Sofia Benavides. Que le pasa a ese pendejo? Vato inutil!!!!
Yes que es el rrun rrun de SPA the latest please.
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