Thursday, January 2, 2020


(Thank you Juanito. I found the owner. The lady graciously and with a loving heart: GAVE ME THE DOG !!!! She only requested that I treat him kindly. The dog lived downtown: Jackson Street. He walked to: lawyers offices, the court, the Brownsville Herald, the he will live at Southmost. Thank you for posting the picture and thank you to your 3 readers that had faith that the owner would be found. THE DOG IS PRECIOUS: barks loud, howls at night and is destroying the grass. on FIDO ALERT! HELP GET THIS DOGGONE POOCH BACK HOME)

This dog was first seen at University Blvd and East Avenue on Monday.
By Wednesday he was at Esperanza Road/La Posada.

Can you please post the picture in your RRUN RRUN Blog and maybe the owner or a friend of the owner can see it and come and take it back home?
He is at my sister's home: Diana Esparza (she loves dogs and cats)

I think the dog escaped and with the Christmas parties all around the neighborhood, he can not find his way back home.

Please help, if you can.


Anonymous said...

Poor dog. If only he'd gotten an owner in Harlingen or McAllen, where they know about "pets" and not animals. LOL

Anonymous said...

He walked to The Herald? Ja ja ja ja. El Perro is dumb, too!

Anonymous said...

Go Sofia Benavides! We back you 100%. Ignore Panson Barton!!!!

Anonymous said...

Help a human than the animals idiota

Anonymous said...

How the dog got past your new gringa commissioner, that was her campain promise and why she won "I WIL PICK UP ALL THE STRAYS IN MY DISTRICT" (SPI) oops she represents El GRAN SOUTHMOST and lives in SPI.
Maybe she hasn't gotten her new escalate as promised by la bandeja.

Anonymous said...

Glad the rescuer is able to keep him.
These poor animals are more human than some of our
counterpart who have no heart. Take care of him and
he will take care of you. His new name should be LUCKY
but I am sure the owner told you his name. Please share
with us as time goes on, on how he adjusts to his new home.
They are more appreciative than some humans.

Anonymous said...

Was it a lost dog or a neglected dog
People often mistake the two
Dogs are smarter than women and tend to walk away from abusive relationships/ homes.

Anonymous said...

You mean by the express next to Vermillion? stupid dog or the one that trained the dog?

Anonymous said...

Pobre perro! Dejenlo! Doesn't know any better! He's just living the dog eat dog life. He's just chill'N like Bob Dylan!

Anonymous said...

Pick up a homeless not a dog adopt a child not a cat help an elderly cross the highway don't stop for stupid ducks donate to the food pantry don't throw food to the birds don't be stupid and ignorant help your fellow humans.

Anonymous said...

Does the pooch dance or talk or make errans answer the phone oops I mean cell phone take the garbage out clean dishes water the lawn oops again he does that and very efficient

Anonymous said...

I've seen a lot of drunks being abused by women yak yak yak bla bla bla pobresitos THEY JUST WON'T LET YOU SLEEP!
