Thursday, January 30, 2020


From I'd Rather Sleep in Texas
Mary Margaret McAllen Amberson
James A. McAllen
Margaret H. McAllen

The route leading to the Chisholm Trail through South Texas began on the Rio Grande at Brownsville. (Plaque of trail at Hope Park, in Brownsville.)

Ranchers and speculators often gathered together a herd and struck out north. It was not unheard of for drovers to buy or sometimes steal cattle in Mexico and swim them across the border to begin the drive.

The trial led past Miflin Kennedy's and Richard King's ranches, through Beeville, Gonzales, and Lockhart to Austin or San Antonio. By the time the cattle from southern Texas reached Ft. Worth, many other herds had turned into the trail, with their own crews of drovers, vaqueros, cooks, horse wranglers, and trail boss.

As the cattle moved through Indian Territory to Kansas, the herds were a sea of animals, men, and wagons that would stretch for miles. Eventually the cattle drives were glamorized in newspapers, but the accounts did not always depict the hardships and dangers of the long trail and the monotonous and dusty days.

Some of the rivers and creeks had easy crossing for the herds, but floods or quicksand made crossing a few of the larger ones, such as the Red River, perilous, and caused delays, accidents, and loss of stock.


Anonymous said...

First cattle trails were to Mexico City before the gringos came here and stole all the lands and killed the owners why lie about it and the land where mcallen sits belonged to the Ballis bola de RATAS TELL THE TRUTH pinche gringos culos

Anonymous said...

Talk about racism and hate, here it is the the post of 12:10 PM

Anonymous said...



Without Shame
Eddie Lucio, Democrat, Brownsville

Ask not what EDDIE LUCIO III Eddie Lucio’s bills do for the public; ask what they do for him. Lucio is a poster child for the kind of legislator whose primal urge is to please his friends, punish his enemies, and promote himself.

Anonymous said...

Cross border cattle stealing worked in both directions.

Anonymous said...

And all the land here belong to the Jose Salvador de la Garza Falcon and his family - stolen through fraud and the cronies of the gringos who never paid the price for it.

Anonymous said...

Good to see the cry me a river Mexican, commenting. Did you feel the same with the gringos from Spain coming over and taking land from the little dark natives?

Anonymous said...

Ask the native americans that the gringo slaughtered just for their lands.

Anonymous said...

January 30, 2020 at 3:09 PM

Its called LA VERDAD its not racist nor hate but the truth.
Racist and hate is the first post posted by that idiot on every story. Why don't you complain about that? Because its directed at Mexicans and not gringos.

Anonymous said...

Ask the Indians about all the Spaniards and Mexicans that slaughtered them for their lands.

Anonymous said...

Gringo fairy tales - tinkerbell

Anonymous said...

They still own their lands pendejo...@February 5, 2020 at 1:54 PM
