Friday, January 3, 2020


After living in San Diego for 31 years, Rocio Rebollar Gomez was deported to Mexico Thursday

San Diego

The mother of a U.S. Army officer awoke Thursday to find hateful graffiti scrolled on the fence of her home in San Diego – the same day she was set to be deported after years of fighting to stay in the place she’s called home.

Rocio Rebollar Gomez, 51, who had not been allowed to leave her home since her request to stay in the country was recently denied, was bound for the Edward J. Schwartz Federal Office Building in downtown San Diego where she learned her fate: she must leave the United States, effective immediately.

By 11 a.m., she was back in Tijuana, Mexico.

She admitted to illegally entering into the U.S. three times since 1988. One of those times, she was eight months pregnant with her daughter, risking both of their lives to make it back to the U.S. to be with her other children.

"I had to come back to them; they were here and I couldn't leave them," she tearfully recounted in an interview with Telemundo 20 as she rode to court Thursday.

Rebollar Gomez said she was sorry about how she entered the country, but she said she was desperate to give her children a better life.

NBC 7 and Telemundo 20 spoke with Rebollar Gomez minutes before she and her family drove to federal court.

She was visibly upset. She said the slur written on her outside fence had made a difficult day even worse.

“Last night, they vandalized our home. They put a message of racism, of hate,” Rebollar Gomez said, fighting back tears. “And, well, I don’t understand what is the – it’s incredible to me that in this century there are those feelings out there.”

The mother – whose son serves in the U.S. Army – still had a glimmer of hope as she hopped in the car and headed to court.

“We’re praying to God to work a miracle – that there’s a change – and that they don’t separate me from my family,” she cried. “Because, right now, that’s where this is headed.”


Anonymous said...

Why did she wait that long? Did she come to U.S. to give birth and make the child a United States citizen? By the way our fathers and brothers also served the United States in World War two, and Vietnam and the judicial system, especially the one in Cameron county, didn't respect their rights. Their children nor their spouse got free food stamps, free education nor free medical ride. We were the first United States citizens that were given the choice to either stay in Mexico or remain in United States and become immediate citizens. That is stated in the Treaty of Guadalupe of Hidalgo in 1848. Even then these true citizens were not given "anything", for free. Its a sad and sorry story, but your so called state political leaders were and still are the ones that should be held responsible. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

"You do the crime, you do the time". She knew she was breaking the law, yet she did it, several times. No sympathy. The fact that her son is serving in the U.S. military is irrelevant. He is likely an American citizen; something she never sought in 31 years in the U.S. Why is it that people from Asia, Africa, and other nations are willing to learn English and go through the naturalization process.....but Hispanics are far less likely to go through the "process" to be citizens? No sympathy.

Anonymous said...

Total shit move by the government. She paid-in and should be allowed to stay. It's just White people clamoring for this racist shit!!!!

Anonymous said...

She broke the law with her illegal entry multiple times. Your chances of becoming legal, do not increase with your number of deportations. Life is a bitch lady!

Anonymous said...

Wanna see a White fucker here on expired Visa get his ass deported. Never happens, so fuck it all!

Anonymous said...

“Clear direction from POTUS to continue to hold.”

This is what Michael Duffey, associate director of national security programs at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), told Elaine McCusker, the acting Pentagon comptroller, in an Aug. 30 email, which has only been made available in redacted form until now. It is one of many documents the Trump administration is trying to keep from the public, despite congressional oversight efforts and court orders in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation.

Earlier in the day on Aug. 30, President Donald Trump met with Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to discuss the president’s hold on $391 million in military assistance for Ukraine. Inside the Trump administration, panic was reaching fever pitch about the president’s funding hold, which had stretched on for two months. Days earlier, POLITICO had broken the story and questions were starting to pile up. U.S. defense contractors were worried about delayed contracts and officials in Kyiv and lawmakers on Capitol Hill wanted to know what on earth was going on. While Trump’s national security team thought withholding the money went against U.S. national security interests, Trump still wouldn’t budge.

Thanks to the testimony of several Trump administration officials, we now know what Trump was waiting on: a commitment from Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Jim Barton is disrespecting a good Mexican woman, Juan. Set the fatman straight on Sofie!

Anonymous said...

Vetoed: June 15, 2019

Author: Rep. Ryan Guillen (D-Rio Grand City)

Sponsor: Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. (D-Brownsville)

Governor Abbott said in a statement:

House Bill 1053 has two fatal flaws:

First, it would exempt the Willacy County Navigation District from competitive bidding requirements applicable to all other navigation districts, allowing it to donate, exchange, convey, sell, or lease a real property interest for less than reasonable market value and without providing public notice. This exception to the general laws of our State would unnecessarily undermine the tenets of transparency.

Second, it would authorize the Port of Harlingen Authority to impose an ad valorem tax. The end-of-session addition of this power was not properly vetted through the legislative process and did not receive a public hearing. While likely not the intent of this bill’s author or sponsor, this would set a bad example for how special districts can evade statutory and legislative oversight in the future.

HB 1059

Vetoed: June 15, 2019

Author: Rep. Eddie Lucio III (D-Brownsville)

Sponsor: Sen. José Rodríguez (D-El Paso)

Governor Abbott said in a statement:

House Bill 1059 would mandate a series of reports that are redundant and unnecessary. Many cities and counties are already using adaptive strategies to manage stormwater runoff. Institutions of higher education, meanwhile, are providing sufficient information and support to local governments to promote even broader application of these stormwater-management tools

Anonymous said...

The Brownsivlle Herald

Texas Ethics Commission: Eduardo Lucio, Rene Oliveria must answer complaint by end of month

California watchdog chronicles alleged campaign fund missteps

BY EMMA PEREZ-TREVIÑO/The Brownsville Herald

The Texas Ethics Commission has set an end-of-the-month deadline for state Sen. Eddie Lucio and state Rep. Rene Oliveira to respond to complaints that they improperly used campaign funds and failed to fully report the source of contributions.

The complaints against Lucio and Oliveira allege that they converted political contributions to their personal use and failed to properly disclose the principal occupation or job title and employer of contributors.

Palmer reported on his Web site,, that Lucio "takes the cake so to speak for serial violations of the Texas Ethics Laws that prohibit the use of campaign funds for personal use. On forty-three (43) occasions he violates the law by failing to provide any detail (explanation) other than ‘Supplies for Austin Campaign Residence.' "
"His repeated purchases of cleaning supplies (17 occasions) clearly violates Texas law as does his purchase of (a) rat poison, rat traps and bug spray, unless it was intended for two-legged varmints rather than four-legged ones. From 2001 to 2007 Eddie spent $11,501.99 on furniture and a TV. In addition, he spent at least $1,526.98 on bedding and as much as $2,000.00 from April 2001 to Jan 2007. How much bedding and sheets can one guy use?" Palmer writes in his complaint.

Anonymous said...

EDDIE LUCIO III lists himself as the vice president of external affairs for International Educational Services. IES contracts with the federal government to provide shelter and educational care to undocumented minor children. Ruben Gallegos Jr. is a principal of IES.

Eddie Lucio III also is an attorney for the Austin-based law firm of Beatty Bangle Strama PC (BBS). The law firm attorneys are lobbists who represents clients before the Texas Legislature and state agencies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Taking action is “on the voters”
Abbott spokesman John Wittman told the Tribune that the governor, who declared an “ethics emergency” this year, “will continue to advocate for stronger ethics reform going forward” because he believes lawmakers should “be voting with the taxpayers’ pocketbooks in mind, not their own.”

EDDIE LUCIO III business ties with public entities a conflict of interest.
State Rep. Eddie Lucio III, a Democrat from Brownsville who has done bond underwriting work involving Cameron County — where his district is located — told the Tribune that it was unfair to call that work a conflict of interest.
The filings list Lucio's law practice as a party to eight underwriting transactions between three finance companies and Cameron County — where Lucio's district is located. Lucio said that he received "nominal" payment from the underwriters' attorneys for "very simple" work such as processing documents and collecting signatures.Underwriters effectively buy all the bonds, then profit by selling them to investors at a higher price.

EDDIE LUCIO III acted as intermediaries in bond deals. This means a finance company paid EDDIE LUCIO III to negotiate directly with the public entity that wants to issue the bonds.

Anonymous said...

Let me see if I have this right. If you have a child in the U.S. military that gives you the right to break U.S. law with impunity? That seems to be the message by some here.

Anonymous said...

Funny that people break the law everyday simply for being stupid, but the people who break it for the better of their love ones are examples for everyone to see. You can not compare. WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO BETTER YOUR LOVE ONES LIFES. Crossing a border risking their life doesn't sound like an obstacle when your kids are hurry and in danger of being dragged it a narco life or killed for resisting.

Anonymous said...

"You do the crime, you do the time". A bunch of you yellow bellys ran to the north and south border to avoid the draft and you know who you are and now you're belly aching f**kin aholes and 99% of you aholes call yourself republicans...csuckers...

Anonymous said...

Lambison insults will get you no votes estupido is that all you idiotas have insults.

Anonymous said...

After an all night get together with other elected officials the cleaning supplies are a necessity, a lot of bull shit is spead all over and needs to be cleaned.

Anonymous said...

What no powerhouse campaign ads? "YOU'RE FIRED!" Oops I mean you're relief or is it relieve of your duties you might be entitled to unemployment compensation. LOL sma

Anonymous said...

Y'all gotta read
the line becomes a river

Central library branch has it

Anonymous said...

"Fastest way to unify people of all walks of life against you is to threaten to destroy their cultural heritage."
Does your racist republican idiota know this?
