With Brownsville Independent School District trustee Erasmo Castro's resignation, Dr. Sylvia Atkinson prevented from entering the district facilities, including the board room, and Laura Perez-Reyes running to be Cameron County District Clerk, the board is thinning out pronto.
If there is a removal petition filed against Atkinson just as there was against Castro and Perez-Reyes gets elected, three of the seven members of the board will have been appointed and not elected by the district voters. Four seats are up for reelection in November and we expect that the board will drastically change after that.
As far as we can remember, to have three appointed members has never happened before. Or has it?
Remember that Atkinson is facing eight federal felonies and Castro only had a misdemeanor DWI.
Is there a sense of disproportion in this picture?
And – depending on the breadth of the federal net – some of the other trustees may also be snared in some peccadillo, if not as accomplices or witnesses to crimes.
Meanwhile, in response to Castro's resignation there is an item tonight on:
"1. Discussion, consideration and possible action to accept the resignation of Erasmo Castro as Board Member (Place 2)", and in response to Atkinson's absence, there is another item on the agenda requested by trustee Phil Cowen to:
"1. Request that the Board undergo reorganization of officers. (Board Member Request Philip Cowen/Board Support Erasmo Castro).
Given the current state of affairs, does anyone one want to be board vice president and replace Atkinson? And will board president Minerva Pena relinquish her top spot?
Even board counsel Baltazar Salazar has come under the gun, with an agenda item calling for:
"1. Discussion, consideration and possible action to have Board Attorney’s contract as a standing item on agenda. (Board Member Request Erasmo Castro/Board Support Laura Perez Reyes and Philip Cowen)"
Whatever the outcome, the board, its legal counsel, and whoever else may have participated in the schemes alleged by federal prosecutors have cast an air of suspicion on the entire district, including its past administrations.
Can anybody explain how a board counsel – Baltazar Salazar – getting paid $280,000 a year can sit by and participate in a dinner with a full quorum of the board in public?
And just as the local judiciary and the legal profession were stained by the Abel Limas-Armando Villalobos corruption investigation, it will be a while before the board will regain the respect and trust of the pubic. And that's the shame of it.
Juan? does it matter?
Trump Likes Farmers Better Than Some Other Welfare Recipients
Well if you're a hillbilly he don't like you just your vote bola de pendejos...
Well the ladies look very very worried. They guy is counting on his fingers like really trying to get something across. In the first place and in the second place and in the third place and so on. Nice picture.
Benedict Arnold, American colonial General turned traitor.
Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr
Our God is Marching On (How Long? Not Long)
When corrupt assholes run for the BISD School Board and enough local assholes vote for them we get this situation. And as long as the public is willing to accept their corruption, this will continue. Here in Brownsville, we don't just accept corruption, we demand corruption by electing greedy people that lack moral character.
Speaking of previous administrations....I wonder how Teri Alarcon will come out in all this? I wonder if Noble Texas builders got any big contracts from BISD while she was there? She's already following in Atkinson's footsteps at Port Isabel: single-handedly running off the entire administrative staff at the high school within her first 2 months as Sup; treating people like they're peasants; making her staff wait unduly long times for meetings (just like she accused Atkinson of doing to her); not showing up to athletic events (unheard for a superintendent of a small school) but has time to attend fundraising events and social meetings not school related. The list goes on. She should've stayed in Brownsville.
Brown is like what hell did I get into!! The lawyer Salad bar looks like he has a get out of jail card and doesn't give two shits.
What changes? They elected an indicted board member to remain as VP and kept the same inept Pres. and Sec and Asst Sec. Shows what they are up to and could care less what image they portray among the public. Now, it is time for the public to come in and do their thing at the next elections but that is still a long way off and gives them ample time to continue their shenenigans until then. Todos, comenzando con Minnie Winnie valen you know what, so they can all go to hell. Lastima de regalos que les dieron antes que votaran, si no nadie les hubiera dado nada - appreciated for what - stealing from the students?
the reorganization of the board did not pass. the school board will not agree on some items . morale is low among employees district wide. hope something gets resolved soon . need trust again with employees and school board members. as citizens we elect them to serve for betterment of our community and to be at school functions as well .
When adults misbehave, it causes problems like tonight where the vote was 3-3 to reorganize the board. As a result we are stuck with Minnie Winnie and the same fiasco continues. I strongly think that TEA needs to come in a kick everyone out and set their team to guide BISD for the ones we have are not individual thinkers. The marionette SPA is still controlling the puppet strings. Drue says we need someone with experience and she nominated Prisci; what experience does she have if not attached to SPA's strings? Drue, you are a total disappointment to everyone, except maybe SPA?
They all belong in jail
Wow!! Did Alacrons head blow up sad to hear.
May we do a "citizen's arrest?" Let's do it at the next board meeting and take them all to Rucker=Carrizales. Conspiracy to commit mayhem at BISD over coffee at IHOP with the so-called lawyer leading the mafia/cartel/ganga!
The only one with real school board experience and integrity is Mr. Cowen.
Now I've heard it all at January 15, 2020 at 7:39 PM. mamon calling him mr..... like that idiota saying powerhouse
I'll provide the handcuffs for the citizens arrest and the transfer van is bottle water allowed?
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