Sunday, January 12, 2020


By Bob Bingham

Misogynistic men who identify as part of the “Involuntary Celibate” movement are domestic terrorism threats, according to a new report.

The Texas Department of Public Safety included the warning in their 2020,  “Texas Domestic Terrorism Threat Assessment” (PDF).

“Although not a new movement, Involuntary Celibates (Incels) are an emerging domestic terrorism threat as current adherents demonstrate marked acts or threats of violence in furtherance of their social grievance,” the report noted. “Once viewed as a criminal threat by many law enforcement authorities, Incels are now seen as a growing domestic terrorism concern due to the ideological nature of recent Incel attacks internationally, nationwide, and in Texas.”

“What begins as a personal grievance due to perceived rejection by women may morph into allegiance to, and attempts to further, an Incel Rebellion. The result has thrust the Incel movement into the realm of domestic terrorism,” the report explained.

To read rest of story, click on link:

“The violence demonstrated by Incels in the past decade, coupled with extremely violent online rhetoric, suggests this particular threat could soon match, or potentially eclipse, the level of lethalness demonstrated by other domestic terrorism types,” the report warned.


Anonymous said...

Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr is getting the serious primary challenge he deserves in SD27. Ruben Cortez and Sara Stapleton Barrera will usher him out of office.

Anonymous said...

DPS are the most corrupt lawmen in South Texas...I caught one from the Harlingen unit screwing his girlfriend (he’s married) on duty in his unit in a farmers field. He thought he was hiding. When reported, his Sergeant did nothing except protect him.

Anonymous said...

DPS are the most corrupt lawmen in South Texas...I caught one from the Harlingen unit screwing his girlfriend (he’s married) on duty in his unit in a farmers field. He thought he was hiding. When reported, his Sergeant did nothing except protect him.

Anonymous said...

As a female, I have been used, abused, underpaid and verbally assaulted for my entire life. There has always been a threat "out there", whether it be walking home at night or at work and, for many, in the home. Does society think that I am now scared of "involuntary celibates"? Bringing up yet another bogeyman for women to be afraid of is simply another male tactic to try to make us submit to yet another limp dick - in this the Texas Dept.of Public Safety. Texas has never been too kind to women and now the TXDPS is trying to keep us home and afraid, out of the workforce, barefoot and pregnant.

Anonymous said...

The people are losers, nutjobs and misfits to start with. The fact that no woman wants to screw them is small part of their total problem. There is a reason the girls stay away from them.

Anonymous said...

Looks like he's gonna attack a corn field

Anonymous said...

Puro loser y weirdo! I’m sure shooting people will get you laid! Losers

Anonymous said...

And they wonder why no one will hook-up with them when they cover themselves with chick repellent. They keep very busy proving to women that they are right for keeping their distance.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they will be fighting right alongside of the all PMS Fighting Lesbians to make America Great Again.

Thier Motto is:
Make War, Not Love.

Anonymous said...

Que pinche miedo le tienen a un chavo bring in the tiqueteros and they'll handle this ONE guy..
I can just see it 1000's of black suvs.
