Sunday, February 16, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: People were wondering why former Brownsville Independent School District board member Erasmo Castro picked up an election packet at Texas Southmost College for the upcoming May trustee election. Here was Castro just having resigned from the BISD board, running as a Republican against Eddie Lucio III for the Texas House of Representatives in November, and then running for TSC?

Instead, Castro got it for his bod Luis Jorge Sifuentes who filed against Adela Garza, current president of the TSC board. It's interesting to note that during the fight to save TSC from  being swallowed by the University of Texas System Castro accompanied Garza to lobby against the bill that would do away with TSC. Why the split? Only they know.)


Anonymous said...

Lap Swimming/Water Walking
(Monday - Friday)
6:00 - 8:00 a.m.
12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Monthly membership: $ 30.00
Discount * $ 25.00
BISD Employees $ 20.00

Wanted to go swim but at 30 dollars a month its ridiculous its only for rich people BISD again with their bull shit.
It was constructed with tax funds

Anonymous said...

Erasmo tiene ganas, pero no tiene como.

Anonymous said...

Its sad how Erasmo continues to try and stay relevant. He also tries hard to make it seem as though it was everyone's fault that he was caught driving while intoxicated.

Anonymous said...

y el sarkis que quiere?!

Anonymous said...

Anybody but Adela is fine with me

Anonymous said...

You shit the stick and ran. LOL

Anonymous said...

Who cares he'll never win another election go eat a pig guey.

Anonymous said...

I took a little trip to my home town
I only stopped to look around
And as I walked along the Rio Grand
There was gossip ev'rywhere
The gossip came from my home town
How did it happen how did it start
I only know that I fell ashame
I guess the answer lies somewhere

Oh what a feeling
I was reeling
The sirens were sounding
The people were yelling
And so the gossip goes on and on
And through the night until the break of dawn
I hear the FBI up in the roof
The say they are sings a pretty little melody PA



don pedro said...

why the split now? money money money, follow the money trail. el dude dont work so how does he make a living con el podcast program? come on people open you eyes. got to make a living some how, y robar y robar.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo Castro? Who is Erasmo Castro, Erasmo since his early age, began his scammer career, firsts with small thieveries, like stealing blank checks, falsifying signatures
And cashing the check for small amounts of money, then he moved to a little bigger crimes
Like defrauding car sellers, by changing title to his name without owners consent, soon he was convicted for his crimes and has being a Felon ever since .
With the internet and social media available, he began his career as a seudo public figure
As the Cheezmeh a clownish page in Facebook where he made a few followers with
His attacks to Public Elected Officials, his inflated ego ,made him start to believe of himself
As a redentor of the lower class, with that belief he ran for public office multiple times ,
When he finally won one of those posts, (BISD Trustee) he demonstrated in less that 2 years
That he did not knew what to do with his new job, in just a few month it became evident, the he wasn’t capable of handling the power to make important decisions, decisions that would affect the future of BISD Students,
He started acting like a powerful political figure, let down many of the ones that helped him through the years, began to live a night social life of partying and drinking, until he was caught
Driving Drunk (DUI) a charge still pending at a Court of Law, there is very strong rumors about
A situation, where he was caught having a homosexual intercourse in a car with a minor in the parking lot of a Night Club, there is a active grievance by a parent for his addiction to go to BISD Campuses to take pictures of himself with minor male students and post them on Social Media, reason for which he was banned from visiting BISD Campuses, now he is tying to act like a King Maker importing unknowns from other Cities and convince them to run por local offices, Pleas DO NOT VOTE for any one supported by Erasmo Castro.

Anonymous said...

Please Candidates stay away from BISD JJ too!!! People run on your own. Always with JJ or Erasmo! Always the same bs.

Anonymous said...

Castro is as useless as a white crayon!

12:13 hit the nail on the head with Erasmo's sketchy past; verified! How or why any educated adult acknowledges this guy is absolutely mind boggling. He has consistently shown his inability to accept responsibility in any shape, form or fashion.

This has been shown with his criminal past and the way he ran away from accepting responsibility. How he failed to complete probation. How he fled to Mexico to hide out while the statute of limitations expired. How he took on an alias and then taught at a school under that assumed name.

He can't hold down a job. How won't accept responsibility for his late night drinking binges and the subsequent DWI. He could not finish his term as a school board member. Must I keep on going?

He cannot complete anything that takes hard work and dedication. When things get tough, he uses his little sheepish boy jokes and "charisma" to worm his way out of things. His degree in theology? LMAO, any monkey with a computer can buy it from that diploma mill playhouse, by taking their online courses.

He claims to be an elder and a preacher. How can anyone take this guy serious? He does not even conform to the norms of his own religion. Consumption of alcohol is frowned upon for all, except for him? Listening to
worldly music is not right, but he can follow metal assault/heavy metal bands?

No pos wow! Esta bien cabron. I definitely cast my vote for anyone who is endorsed by Castro.

Anonymous said...

Lets point out the obvious.....he is not ERASAMO CASTRO. If we voted based upon guessing you could not support Adela either. Last I checked she has enjoyed a long association with; and support from....SYLVIA ATKINSON. Im not sure if you have heard about her indictment?

Anonymous said...

Don't care much for Sylvia. However the scales may tip, we can only hope that justice prevails. Castro has repeatedly shown that he is scum, lazy and a fraud.

Anonymous said...

Juan, look into Sylvia Atkinson's gambling addiction. She need's money and owe's lot's of money. Sylvia is the DEVIL, the real DEVIL incarnate. Es una vibora mala, muy mala.
