Friday, February 21, 2020


Image result for FIELD PACHECO HOUSE

(Ed.'s Note: We ran into some Cameron County maintenance personnel whose offices and equipment yard are directly across from the Field-Pacheco Complex on East Monroe and 10th Street and they
pointed out that the back wall of the once grand structure could collapse at any time. Thet said they had told their city counterparts about it, but nothing has been done to address the issue.

They said that school kids often walk along the leaning wall and that it was an accident waiting to happen should anyone be walking by on a windy day. We understand the historical character of the structure, but that back wall is already crumbling and could fall at any time. We bring this to the city's attention and hope something can be done to prevent an accident.) 


Anonymous said...

if you aren't from brownsville you'd think the wall caved
truth is the missing brick was all stolen

Anonymous said...

Bernie 4 Brownsville Bro!

Anonymous said...

what? AT February 21, 2020 at 8:27 PM
you mean "the missing bricks were". I agree after the charro parade we'll see a bunch of bricks on the street...

Anonymous said...

This property belongs to Tony Martinez... Tell him to fix it... Dumb assess... Unless you then want to bitch about COB money being spent on private property?

Anonymous said...

He's waiting to sell it to the city you dumb pendejo then the city will fix it and make it a bike shop...@February 22, 2020 at 4:24 PM

Anonymous said...

Must be a city employee out of touch with how his employer works estupido @February 22, 2020 at 4:24 PM

Anonymous said...

Still bitching... Way to make a difference, Dumb-assess.
