Last October, three Cameron County courtroom bailiffs pressed the commissioners court to approve their request to attend "legislatively mandated" active-shooter court security courses in Las Vegas, Nev. claiming there was nowhere else to get them.
The bailiffs then produced a vaguely-worded acknowledgement by Legal Liability and Risk Management Institute (LLRMI) – the instruction vendor – that their courses were routinely approved by TCOLE.
The seminar lasted three days - from October 21 to October 24 - and the county paid for the training costs ($525 a shot), their flights ($59 each on Allegiant Airlines) and hotel costs ($50 per night). That's right, the gamblers' special.
But the bailiff's effort to get the taxpayers to fund the junket were thwarted when a Asst. D.A. was assigned to look into the accreditation matter and was of the opinion that the courses offered during that time did not merit TCOLE accreditation. When that opinion was received, Garza grudgingly withdrew his request and cancelled the trip.
Neither bailiffs Leofredo Pena, Joe C. Garza nor Joel Garcia's training records show any credits for what was supposed to be courtroom security.
The tree said that although Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez sponsored accredited mandatory Courtroom Security training at Texas Southmost College at $30 per courthouse bailiff who participated, they were not invited, an assertion that Gomez denied at the time.
Garza said the three were were treated as "the red-headed stepchild" by the constable.
When Cameron County Asst. District Attorney Rene Garza presented it to the commission, he cloaked it under the guide of "active shooter" training, only to be contradicted by J.C. Garza who told commissioners it was actually courtroom security.
Well, guess what? It was neither. The courses that LLRMI offered in Las Vegas during that time dealt with homicide investigations, supervision, internal affairs and administration, and risk management.
There was not one word about courtroom security.
Just one week before the three bailiffs made the request for travel and lodging to Las Vegas, the training for Courtroom Security was offered in San Antonio and several bailiffs attended. And the Brownsville Police Department regularly holds courtroom "active-shooter" training seminars locally.
The idea that county employees would choose to attend training classes in Las Vegas when it is offered locally did not sit well with County Judge Eddie Trevino who told bailiff Garza he did not want to set a precedent and did not want to "send the wrong message" to county taxpayers by sending them for training in Las Vegas.
"I have been told that this training is offered locally and in the state and that (Pct. 2) Constable (Abel) Gomez has offered it twice. Were you not invited?"
Garza replied that the bailiffs not under Gomez were treated as "the red-headed stepchild" by the constable and said that the Vegas flight and hotel rooms were actually lower than if he had sent them to training in Austin or San Antonio.
Pct. 3 commissioner David Garza said that in looking through the backup documentation handed in for the travel request there was no mention of TCOLE accreditation for the training and said he would make the motion to approve the travel contingent upon proof that it was.
Pct. 2 commissioner Joey Lopez seconded the motion based upon documentation of the training credits by TCOLE.
At the time There were also some raised eyebrows because County Court-At-Law #3 Leofredo Pena is a candidate for Pct. 5 Constable and the trip gave an appearance that he was chosen to go to Las Vegas as part of his election campaign. Joel Garcia, of the 138th, may not be the courtroom bailiff after his boss Judge Arturo Nelson retires. And J.C. Garza is a bit old to be taking that kind of training now.
According to the TCOLE website there are two 24-month periods in the current training cycle which ends on August 31, 2021.
The first 24-month period, or unit, began on September 1, 2017 and ended on August 31, 2019. The second 24-month period, or unit, began on September 1, 2019 and ends on August 31, 2021, which is also the conclusion date of the 48-month training cycle.
TCOLE also warns participants that an individual not appointed with an agency will have to receive training from an academy or contract training provider.
They also advice participants that training completed outside of those resources will not be able to be reported for credit to the individual’s record and to check with the training facility prior to completing the course to ensure proper credit can and will be obtained.
As a result, neither training supervisor Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez or the training officer with the Cameron County Sheriff's Dept. cannot submit them for accreditation for training credit with the TCOLE.
"Those courses are not mandatory," Gomez said. "I couldn't submit them for training credit for them because they won't get it."
So if there were no court security courses during that time, and the courses that were being offered were not "legislatively mandated" and cannot be used as training credits for court bailiffs, why would they expect county taxpayers to foot the bill to give these three employees a nice vacation at their expense after having had their property taxes raised by the county?
Curses, said the three, foiled again!
Please, all three of those bailiffs should retire.I imagine some of them have retired from other agencies already. Don't waste your time training and spending money on people that can leave anytime they chose to.Hire and invest on younger officers,I'm sure they are plenty to be found.
Democratic candidate for Texas State Representative District 38
Texas District 27 Senate
juan que stepchild ni que stepchild, of course they went and had a great time.
at las vegas y que. i dont need no certificate. We just went to party and gamble. thank you taxpayers. Will there be other depts that want to go too? Let me know so i can sign up too.
issued an emotionally charged warning, likely echoing the thoughts of his Democratic colleagues: “Don’t mess with me today. I’m cautioning you.
and will not stand for it.”
Why not? Didnt the TSC board for their leadership conference? At least thease individuals are protecting us.
El Paya Jerry often says you can never trust a Mexican. smh
Typical County BS. Even worse the County Offices closed on the Monday after the SUPER BOWL! They don't care about the taxpayer's & communities rights & time at all. The first of the month for business & services needed & the County celebrates their after party. Typical Democratic decisions. Only for them,first & only. Vote all these leaders out. Fresh blood needed not these self serving servants.
I think there needs to be some clarification on TCOLE training for regular full time paid peace officers in this State. There are two training cycles in a four years period that being on September 1st of that first years and ends on the second year on August 31st of that year. In a four year training cycle the officer would have to complete 80 of approved TCOLE training hours from an accreditable TCOLE training source. The break down is 40 hours of training in the first 2 year cycle and 40 hours training in the second 2 year cycle. Keep in mine that TCOLE training requirements of Core Courses are different for each officer depending the time in service and what Intermediate, Advance or Master Certificates the officers hold at the time. In addition, there are mandated course like Legal Update that are required every two years and any course that TCOLE deems necessary or required for that training cycle. I never heard of a 24 TCOLE training cycle unless things have just recently changed? I am an Honorably Retired Peace Officer with 30 years of service, I continue to keep up with my TCOLE training so that I do not loss my active peace officer license. In the event one day that I may return to full or part time or reserve service, I do not have to go through a police academy. The only requirements would be completing a L-2 and a L-3 so that I could be commissioned again. That's it but I though that I could be helpful by provide some clarification with this posting on training hours. Again TCOLE is a better source for better clarification.
Everything they have, everything they buy, every penney they spend, COMES FROM THE TAX PAYERS the sad thing here is they JUST DON'T GIVE A DAM!!
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Creating Culture: City unveils new interactive website to improve communication
There's already a dozen around why spend the money are you idiots BLIND? Read my lips: traffic (traffic jams, syc traffic lights) floods, roads (potholes), drainage, useless and costly projects, naming of streets (NOW YOU'RE GOING TO LISTEN?).
Id like to see the schedule for the, "courtroom security training" you claim was offered at Texas Southmost College AND available for TCOLE credit?
Lelofredo Pena Bailiff for Judge David Gonzales running for constable his campaign treasure guy David T. Gonzales money coming from lawyers in Brownsville, goes to Las Vegas to what get a pat on the back from DA Saenz for helping him get press for the arrest of Palm Valley Chief Alvaro Garcia? Chief Garcia signs off for Pena training which Pena knows he didn't get, but he is still a bailiff, running for constable. OH who is this guy Chambers running for Sheriff what did Saenz file on him for? OH how did that case come out on Chief Garcia anybody Know?
Typical Browntown employees, looking for ways to screw the system and get something for themselves.
It's all the same!! common!! Nothing is going to change!! All these public officials do the same dam shit!! They only make an issue of it when it pertains to certain people they do not like. It's no secret when you are not liked, you will not be invited to certain training's so that way the licenses of some of these individuals could be in jeopardy. ALL OF CAMERON COUNTY IS CORRUPT!! AND IT IS NEVER GOING TO CHANGE! Screw you Eddie Trevino, Sofia Benavidez, Gus Ruiz and Joey Lopez you waste of sperm!
You people want to be amazed? Check all the boards including the MUDs.
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