Friday, February 7, 2020


By Juan Montoya

Remember the embarrassing occurrence last year when Arturo Elias Ayub, the 2018 Mr. Amigo, skipped the  82nd Annual Charro Days International Parade Saturday, boarded his private jet and flew off back to Mexico and stood up the parade-goers?

In fact Quien entertainment magazine depicted him Saturday - the day of the parade - with his family and father in law (Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim) at the 2019 Mexican Tennis Open in Acapulco.

Well, get ready to be snubbed again because sources close to the Mr. Amigo Association are saying that 2019 Mr. Amigo Julio Cesar Chavez might pull off an Ayub this year.

Deja vu, all over again?

MAA president Artemio Alvarez won't say either way whether Chavez will make an appearance at the Saturday parade and says the boxer may choose to attend the parade in our sister city of Matamoros instead. But he did confirm that Chavez will return to Sonora via the Matamoros airport  after attending the Matamoros parade.

So as far as Brownsville appearances, it appears that Chavez will arrive in Brownsville on Wednesday, make an appearance at the President's Cocktail Reception at Gladys Porter Zoo (paid by MAA and the sponsors like the Port of Brownsville and PUB) on Thursday, then go to the Gala Ball on Friday (at $400 a table).

Since the Tigres del Norte are performing at SombreroFest that night, it is most likely Chavez may take the stage and greet the crowds then. But on Saturday, it is most likely he will cross the bridge and join the parade there before jumping on the plane back to Sonora. No parade appearance in Brownsville?

It is noteworthy that the MAA FAcebook page states that there are no upcoming events. There are no events listed on the MR Amigo website as well. And Chavez biography there is only in Spanish. So much for the Winter Texans trying to understand.

When Ayub flew off before the parade aboard his jet, he is said to have donated 400 bicycles to the city. But while that may be accepted in some quarters (cyclephobic Rose Gowen, for example), the fact that he took off before the min event led some to say that the gesture was a backhand compliment to the pueblo bicicletero.

What will Chavez give us, 400 pairs of autographed boxing gloves and the MAA black eyes and a bloody nose?


Ritchie the Sound Guy said...

This is what happens when you pay all of the appearance fee up front. You always give only 50% down, 50% upon arrival. Less than 50% down if the person is known to be flaky.

Anonymous said...

Charro Days in general have become trivial and inconsequential. lThis is reflected in the attitudes of the Mr. Amigo people.

Anonymous said...

Chavez could not give a lesser fuck! He'll show and be gone. Brownsville is again treated like we used to treat the ugliest woman at Boy's Town. Blame it on Mayor Juan "Tres Leches" Mendez! How could you respect a city with a shorty as mayor?

Anonymous said...

Me. Amigo Association, much like the Democratic Party is a huge joke.

Anonymous said...

ITs not their money and they don't care

Anonymous said...

Rattus norvegicus know as the brown rats and Rattus rattus know as the black rats and Rattus whiteratus known as the white rats the most famous RAT in the world.
This group generally known as the old world rats or true RATAS migrated from cockroach europe to the new world with the exception of the Rattus norvegicus or the brown rats.
The brown RATAS known as a quick learners are immulating all the inherit atributes of the RATA BLANCA. Scientist have come up with a new new for the quick learners which is Rattus cocorattus according wiko.

What does this have to do with the charro association you ask? You go figure...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Refuses to be part of BISD attack on the children
