Thursday, February 13, 2020


(Three place are up for grabs, Place 1 held by board president Adela Garza, Place 4 held by appointee Delia Saenz, and Place 2 held by Art Rendon, who ran unopposed to replace former TSC trustee Rene Torres six years ago. we understand that there is a group trying to interest candidates to run against Garza, but that so far, none have wanted to bite the bullet. Among them, according to the scuttlebutt, is none other than perennial congressional candidate Jessica Puente Bradshaw. 

Rendon, on the other hand, already has a challenger. We hear her name is Alejandra Aldrete, owner and operator of Classic Auto Rental has already filed for Place 2. She, apparently, has the backing of the TSC board majority and Rendon will be hard-pressed to raise the cash he needs to retain his seat. 

The last time around, Torres decided not to run, but waited until the deadline loomed and stepped aside for Rendon to waltz in unopposed. No more. Rendon and Dr. Rey Garcia were the only trustees supporting former TSC President against her termination that resulted in her lawsuit against the community college. The initial $13 million award has been overturned to $1 by a federal appeals court.

Below Garza announces her bid for reelection.)

I have filed for re-election to the Texas Southmost College Board of Trustees. I am very proud of the many accomplishments that our college has achieved over the past several years.

Not only have we been accredited by SACSCOC, but our nursing program is thriving alongside the newly created workforce programs of welding, scaffolding and shipfitting with an all-time-high enrollment of more than 9,000 students.

It has been an incredible honor and privilege to serve our community as chairwoman of the board, but our students’ impressive outcomes are what bring true joy. The board has committed significant funding for new technological, workforce and academic programs as well as much-needed renovations of our buildings and grounds.

All of these challenges have been accomplished while lowering tuition twice and without raising taxes, a pledge I renew today. The board of trustees have put students first and their futures are the light by which our policies are guided.

I am truly humbled by your past support. This is my hope for our students: Our commitment to excellence at Texas Southmost College is not simply a slogan, but a goal to which we have dedicated all our efforts.

The true evaluation of any candidate is found in a simple question: Has he or she kept his or her word with the voters? With confidence I say that I have kept my promises.

I look forward to informing the constituents in our college district all that we have accomplished as well as our vision for the future. Once again, I humbly ask for your vote and support.


Anonymous said...

In my opinion the best thing Adelita can do for the college is step down. She has a reputation (in my opinion) for doing things the old way....tit for tat. Employees are treated as though beneath her. She sees herself as God's gift to Brownsville. She is not. Her handling of the aquisition of Atkinson and the dismissal of Tercero are at best shady. The list goes on and on. Time for the voters to wake up and turn the page...

Anonymous said...

She should run for a BISD position will fit right in

Anonymous said...

She definitely makes a better Adelita for our Charro Days poster who told that anorexia Claudia Henery Roberts chic she had looks bow wow

Anonymous said...

Agreed with anonymous of Feb 13, @. 10:41AM

Anonymous said...


lack or loss of appetite for food (as a medical condition).
an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat.

I see her at almost every taco stand and asian all you can eat shit food restaurants daily...

Anonymous said...

Anorexia and her husband attend every function almost always never paying for their entry using a press card to get in, they both will show up at every Charro day event and not pay a dime
