A past president of the Mr. Amigo Association still active with the organization whose stated mission is "to promote the international friendship and goodwill...between the United States of America and the Republic of Mexico...on international endeavors of culture, commerce, entertainment and other meaningful bi-national dialogue," is urging the board to oust members from Matamoros.

"Presently, there are several on the board that exhibit no leadership abilities and are taking up space," wrote Maldonado – whose wife Elizabeth "Liz" Maldonado is also a past president – and said "we have entirely too much 'dead wood'".
But going even further, Maldonado wrote board members and MAA supporters that "We should be able to find qualified people from our own country to served (serve?). Why are we recruiting from another country to lead this organization?" he asked. "They have fine organizations in Mexico the can join."
The revelations come in the heels of the resignation of Arturo Trevino who cited differences in opinion with some members of the board and its supporters for his departure.
Chavez reportedly at first declined the honor, but after his conditions were met – for him and his family to be flow in on a private plane with a $26,000 price tag, an alleged $22,000 honorarium, and a limited number of public appearances – he relented and met with current MAA president Artemio Alvarez, Treviño, Cowen and his son Michael Cowen, a San Antonio attorney, in a San Antonio hotel.
The younger Cowen, not a MAA member, denied that Chavez was paid the $22,000 and said the champ stated his dislike of private charter planes despite Torres' email to the contrary. (See graphic at right.)
Other board members have complained that past presidents – besides reaping the benefits of their positions with choice sitting and free passes to the paid events ($100 to see Chavez and $800 per table) – do not enlist sponsors or pay for anything.
One member said that Ralph Cowen does not permit the members from soliciting a sponsorship from hs son Michael, but demands prominent seating and free entry to the events.
Such is the case, states a board source, with the Maldonados who include their son Michael among the selected guest lists.
"Leo an Liz not only do not bring anything to the association – no sponsors, don't sell tickets,...yet are the first ones and last ones to leave all the events. Now they are trying to control board nominations and demanding to attend all events for free. Past presidents (like Torres and Cowen and now the Maldonados) are trying to control the nomination of Mr. Amigoand putting down the people from Mexico who serve on the board."
Friends and Community members, do not support the Mr. Amigo Association. It's a GRINGO CLUB. Avoid them, they don't mean well for our community. It's all about GRINGOS interests. Already GRINGOS are not held in high regard.
The city needs to step in and take over but first they need to audit this organization and by the state or a law agency.
Matamoros should setup an organization and do the same thing and not come over here and suck on the titties they want everything free gimme gimme gimme...
The free pass is over
First they come here to steal and now they want the Tejanos to support them
MAA sucks and should be disband. Purely a self serving group of individuals with big egos. Otherwise known as “Mamones”.
Ese pinche Cowen nomas se la pasa tragando. El unico tiempo que no esta tragando es cuando esta dando el grito. Se la pasa viajando y tragando y el que paga es el puerto y Mr. Amigo Association.
Major California refinery explosion, fire temporarily shuts down 405 Freeway
Its coming (LNG) and you can thank one of those people on the pic what fun they are having with monies from the poorest community in the country. Dale Gas pinche gringos
Las aguellitas en el southmost juntando sus centavitos para para pagar las taxas para que estos mamones de paseen pinches culos.
Latin American society, wherever found, is stratified into socio-economic levels. There is hostility and prejudice between these layers. The comment section on this blog illustrates this cultural truth over and over again.
I say DOWN CON LOS GRINGOS, the community is speaking up, we don't approve of you, you are nobody. We don't trust you (GRINGOS) and want nothing to do with you. Your type is OVER!!!
A Mexican-American who gets a good education, speaks perfect English, works hard and is successful is resented by the low class Mexicans and called a Coco. These Nacos are their own worse enemies. They wallow in their loser culture and throw rocks at those who make good. What total fools they are!
I hear the Maldonado's were a rowdy bunch on the Mayflower.
los Mamones Brigade
Ahora si se va hacer una revolucion en contra de los gringos. Abajo con ellos, ya estamos cansados de ellos.
Gringos, what you are about to experience, you never saw coming. An uprising in the making is happening, now, right now.
Gringos, your time has run out. Get out of our way or we will get you out of our way. This is not your time anymore.
Uuuy uuuy se enojo el pinche coco mamon NUNCA VAS HACER UN GRINGO they even use gringo names y mas prietos que la pintura negra MAMONES...
Pinches cocos mamones Oh my name if ralph oh my name is cindy lou oh my name is randy hahahahaha lol pinches cocos...
These comments are dripping with Gringo hate. This is coming from one maybe two demented people, as it is not the thinking of the vast majority of people in Brownsville. I would reminded these sickos that it has been many decades since the Gringos held any real power down here. Blaming Gringos for this shit hole place is blame misplaced. The sickos need to man up and take their share of blame. This town is what it is due to Mexican leadership.
The Gringos took nothing from the sicko posters because they have nothing to take...losers is what they are. They are puro huarache.
Leo, its time for you and your compadres (the Torres, Hernandez, Morales, etc) to accept that fact that you guys are the dead wood now. For years you guys handled the Mr. Amigo Assoc. like it was your own private club. It was hard to become a member because there were so many family members and personal friends in the assoc. Although you all brought in famous personalities and some of you appeared on Mexican television, those days are gone now. For now, get out of the way and let the current association members decide what to do and who they want.
It was meant to happen! A revolution against the GRINGOS. NOW !
LOOSER mariado por Oscar De La Hoya no uno, pero DOS read my lips, DOS veces. Se quedo en la esquino llorando me pego me pego me rindo no mas no mas.. hahahahaha
@February 27, 2020 at 11:40 AM
Must be a coco wanna be white
verda bro...
February 27, 2020 at 11:40 AM
Why don't you comment when you read racist remarks against meskins estupido only when it is returned back to the gringo you feel hurt. pinche guey
FYI: Gringo is just as offensive to Anglo-Americans as Meskin is to Mexican-Americans. Both are racial slurs as used by commentators here.
meskins and gringos? offensive? na I don't think so guey
Uuuy que delicado este putitooooo viva america
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