Tuesday, February 4, 2020


By Juan Montoya

The City of Port Isabel, Mayor J.J. Zamora and city commissioner Mario Cantu have filed a motion for temporary and permanent injunction against the Brownsville Navigation District to prevent it from construction and operations of liquified natural gas (LNGs) upon its premises.

In Cause 2020-DCL-00459 filed on January 27 and assigned to the 445th District Court, the plaintiffs claim that if the port is allowed to construct three LNG terminals and processing plants "PI and its inhabitants shall sustain injury and damages to their respective property within the city limits of PI and shall sustain injury and damages to their air, soil, food, and water quality which shall affect the health, safety and welfare of PI’s inhabitants.

Without the injunction requested herein the citizens and inhabitants of PI shall sustain a probable, imminent, and irreparable injury."

The 13-page motion contains seven lengthy attachments from applications to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission from the various liquid natural gas businesses including but not limited to Texas LNG Brownsville LLC, Annova LNG Common Infrastructure, LLC, Rio Grande LNG LLC, and NextDecade Corporation and studies by environmental experts.

In the motion, the plaintiffs say that "The premises BND leased to the various liquid natural gas businesses border the city limits of the City of Port Isabel Texas or are in very close proximity to the city limits of the City of Port Isabel Texas and within the City of Port Isabel’s extra-territorial jurisdiction."

The motion also claims that "the various liquid natural gas businesses and the facilities that are to be constructed and operated in close proximity to the City of Port Isabel and the Laguna Atascosa Wild Life Refuge shall have a detrimental and negative impact upon the environment, including air, soil and water quality for the inhabitants of the City of Port Isabel and the wildlife located in and around the Laguna Atascosa Wild Life Refuge.

"The City of Port Isabel has obtained expert analysis from various environmental specialists which establish that the construction and operation of the liquid natural gas facilities shall detrimentally and negatively affect the environment, including air, soil and water quality for the inhabitants of the City of Port Isabel and the surrounding wildlife."

The motion states that "Zamora has generations-long ties to the community and the surrounding environment, (and) is greatly concerned with the adverse impacts that will undoubtedly befall the City of Port Isabel, its inhabitants and the wildlife. 

"Zamora fears the effect of toxins and other harmful emissions from the liquid natural gas facilities will devastate the environment and contaminate the water and fish so necessary to Port Isabel’s economy and way of life. Fishing is not only a past time enjoyed by many who live and visit Port Isabel, Texas but it is an integral and critical industry to the Port Isabel economy."

Former Cameron County Judge Gilbert Hinojosa is listed as the attorney for the City of Port Isabel.


Anonymous said...

This suit should have been filed long ago. Even with Gilberto Hinojosa representing them....me thinkith that LNG has already won. Don't think the "extraterritorial dog" will hunt in this case.

Anonymous said...

Remember when Trump criticized NFL players for taking a knee during while the National Anthem played?

Watch Trump The Clown pretend to be directing a band while the National Anthem is playing, also notice his wife and others standing still with their hands over their hearts while this fool, yet again, makes a mockery of of our anthem, our country and our traditions!


Anonymous said...

Clupper is the answer!

Vote Donald Clupper!!!!

Anonymous said...

According to Congressman Eric Swalwell, it isn’t even that the GOP members of the Senate are choosing party over country; they are, he told me, “choosing their job over their country. What if they don’t have a job in the Senate?”

Anonymous said...

The LNG abatements were decided on a 3-2 vote. It only takes removing one county commissioner to stop this from happening

Anonymous said...

Enough of this bull shit cutting down the PRESIDENT of United States. Go comment somewhere else where the subject is Donald Trump. Learn to read and stick to the Subject. Port Isabel vs. Port of Brownsville is the subject. Seems like the above commentators only got to the elementary level. Some readers like to read on the subject being discussed. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

I agree clupper only if he fights to stop LNG at the port kudos for PI elected officials looks like the ones here are a bunch of self serving dogs...

Anonymous said...

LNG. Done deal. Thank you President Trump.

Anonymous said...

@6:05 I agree with you 100%! That includes the pendejo Lucio and racist commenter! Chinga tu culo!

Anonymous said...

Pelosi rips up Trump (Cheetolini) speech at conclusion of State of the Union, Cheetolini the coward just got some payback...

Anonymous said...

No Boca Chica beach and coming soon unable to breath clean air GRACIAS PINCHE POLITICOS

John said...

Juan Montoya's hit a final inning bases loaded home run over the left field fence with this scoop.

This should really shake up the field in the 05-04-2020 Port Commissioner races.

The filing deadline for candidates is 11-14-2020 at 5:00 PM and so Simple Simon none of the three Port Commissioner incumbents up for reelection should get a free run. Check out the Port's webpage on the election at https://www.portofbrownsville.com/commission/bnd-election/.

Replace just one of the Port Commissioner incumbents and replace Benavides with Clupper and you'll have a whole new ball game here. With more good jobs that keep more of the money generated here rather than being vacuumed up by Rio Grande LNG (owned by NextDecade, which is based in Houston), Annova (owned by Exelon, based in Chicago), Texas LNG (owned by Glenfarne, based in New York), and Enbridge (based in Canada, owner of the Valley Crossing Pipeline, recently tapped by NextDecade to build the Rio Bravo Pipeline here).

Anonymous said...

State SENATOR. EDDIE LUCIO, JR. penned a letter on May 11, 2015 saying, “Please accept this letter of support for the Annova LNG Brownsville­ Project’s request to initiate the Commission’s pre-filing review of the project. … Given the project’s positive economic impact in terms of jobs and estimated tax revenues, and environment. I support the development of the Annova LNG Brownsville Project.”

wrote on Sept. 4, 2015, “I understand the potential impact the Project can create for our communities and the opportunities it may establish for our workforce and environment. I am confident the Commission and agencies involved will effectively determine the Project’s external validity is in compliance with our communities’ best interests.”

Letters of Support

Texas LNG appreciates the strong support from the local community.

We have received Letters of Support from:

Texas Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. (Senate of Texas, District 27) 2015

Texas Representative Eddie Lucio III (Texas House of Representatives, District 38)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the Lucios are TRUMP supporters.... are they even Democrats??

John said...

Embarrassed, I must correct a mistake I made in my 02-05-2020 comment here. Here's a corrected, more detailed post about the upcoming Port Commissioners elections scheduled for 05-02-2020:


> THERE IS NO FILING FEE. So the price is just right for folks wanting to run for an elected position for the first time. The timing is also right because the Port Isabel legal challenge to the Port of Brownsville Commissioners LNG efforts will get publicity for your campaign and voters questioning how the incumbent Commissioners are endangering local economies and local health to build an LNG empire at the Port. In addition, you can pick the weakest of the three incumbents to run against if you're the first to file against them in this race. Especially if you get a team mate to run beside you against the two weakest incumbents.

> There is no requirement for petitions signed by registered voters.

You just have to be 18 yrs or older, a resident of Texas for the last 12 months, a resident within the Brownsville Navigation District for the last 6 months, and registered to vote. If you've been found incompetent by a court of law or have been convicted of a felony, you're ineligible unless you've gotten a pardon and gotten your voting rights restored. See if you can get EL RRUN RRUN to cover your filing complete with a photo of you completing the filing application at the Port.

For the details on how to file, how to appoint a campaign treasurer, how to complete campaign financial reports, the boundaries of the Brownsville Navigation District, go to https://www.portofbrownsville.com/commission/bnd-election/.

And/or contact Margie Recio at the Port of Brownsville Administrative Office, 1801 Foust Road, Brownsville, (956) 831-4592, mrecio@portofbrownsville.com.

This is a good chance to get at least one new face on the Board of Port Commissioners. How about a woman or two or three? How about someone under age 30? How about someone from a shrimping family?

Anonymous said...

Do not re-elect anybody at the port and fire that puppet mamon.
