Sunday, February 23, 2020



Anonymous said...

Viva Freddy Y San Bene.

Anonymous said...

Schools in san bene are named with gringo names water tanks have meskin names NO MAMEN pinche san bene

Anonymous said...

The new wave meskins with gringo names hahahahahahah lol Billy Joe Jodido, Randy Maranero lol... nomas en sanben

Anonymous said...

I remember Freddy when he played at squeezer’s in Brownsville

Anonymous said...

Also played at Leonard’s on central Blvd

Anonymous said...

Baldemar Huerta.
Put that name, his real one, on the fucking water tower!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember JAK's Midway saloon in North Harlingen? Freddy played there every weekend in the late 60's. Now that was music and fun times.

Anonymous said...

Feb 28 at 10:38...your narrative is typical of the uneducated Mexican; or should we say dumbass...

Anonymous said...

Tengo una cubeta con agua y le voy a poner un nombre gringo Rin Tin Tin...

Anonymous said...

A legend that loss the battle against the evil brew

Wasted Days said...

Balde was my friend. He made peace with his demons long before he passed. Too bad his idiot family won’t let go of their own prejudices and stupidity. His life would make one hell of a movie! Sad how it has turned out. He was always held back more by his family than he ever was by bad management, alcohol or and then! Rest In Peace, Baldemar.

Anonymous said...

It took him decades to get to the top of the mountain. And now his music is fading into the sunset. It’s funny how time pardons no one

Anonymous said...

El Hijo De Sue, big hit for Freddie
