Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Image result for trump star wars

By Rick Ruenes
Special to El Rrrun-Rrun

God gives us life. 

You can’t pick what country you’re born in. America used to be the land of the freedom and justice for all, the land of the brave.

If you're one of the lucky ones to be born in America then, what do you do for the not-so-fortunate ones? You build barriers, walls, create non-crossing borders laws and you elect a racist nut job to enforce all this. 

Remember through everyone’s veins runs immigrant blood. Since 2016, America has become land of limited freedoms, Not justice for all, and somewhat cowardly for some with the threat of the immigrant invasions and government taking your guns away. Might as well be scared of the Cucuy, and “La Llorona” too while you’re at it.

The Republican Party of Lincoln has evolved into Republican Party of the Ostrich (heads in a hole in the ground). Fifty one Republican Senators voting in the impeachment trial voting straight party line. No witnesses, no new discovery of evidence, nothing at all. 

They are now known as the party of cowards scared to contradict Trump in any way because it might cost them their re-election. Everyday their inability to decide and vote on pending laws are costing people’s lives. 

We sit still and see mass shooting after mass shootings, domestic terrorists acts occur, gun regulations ignored, Mitch McConnell not even bringing these bills up for a vote. Republican filibusters killing bills that could save countless lives.

You have a president that was a draft dodger with imaginary bone spurs paid by his father’s money and yet, now has the power to put your sons, daughters in an Iranian war conflict that might end their lives. You have a president that breaks every rule in the book every day. I often refer to these Trumpers as “Trump Zombies”. Seems they cannot think on their own. No brains, if you will.

I sometimes feel like we are in a Star Wars movie. The Sith (Republicans) deal in absolutes, like Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell already made up their minds voting against the Impeachment trail even before it started. In 2016 the Empire struck back, now is the Rise of the Jedi. Light vs Dark, good vs evil and we the people vs Trump Zombies.

Only time will tell how this all ends, but history will show this stain on our flag forever. We need to abolish the electoral college; it is a broken system that lifted the rock that Trump came from under. 

New hats: “ Make America, America Again”


Anonymous said...

Who tf are you? What reality do you live in?
History will show how wrong you are. You deal in fallacies and your own prejudices and because you and the rest of the left wing have been told how to think for so long now, you live with your head in the sand. I do enjoy this blog, Montoya, but chuckle at you and your simple readers’ ignorance.

And don’t get me started on that Lame ass Bukowski wanna be McHale...

Anonymous said...

1809 born today:

Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President of the United State (1861-1865)and a republican lol ha ha ha...

Anonymous said...

Nothing to see here in an unraveling republic, except all four prosecutors of convicted felon, political cockroach and Trump bestie Roger Stone just quit the case when the Justice Dept (sic) weirdly overrode them to cut Stone's sentence. Of course it had nothing to do with Trump throwing a 2 a.m. hissy fit and anyway what is this "justice" of which you speak? He's also going after more mean truth-tellers. Horrific consensus: "It's a break-glass-in-case-of-fire moment for justice in America."
quote from common dreams

White House - House of crooks

Anonymous said...

White House house of crooks? Cameron County father of Duval County!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Valley’s welfare Mexicans want a welfare President...not for 4 MORE YEARS...go get a job!

Anonymous said...

February 12, 2020 at 7:17 AM
nothing but racist nazis same as republicans there's still a few left in the RGV estupico

Anonymous said...

There are two Donald Trumps. There is Trump the man, an obnoxious New Yorker who as President has done more positive things for America than any President in recent memory. Then there is the Democrat created Donald Trump who is a Darth Vader figure leading the forces of darkness against the forces of light.

This cartoon evil TRUMP was created because Hillary the Anointed One got shown the door. After a full three years of pushing the cartoon Trump by the radical left, the American people are still not buying this bull shit. So rave on and rave on in vain. Set your sights on 2024 as Trump already has 2020 in the bag.

Anonymous said...

Re[publicans are The New Pendejos, lame-ass sheeple being led to market. Poor bastards. These fucking people never win, in movies, books and blogs! smh

Anonymous said...

You lost the election. Trump won. Get over it. Stop whining and complaining. Try winning an election. And by the way, you can pick where your kid's are born. People come here legally and illegally to give birth all the time.
TRUMP 2020!

Anonymous said...

Quit whining and win an election bitch..

Anonymous said...

He has a bone spur up his ass so he didn't get drafted yellow belly coward

Anonymous said...

Ruenes is a spoiled mexican brat who barely graduated from st joe decades ago. He was a dumb ass then and is still a dumb ass. His writings to the herald are entertaining at most and demonstrate his stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Democrats are constantly whining about their loss in the 2016 election and have been "hating Trump" for their loss ever since. Democrats want to turn this nation into another Venezuela.

Anonymous said...

You mean "Make America racist again" we went back 60 years.

Anonymous said...

When a MEXICAN doesn’t get their way, it’s automatically racist. However, MEXICAN is a NATIONALITY, not a race pendejo. It’s not too late for you to get your GED.

Anonymous said...

So gringo is a mix race and honky a nationality so what is cracker face? Un pendejo?

Anonymous said...

Well we now know this pendejo knows how to use the upper case key, is that all you know? estupido at: February 13, 2020 at 3:03 PM

Anonymous said...

Abolish the Electoral College and turn American over to the left wing nuts in the large East and West Coast cities. The average American will have no voice in it's government. If that every happens duck, because Civil War 2.0 will begin.

Anonymous said...

Uuuy there's a low mentality trumputo in the crowd at February 15, 2020 at 11:00 AM

Anonymous said...

Low mentality trumputo voter can't read or write but votes republican the elistist party what an idiot...
