Monday, February 24, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Someone is getting creative out there. This graphic, based on real numbers, shows that JP 2-1 Linda Salazar has turned her court into a wedding mill over the last 15 years. While her collections lag behind the other two Brownsville JP.s, the number of wedding ceremonies performed by her at more than $200 a pop put at least $120,000 in her pocket each year. Combined with her $56,000 regular salary makes her the highest paid employee making more than district judges, the county judge or the commissioners.

Under Texas law, the only thing the county keeps is the $83 for the marriage license processed by the Cameron County Clerk's office. This indicates a sense of skewered public service. One of her challengers, Cyndi Hinojosa, has pledged to donate al wedding performed in her court Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to the county treasury. Click on graphic to enlarge.)


El Brujo said...

juan dont care how you slice it or dice it, linda salazar will win without a runoff you will see.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, JP Salazar the Mistress of Bean Speak.

Anonymous said...

City Commissioner Nurith Galonsky said one of the things she listed to focus on when she was elected was the Southmost Library. She said she notices how it is almost empty all the time and that residents don't use it as much even if it's closer to their homes.

Pendeja they don't use it because its half empty, now you want to remove it?

That's what you idiotas deserve for not voteing or for voting for a gringa bola de estupidos bye bye library and give that ged director another pay raise for helping to close down the southmost library.

Anonymous said...

JAJA Orale, pichonearte la esposa the valley way. I wonder what linda feels about this.. Her competitor giving away the wedding earnings to the county. Personal vendettas will be made haha. se le esta acabando la leche de la chiche linda!! A MAMAR!!! JAJA

Former RGV LEO said...

To those in the "NACA's" precinct! My friend Fred Arias is the man to vote for! He will do the job that is expected of him and will bring money into the office!

Anonymous said...

Linda is a great example
make her principal for a day or
ask her to go to career day
and speak publicly
just advise her to leave her "condones pa la bironga" at home!

Anonymous said...

She represents who she needs to present THE PEOPLE

Anonymous said...

Linda Salazar is a "slug" that leaves slime everywhere she slithers. She is self-serving and her interests always come before those of the public. She has given political favors to members of her family and friends, while others are discriminated against. She doesn't support justice, she manipulates justice to benefit herself. Linda Salazar needs to go so we can get that slime trail out of the courthouse for good.

Anonymous said...

We met this gentleman Fred Arias and we were so impressed that we called our friends to vote for him. Tomorrow our Bingo club are going to the library to vote for Fred Arias. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Why the name fred?? Is it alfredo? Sounds like if he could he would even change his last name to a gringo name si or no? I don't vote for gringos...

Anonymous said...

Our friends don't approve of gringos ethier. We will not vote for them or do business with them. This community has woken up, enough of the gringo society.

Anonymous said...

woken? by a token?
