Saturday, March 28, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Under the watchful eye of two Cameron County runoff candidates for sheriff (Eric Garza and Omar Lucio) and Brownsville Navigation District candidate Julio Grana, this lone cyclist enjoys the decreased traffic at the intersection of Ruben Torres (FM 802) and U.S. 77-83 (I-69) to pedal his way toward Military Highway (U.S. 281)

We have to have some of the most pschysophrenically-named thoroughfares of any major city. Streets and roads are named one thing, change names in the middle, and then regain the original name again before the next intersection. We hope this guy knows where he's going, regardless of the street name changes.)


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't he be at home? where's the cops and the enforcemtent oh its selective enforcement soooo sssooory...

Anonymous said...

Its a bike and they are exempt from ALL laws. thank you commissioner chisquies

Anonymous said...

the only street you need to be familiar with is LA CATORCE bro.

Anonymous said...

The sum of known coronavirus U.S. cases soared well past 100,000, with more than 1,600 dead y este baboso in la calle

Anonymous said...

I had to go to CVS on Alton Gloor to pick up a prescription and the traffic level was normal. Lots of folks going who knows where.

Anonymous said...

If you had read all seven pages of the Shelter in place document you would that hiking and BIKING are Not Prohibited.

Stay well all.
Stay Home.
Pray often.
Love more.

Anonymous said...

Love thy bikes exempt from all types of law enforcement. mamones

Anonymous said...

Just saw 100's of cars all over the city driving like crazy where's the bike gang?

Anonymous said...

11:30PM and cars on central blvd why?

Anonymous said...

Don't make laws you can't enforce bola de pendejos the whole city is laughting at all of you stupid elected officials even the RGV is laughting at all of you idiots...

Anonymous said...

What they need to do is start issuing citations for the shelter in place laws. Hurt them in the pockets and people will listen. Otherwise all this traffic is going to multiply when they know nothing will happen if they are stopped.
