Saturday, March 21, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Unlike the days before the Democratic Party primary, we have not seen the press release of conference where administrators over at the Cameron County Sheriff's Dept. - or Omar Lucio himself - announced the disciplinary actions against transportation officers over yet another mistake.

Tha last time it was when a convict escaped from his guard and stole his gun before killing a man in his house in Brownsville in front of his family and stole his car before he ended up getting killed in San Benito by law enforcement.

Image result for cameron county sheriff's transport vanThis time, fortunately,  there was no fatality, but sources at Carrizales say that on March 11 transport guards were returning seven inmates to Carrizales from court in Brownsville and took the first five out for reintroduction to the jail and left two young inmates in the van.

According to a message from a witness, the van was turned off, no AC on, the doors were locked, and the windows were all up. When prisoners are transported, they already have have  belly chain (also known as "waist chain," or "Martin chain") which is a physical restraint worn by prisoners consisting of a chain around the waist, to which the prisoner's hands are chained or cuffed. In Cameron County, the ankles are also connected by means of longer chain.

Well, the transport guys apparently took a longer time than they expected with the five prisoners and forgot about the other two in the hot van. On March 11, the high was 86 degrees Fahrenheit, and in a closed van, it was probably higher.

On of the inmates had an anxiety attack and started going into convulsions, the sources said, and the other started to try to kick out the windows of the van.  Were it not for the fact that one of the Carrizales corrections officers went outside to have a cigarette and saw the commotion in the van as the two young inmates struggled to escape the closed vehicle, the developing tragedy might not have been averted.

The result? Both inmates were taken to Valley Regional Hospital where one was treated for extreme anxiety and the other was under observation. Both were eventually returned to Carrizales.

We understand that one of the transport offices was terminated and another given a 10-day suspension. However, there has been no press release or press conference to announce this.  Were it not for the guard going outside for a smoke break, what would have happened?


Anonymous said...

SNAFU: Situation Normal, All Fucked Up

Chuy said...

Juan so which one of the reyna boys got fired? or ese puro pedo? Im sure Omar does not wanted this one more incident to get out to the public and the news media right now after all we are in a run off mode, might damage his rePUTAtion, right Omar? Juan thank you for letting the public know. Vote Eric Garza for Sheriff.

Diego lee rot said...

Smoking too much weed

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They left the prisoners in the van for over 30 minutes. the reason why no one was in serious trouble is because the one which was fired is a close friend of Javier Ryena. He is one of his political buddies. This corruption and illegal activities goes on all of the time. they did not want anyone to know. all of you people who believe the sheriff is a saint and has all of this experience get your head out of your rear end. I laugh at what i see on facebook experience matters yes it does matter it matters greatly. What use of having all that experience when you cant even remember where you live or how to get home. I see photos posted of the sheriff on his facebook putting up his sign on a car window or putting up a sign. really thats not experience why not making an arrest. or doing what we pay you to do. All of you people who call yourself police officers who are backing this idiot you are a bigger idiot than Lucio. He allows the Reyna crooks to run the jail the way they want by doing favors and allowing illegal activities to go on. time for a new sheriff. time to get someone to do the job correctly. so retire before you loose.

Anonymous said...

Could someone explain in simple English what is any different in the rest of the county departments? Anyone know how the investigation at the District Clerk office came out? Anyone remember Judge Limas, our ex DA? So a guard forgot what he was doing, how old was he? I guess younger than the Sheriff.

Anonymous said...

reyna brothers and their GEDs
sorry omar
you need to dump them

Anonymous said...

tella riding his uncles coat tails

Anonymous said...

Si bien transosos haci les combiene no tener. Wow, so crooked! There other ways like mail in starting now to Cameron County. Cameron County Elections needs to get it together and so does the nation. Start mailing them in now and have the cut off earlier by May 1, so that the mail can sit a few days for killing of virus or to be scanned under UV light electronically or manually (gloves/masked employee). These people (elections) are the worst that don’t think out of the box to their crooked convenience!!! Crooked does as crooked gets!!! Of course these entities are obeying the authorities to hold “no” elections. It’s to their convenience to be as crooked as they get because both these entities are being run to the ground by severe incompetence and want to hide it through creative accounting. Well done in wasting tax payer dollars!!! Severe and negligent decision making to not problem solve and hold elections. They are the reason millennials and generation Z fold their hands and don’t problem solve the problems in life or act in apathy. The role modeling is shitty with elected officials and the croooked entities they represent!!!! They are all politicians out for themselves only and their fat pockets!!! They could care less about the population they serve and just add to the problem through bad decision making.

Anonymous said...

I took the civil service exam to work at the cameron county jail. Scored a perfect score. Im a former state corrections officer and special operator....couldnt get an interview lol.

Anonymous said...

As a boy scout I applied and got an interview and was hired immediately, won't get fooled again.

Anonymous said...

You need to take them out cruising once in a while just doin' his job

Anonymous said...

They only hire Crooks, and Non English speaking Losers, And their Homies.If you have experience they don't want you.But every Dog has his day. Just wait and see.

Anonymous said...

I am not a crook I bet the'd hire nixon right away ooooh no he's republican soooo sssorrrry...

don pedro said...

joke joke joke those reyna boys and omar lucio, need to throw out the trash period.

Anonymous said...

You get what you pay for with County. Plus, when you are giving jobs to people you know instead of well deserved candidates then you have issues like these occurring. This falls on the administration and lack of oversight when it comes to recruitment of employees. This is a huge complaint by deputies when it comes to the jail staff. The jail cannot be trusted to do there job properly. An innocent person lost there life due to the Sheriff's Office incompetence. It is seriously time for change. Cameron County voters need to make change. Unfortunately, in the 25 years I've been in the valley I've always seen low voter turnout. Citizens need to get involved and force change to overcome incompetence in the county government agencies.
