Saturday, March 7, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Before March 3, election day, the Cameron County Sheriff's Department couldn't get enough publicity, it seemed.

Image result for omar lucioSuddenly, on-board computers on patrol cars seemed like a great idea. Body cams were coming, too, said octogenarian Sheriff Omar Lucio.

These pronouncements were made during hastily called press conferences even as they occurred. The media lapped it up.

And just as early voting started, the Rucker-Carrizales jail came into compliance with the standards imposed by the state after years of being in violation.

And then came the wayward deputy tampering with a DWI report to lower the violation to a less serious charge who was paraded before the media. Or the one caught cheating a prostitute of her money and getting a freebie in a parking lot in Hidalgo County. Please. Pay the lady!

Cleaning up corruption, you understand. Transparency, accountability, you know the drill.

But the future cheats you from afar.

Because during the early voting period before the March 3, sheriff investigators had caught on to a wayward jail guard - one Ivan Montoya - who had been pushing pot inside the old jail on Harrison St. In fact, he had been doing it for a few weeks before the smell alerted the other guards to report it to their superior. Maybe a contact high?

The bust finally came down March 3, the same day as the election .

What did the sheriff and his administration do? Did they stop campaigning at Burns Elementary to inform the public of the miscreant? Did they call the newspapers and television stations to let the public know that even though all the prisoners were telling Montoya that everybody knew he was pushing pot under the non-discerning noses of  the other guards, he continued to sell joints?

Not, well it wouldn't have been convenient to let the voting public that there was a virtual cannabis shop over at the old jail, would it? In fact, when the investigation started, guards found almost two ounces of pot inside the cell.

The bust went down on Tuesday, but it would be three days later before the media broke the story and the department had to acknowledge that the bust had even occurred. Where was the transparency, accountability, and all the other buzz words of the sheriff's campaign and mailouts?

Why wait three days after the election that resulted in a runoff between him and former Cameron County District Clerk Eric Garza to acknowledge the embarassing truth? Was the claim to  transparency just a pipe dream that the Lucio administration paraded out to the public to garner their vote?

Will the public relations effort end up being the opiate of the voters? The runoff election is May 23. How many other gimmicks and sleight-of-hand will the incumbent administration pull off? Or will reality sink into the voters before it's all over and done?


Anonymous said...

Sheriff candidate Eric Garza should drop out. He has no path to victory.

Anonymous said...

The geezer is running scared.

Anonymous said...

How about the Asshole Lt.Sanchez why isn't he moved again . He knows what was going on.Afterall he thinks his Shit don't stink. Bring Lt Flores back. He knows how to run the jail the correct way.

Anonymous said...

The guard thought that it was for the Scumbag Rene Oliveira but he got his information wrong the information had been relayed wrong, so he gave it to the prisoners instead.

Anonymous said...

Our Library group is with Eric Garza.

Anonymous said...

Alot of wierd things happen around election time like that fluff piece with the TSC President and John Sharp recently insinuating something had been done.....trying to allevite the bad PR from the port debacle.....its all spin right? Did anything actually happen Montoya? Or just supporting Adela?

Anonymous said...

As a community we should all vote this administration out. Enough is enough. The employees must be fed up with the issues of this Sheriff and his Reyna brothers. Time for a change.

Anonymous said...

That is common within Cameron County jail staff. Is the media were to actually investigate the ongoing of the jail staff it would shock them. An example is a Jailer by the name of Andrew Rocha. During his employment as a jailer, his brother (Miguel Rocha), was wanted by Cameron County for two active warrants. One was for a hit and run accident...which was a two year old warrant. The other was for a DWI arrest. Both were failure to appear warrants by Cameron County. Now Andrew Rocha could claim he didn’t know. Yet, that argument is invalid when Miguel Rocha lives with him and knew he was arrested both times. Miguel Rocha was finally arrested by the Sheriffs Office but why wasn’t Andrew Rocha terminated for his lack of integrity ? Yes people may say he is just a jailer and basically a nobody. But he does work for the Sheriffs Office as a jailer and does represent the Sheriffs Office. He also acknowledged his hand booked when hired and promised to adhere to rules and regulations of Cameron County...which he clearly violated by harboring a wanted person for two years. As I have said before, the media should look into the jailers and they would be very surprised.

Anonymous said...

It is all a smoke screen about the computers in the patrol units. The citizens are being lied too because the computer Sheriff Lucio showed on his media press it was fake just a lie because the computer system is not functioning and not even close to being in operation. They don't have the system set up for that. Sheriff Lucio just lies and lies on the citizens faces he doesn't care about technology that is why the Sheriff Deputies don't even have tazers less then leathal options available for the Deputies to use. The Old Timer Sheriff Lucio believes in the 18 centuries that Deputies should just carry nights sticks not even guns. Sheriff Lucio always believed that if a Deputy couldn't talk any one being arrested in to voluntarily hand cuffing themself that the Deputies shouldn't be working for him that is how old timer he is.

Anonymous said...

The Cameron Board on Facebook is the Sheriff's Deputies Association which is run under the instructions of the Sheriff and Administrators. Sonny Pedraza a member (related to Gabriela "Gabby Garcia candidate to the 138th District Court) and Rick Gomez a member(brother to Constable Abel Gomez) along with other favorites of the Sheriff's Office behead the ideals of the Administration and support any and all wishes of their Superiors to control the elections as they please. Voters will be smart and we will not vote for this candidates. Looking forward to clean the swamp.

Anonymous said...

You know that old movie Ol Yeller.. its time for lucio just like that dog. Time for new opportunities with other new blood.

Anonymous said...

This is to just show you how corrupt the administration is. Come on people they are all currupt. Many of the jailers are afraid to speak up and talk about what is actually going on in the sheriffs department. Many of the jailers were force to go and stand in a street corner and show signs of Lucio. All of you people are so ignorant. there is so much illegal activity going on there. Ask Lucio of the afair he id having with the young secretary and how he is paying her bills. Yes he is old but he gets free blue pills from the infirmary. Lets not forget the reyna illigal brothers who also get free medical from the medical staff. this idiot brining in the Marijuana has been going on for many years this is not the first illigal activity. Look at Valerio who was stealing his time and making money. BY the way who is also hanging out and partying with drug dealers. oh and the gordo Hernandez who the only way he made captain was because of his connections with the church and how he brought in votes and money for Lucio. it was this for that. He says he has all of this experience yes he has all of these years but what good is having all of these years when you have not done anything to show.

Anonymous said...

The New York Times: you make the news, they print it and you have to pay them to read it. ONLY IN THE GOOD OLD USofA...

Anonymous said...

The greedy gringos ara all over, another scam

Anonymous said...

March 7, 2019 Brownsville Herald story, "The District Attorney is currently conducting an investigation." The investigation mentioned is about the office of District Clerk Eric Garza this is now a year ago does anyone know how that ended up? The auditor had to tell Garza about it, because he was what too busy running for Sheriff. Guess he should know how to conduct an investigation into his own office funds since he wants to be the top cop.

Anonymous said...

Lucio and his Homies are shitting bricks right about now. Eric gave him a surprise and another one is coming in May.

Anonymous said...

Omar Lucio is a relic who is being manipulated by the corrupt losers; the Reyna Brothers. They looked at Eric Garza's goals for the department and suddenly Garza's goals were adopted by the Reynas. Omar Lucio needs to go to a nursing home, not remain in office. And the Reyna Brothers need to be removed from local government employment and probably need to be in jail themselves.

Anonymous said...

Viva Omar Lucio.

Anonymous said...

juan this is just one of the many things wrong and whats going on and thats the reason voters want a change to the sheriff dept, jail and getting rid of the reyna brothers who rule these walls like hitler and omar just goes along like mussolini.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Montoya: I know my comment has nothing to do with your article but please write an article about how the corona virus is affecting our stores locally. I have been to 3 HEB's the 3 Walmarts, some of the Dollar Trees and they DONT have alcohol, the infamous face masks, NO germ-X or any kind of gel, no Lysol and in some the water bottles are also gone. You ask the clerks and they tell you in a week or two. Will it get better? Worse? Prices are higher than usual, stores are making big bucks and the consumer is the one being affected. I was at a store at the mall where they sell pocket size hand sanitizer 5 for 8 dollars and people were buying it like crazy without reading the big sign that said it will help clean MILD bacteria in your hands.
Hand sanitizer can be made with alcohol and glycerin, but, of course, people don't "trust" it as much as the expensive store bought . Please do an article with information. Also, the Catholic churches have removed all holy water and have told parishioners not to do sign of peace during mass. Catholic private schools follow same protocol.
Thank you for your information or article that you can publish.

Anonymous said...

Of course keep it quite. The old Buzzard ain't dumb.Lt. Sam Sanchez knew 1 week before election. But he was too busy eating those huge flour tortillas with Puro Chorizo.

Anonymous said...

Don't confuse misleading information from blogs. The new Sgt. at the Sheriff's Office Almanza is rumored to be affiliated to the Gulf Cartel.

Anonymous said...

Desperate times calls for desperate measures. The Facebook account named "Cameron County News" controlled and run by the new Sgt. Almanza from the Sheriff's Office who try to confuse and control the outcome of elections misguided by personal interest.

Anonymous said...

Javier Reyna's disguised Facebook acct "Brownsville Candidates" managed by him because he is too afraid to post from his failed campaign Facebook account. People have been observing the behavior for too long. Go out to Vote in May. Make a difference.

Anonymous said...

The BV talks about the Gulf Cartel wants tge other candidate to win suggesting to control him. With zero evidence. Firstof all, the undercover deputy who actually should take credil for those millions of dollars is solely responsible for that mpney being obtained by Sheriff's Dept. Sheriff Lucio had nothing to do with it. BV talks about being the only truthful blog. Does not sound like it. Misguided blog.

Anonymous said...

Pinches vatos bañados

Anonymous said...

Almanza es transa de Matamoros con su familia. Todos saben en su casa en Matamoros es de verse. Con la familia de este vato de farmacias chuecas.

Anonymous said...

If the Reynas want to stay in control of the dept they should run for office.

Anonymous said...

Dejen al el senor lucio en paz pobre viejito.

Anonymous said...

Almanza pa Sheriffe

Anonymous said...

Team Chambers Nov 2020

Anonymous said...

Abel Gomez for Sheriff 2024

Anonymous said...

Reynas do not take medication from the jail because Almanza brings it from the farmacias in Matamoros.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff Lucio forever sheriff

Anonymous said...

Lt. Sam Sanchez leaked the information to the media because he is upset with a Reyna

Anonymous said...

Sgt Rodrigo Almanza another corrupted cop. He was the one that publish the article about the now demoted Sgt Valerio about the time sheets believe me when I tell you that he did it for his own personal gain. See Almanza's father gave Sheriff Lucio a big donation for his campain and in return Sheriff Lucio promise him a Supervisor position for his son R. Almanza. That article on Sgt. Valerio says that he was under investigation for 2 years which was a big lie because Sgt Valerio didn't even got reprimanded for the time sheet because they couldn't find any wrong doing. Oh but they made it sound like he was falsefying the time sheets and made a big deal about it. If any one would request the time sheets as public records, they would find out that it was a lie. Sgt. Almanza just wanted the position. Cap. Javier Reyna conspired with Almanza to burn Sgt. Valerio so that they could target him to get him demoted at all cost. It is true that the Reyna's brothers are running the Sheriff Department and thats because the old man Sheriff Lucio just goes to the office and takes repitted naps in his elegant tax payers chair as he has been seen many times. I bet no ones know that around Christmas toy collection where the Sheriff send Deputies on county time to collect toys, just so that Sheriff Lucio, Chief Gus Reyna, and that kiss ass Lt. Domingo Diaz get first pick on the toys comming in. Yes thats right this administrators name above always get first pick on the toys. They have been seen going in to the training room and hand picking the toys they want. Sheriff Lucio fills bags of toys for his grand kids and has Lt. Carlos Del Bosque and Richard Uribe carry them to his tax payers truck so he can take them home. I bet no one knew about this and if you did speak up lets show this corrupted Administrators for what they are.

Anonymous said...

Pipe for sheriff bring him back

Anonymous said...

I guess este pendejo writing all those comments didn't write enough while in school or is it that he has nothing else to do. PAPER PUSHER NADA MAS and we're seeing it now. HOw is he going to make a felony arrest "write a note" hahahahaha house mouse paper pusher...

Anonymous said...

Its against the law to mistreat senior citizens all of you are under arrest let me write it on my memo. Ops I don't carry a pistola just paper and pen.

Anonymous said...

When Turkeys are donated before or after Thanksgiving the Sheriff orders Lee Uribe to take the turkeys to his house for his family, children, grandkids, and great grandkids. Also Many of the favored staff get to take turkeys home which are donated for the less fortunate.

Anonymous said...

Several years back a maintenance a/c employee was sent to the Sheriff's 2nd house in Bandera, Texas to place an A/C unit. Rumored that the A/C was purchased with the County Jail fund.

Anonymous said...

Damn all these losses off employees airing out that dirty laundry. But I wonder what posting all this crap. I wonder if it’s that pissed off employee who was reassigned to a different north end division. I guess he doesn’t remember about all those chicks he would hook up with while investigating cases. Maybe that was the reason he got reassigned. Guess it’s hard to chose between doing your on or hooking up with witnesses on duty in your big on duty undercover truck with tinted windows huh.

Anonymous said...

10:05 comment sound like you are saying Mendieta is the one trashing the office he works for. Mendieta guess you couldn’t keep your identity a secret. Some investigator you are. Ha the truth comes out. These are employees getting caught and have been reassigned so they are upset mendieta I wonder if your fellow co workers got your six?! If you think you will rank up with Eric than you have it all wrong. Eric and his people are just using you and the other upset employees. Maybe your wife will find out about all your side flings now that you didn’t think this trough. Karma is a bitch!

Anonymous said...

Now we have the sheriff's dept airing their dirty laundry just like the fire dept, police dept, cob administration, the library, dept, cameron county and BISD. Juanito you got everybody running for cover!!!


Anonymous said...

Luis Mendieta was reassigned because he was f***ing the payroll employee...Bianca... maybe they need to audit his timesheet... Eric promised Mendieta the Chief position.....

Anonymous said...

At 8:24 you must be writing in county time since you have no one to supervise Alamanza. Who's Mendieta? We definitely know who you are since ypu bought your rank and will still be comsidered a deserter from the Army.

Anonymous said...

Same strategy as the one used on Carlos Garza. Using false statements of affairs to create pain and suffering in the marriage. Everyone is a suspect at the Sheriff's Office.

Anonymous said...

Javier Reyna's friend Junior, Who currently owns a runs the Commissary at the jail, is currently also in a state of shock with the Run-Off election. Junior would be at a loss if the Sheriff does not get re-elected. Junior would No longer contribute to Javier Reyna.

Anonymous said...

Almanza for Sheriff

Anonymous said...

I have known Mr. Lucio and his family for over 30 years, they are honest people. Eric Garza claims in his slogan "The change we need, the protection we deserve" what a joke! He probably means the change HE needs for a higher paycheck and the protection for who? If he really cares about the citizens of Cameron county he would be out patrolling the streets since he is a "Reserve deputy contstable" but wait....he hasn't logged in any hours working as a peace officer in the last year, hell maybe two years! So what does that tell you? He is only in it for his own glory. I have heard from some of his ex employees at the districts clerks office that once he became the district clerk he totally changed and became rude, narcissist and a micro manager. Sure the sheriffs dept has had some bad apples, but who doesnt? But, they have been dealt with swiftly and appropriately. Mr. Lucio has integrity and transparency. Chose wisely people. Experience DOES matter!

Anonymous said...

Ok. Lets get this correct. the Sheriff was so proud to post and show the check he received for his detective taking down one of the biggest drug dealer in Mexico. If i remember correctly GUS el borracho and Javier the wife beater harassed the Detective and made his life a living hell when he was trying to do his job. they would not allow him to do what he was good at. what were they attempting to cover up. In another note. people what is the definition of a thief. HMMMM well here it is.

Learn to pronounce
a person who steals another person's property, especially by stealth and without using force or violence.

it does not matter what you steal a thief is a thief. no matter what is the price. the Sheriff and the Reyna brothers have been stealing from the county for many years. there has been so many cover ups.
oh by the way. There is a Certain Lt. by the name of Alvaro Guerra who was a Mexican Police Officer in Matamorros who by the way is connected with the Guerras from Matamorros if you all remember they were big drug dealers who also murdered innocent people.

As far as the Jail. lets look at the big fat promoted Captain who is suppose to be a good christian man. he Left his wife because he fell in love with a female in the jail. Its funny when i see him he dresses in black. i guess he believes that black makes him look thin. Dummy you are still fat. He is the biggest crook in the jail. he has been making a lot of money with the overtime. the only reason he is a captain is because he is a big fat snitch for the Reynas. he tells them everything. He also will cover up all of the dirty work for them.
Joe Elizardi also is corrupt. he also left his wife for a jailer in the jail. he claimed to be sick and they did a plate sale for his condition when he actually had surgery for a tummy tuck.
Sam Sanchez. cant say it enough he is only there because of his brother in law. Major George Garcia who likes to steal from the county to stock his house with things like Toilet Paper.
People wake up. son pura bola de idiotas. the sheriff has no clue of what is going on.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

