Tuesday, March 31, 2020


The McHale Report yesterday in its Monday edition reported that Valley Regional Medical Center (VRMC), desperate financially compared to Valley Baptist Medical Center (VBMC), broke the news that VRMC was opening its doors to all Coronavirus patients. The information was greeted with a mixed reaction, critics fearing that the COVID-19 treatment would exacerbate the health crisis in Brownsville.

The Brownsville Herald ran this today story that VRMC would be implementing a far-reaching mask policy at its hospital. Is this CEO Art Garza's way of breaking the news that Brownsville will become the epicenter for treating patients struck by the pandemic? Why didn't the dying daily ask the executive about the rumored plan. Here is the newspaper's article that skirted the most important question:

Valley Regional Medical Center announced today that all staff and providers in all patient care areas will now wear masks, expanding their use beyond suspected or positive COVID cases.

Masks will be optional only for colleagues in non-patient care areas who can consistently maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet aside from brief interactions with colleagues.

“Our top priority is protecting our patients, clinicians, nurses, and colleagues so we can best serve our communities through the duration of this pandemic,” said Art Garza, chief executive officer of Valley Regional Medical Center. “These new guidelines apply to all areas of our patient care facilities, not just those where suspected COVID or COVID-positive patients are being treated.”

The hospital is deploying three types of masks, depending on the clinical role, the type of care the patient is receiving, and the level of suspicion for infection with COVID.

>> Level 1 “procedure” masks for all colleagues not needing higher levels of protection.

>>Level 3 masks for additional protection from fluids and droplets, and for use by colleagues caring directly for suspected COVID or COVID positive patients, except when performing aerosolized procedures.

>>N-95 respirators for colleagues caring for suspected COVID or COVID positive patients, and are the only mask that should be used during aerosolizing procedures, such as intubation, nebulization, bronchoscopy, or suctioning.


Anonymous said...

I believe The Herald and not El Paya Jerry. Ese guey es un mentiroso de primera! Siempre con su pedo. Aparenta mas a un pendejo que a un reportero.

Anonymous said...

Money hungry assholes that's all they are and putting this town in danger but we have a mayor that don't give a dam or any other elected official...

Anonymous said...

Wow....valley regional is a fine hospital.
We're all gonna get exposed to CORONAVIRUS anyway
....just isolate ourselves completely

Anonymous said...

It's Trump's fault. I hate him.
