Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Special to El Run-Rrun

By all indications, if the Facebook post at right purported to be by Julio Grana is true, the candidate challenging Brownsville Navigation District chairman John Reed for Place 3, has pulled out of the race.

Efforts to reach Grana have been unsuccessful, although he texted us and would not confirm or deny the withdrawal post. He said he is is on business in Mexico and cannot elaborate until his return.

In his alleged withdrawal post, Grana blanes the negative economic impact of the CODIV-19 disease on hotel occupancy and his investments on ongoing and near-future hotel projects.

Just last Friday, the port board voted to postpone the scheduled May 2 port election to November along with the other county, state and federal elections because of the COVID-19 threat.

Cameron County Elections Administrator Remi Garza said he had heard of the Facebook withdrawal but said that until Grana formally notifies the port administration, and they him, the candidate's name will be included in the ballot. Until then, his office still considers him a candidate and will continue to have him on the ballot until formally notified by the port. Garza said his office has not ordered the printing of the ballot for the November elections.

Gov. Greg Abbott has ordered that the party primary runoff elections scheduled for May 23 be moved to July 14.

"There were some changes by the legislature this last time and one states that even if the withdrawal period  is past, I think it's five days after filing, and he informs the entity that he is withdrawing, and they notify us, his name will not be included in the ballot," Garza said.

If the Grana post turns out to be true, Reed will run unopposed as will Place 1 commissioner Ralph Cowen. Sergio "Tito" Lopez faces Bill Berg for the remaining Place 3 seat.


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww. Tough break.

Anonymous said...

Trump's idea of giving the states more power, is giving governors more rope to hang themselves--to hang each of us out to dry. His corrupt, incompetent federal government has turned its back on any responsibility it owes every man, woman and child in this country.

Anonymous said...

Que pinche suerte, pinche gringo, quien lo barrio???

Anonymous said...


1.) Enact immediate moratorium on PUB bills (to be reviewed monthly)
2.) Enact immediate suspension of Metro fares
3.) Furlough of non-essential city employees at 50% salaries
4.) Suspend all non-essential contributions to city entities not based at City Hall
5.) Dispense checks of $300 to all city taxpayers (exceptions being delinquent accounts and those on payment plans to county
6.) Suspend all City of Brownsville employee travel
7.) Enact a return to city coffers of pay allotted for the City Commission members
8.) Initiate an immediate $20 tax (infraction ticket) on all citizens out in public for no reason (groceries, medical, relatives visits ONLY exceptions)
9.) Bill City of Matamoros a similar fee for its citizens in vkiolation of local shelter-in-place
10.) Withdraw from any regional or state organization requiring city participation fees.

That's just the beginning.

Anonymous said...

An awkward scene unfolded at the White House on Tuesday after Donald J. Trump came upon his wife, Melania, furtively watching New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s daily Coronavirus briefing.

According to White House sources, Trump was walking down a corridor of the Family Residence when he heard a familiar nasal voice emanating from the Lincoln Bedroom, droning on about masks and ventilators.

Bursting into the room, Trump came upon his wife watching Cuomo with rapt attention.

Caught by surprise, Melania quickly turned off the television and claimed that she was only watching Cuomo “to see how many big, terrible mistakes he makes.”

While her husband seemed to accept her explanation, the incident raised eyebrows at the White House, where, for weeks, the First Lady has been vanishing midday to watch the Governor’s daily Covid-19 updates.

Reportedly, last week a White House staffer observed Melania alone in the Lincoln Bedroom, the lights dimmed, the room illuminated only by the flickering image of Andrew Cuomo.

Unaware that she was being watched, the First Lady was overheard murmuring to Cuomo, “You be best.”

Anonymous said...

so he works for a hotel?

Anonymous said...


1.) Convene the top business leaders and wealthy residents. Objective: work to help the city and the city's poor

2.) Work toward having these rich residents fund grocery bag deliveries to the poor side of town

3.) Announce a "No One Goes Hungry" program aimed at aiding any resident in need

4.) Authorize free cab rides for anyone needing transportation to the grocery store, doctor or pharmacy. Enlist cab company owners by promising city vouchers payable later in the year

5.) Staff a 24-hour City Hall hotline to be manned by city employees able to respond to a a non-police or fire emergency.

- o -

Anonymous said...

It's all Trump's fault. I hate him.

Anonymous said...

This is truly sad. I’m saddened to hear business are hurting, they are part of the engine that holds the community going.

Anonymous said...

Grana used to give VIP treatment in his hotels to well renowned characters such as Marc Rosenthal and Marc Sossi

Anonymous said...

The plans suggested above are great but fall on deaf ears we have a situation and condition that does not allow the elected officials to help in any way or in any form to assist the public. They are instructed by their 3 families that run this city and their goals and interest is to self-serve themselves first and nobody else later...

Anonymous said...

Yo lo barri. Que? te aguitas? So se aguiten
