Friday, March 20, 2020


Special to El Run-Run

Sources close to the Cameron County Public Health Department have confirmed that the travel-related case of COVID-19 is none other than Sergio Arguelles, the son of Matamoros FINSA magnate Sergio Arguelles.

They said that the younger Arguelles, 21, tested positive after traveling to Ireland and Spain between March 5 and March 12. He returned to his Rancho Viejo residence and  came in contact with numerous relatives and neighbors.

Sources close to the family indicate that he was picked up at Valley Regional Airport in Harlingen Airport by Ricardo Adobbati, who recently won the Democratic Party Primary for 404th District Judge. All the people that both men came into contact have been informed by the county's health department.

In an in-house meno to FINSA staff and employees, they were told that if they came in contact with Arguelles they should follow the proper protocols for self-quarantine. The memo states that the entire Arguelles family has been in self-quarantine since the infection was detected.

On March 18, the patient presented himself at Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen with symptoms of fever and cough where he was tested, said the release.

Cameron County Public Health received confirmation on Thursday.

According to the release, Cameron County Public Health is implementing a COVID-19 action response plan and is conducting the epidemiological investigation to identify others who may have been exposed and test the individuals showing signs and symptoms.

Cameron County Public Health will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as they are received, said the release.


Anonymous said...

Republican Senators Dumped Stock Before Coronavirus Hit, Without Warning the Country.

When Senators tell their stockbrokers what they’re not willing to tell the public.

Anonymous said...

Who ever released the name should be fired. This is a grave HIPPA violation. Disappointed to see there is no patient privacy from Cameron County Public Health staff.

Anonymous said...

Sources are saying that this young man went to Spain . Let's Hope he gets better and self quarantined. Nobody whats to be get this virus including his grandpa.

Anonymous said...

The government had already warned against international travel before this SELFISH, ENTITLED young person chose to make this trip. Have no sympathy for him since he CHOSE to not heed warnings beforehand. As for his privacy, Im sorry, but he interacted with people for SIX days before he sought treatment. Are you concerned at all for their health and privacy?!? He as sure as hell wasn't concerned at all. Lesson to all parents outgo there: teach your children to be considerate of others. It's not all about them.

Big worm said...

TIME FOR PUB TO GIVE US OUR TENASKA MONEY BACK! Commissioners and mayor you need to demand this now!

Anonymous said...

Not just Republicans dropped stocks

Senator Diane Feinstein sold $6,000,000.00 worth of Stock.

BTW if any of these politicians or for that matter anyone who has a managed portfolio knows that trades are made daily to best benefit thier clients. I'm sure that the fund managers started selling off parts of the portfolios that have exposure to big fluctuations in the market. Most of the time aggressive stocks are just sold or traded to Treasury Bonds.
Many time fund managers and investors have agreements that moves can be made without the investors consent.
This allows fund managers to move quickly to protect investors.

Anonymous said...

For comment at 2:57 p.m., whoever released the name of the patient, they broke Federal law. It’s that simple. I hope just punishment is given.

Anonymous said...

Let's be realistic, these kids and I know for a fact because my child attended Saint Joe!!! Do not work, The funding came from the parents, anyone who should be liable for such careless, selfish act are the Parents! plain point and simple.
News Flash.... that was not the only group from Saint Joe that went to Europe..... there are more.
The parents who have not told this to authorities should be liable if this gets out of hand.
In a court of law actions have consequences, Adobatti should know that! after all, you the people just elected HIM!
I am disappointed at the behavior and the irresponsible act of sending these children while we have such a vicious virus.
I elect to be responsible and not put people in harms way, and as I did many! That is what Saint Joe is about, not about this brutes that are putting our community in harms way!

Anonymous said...

the person who released the name was the same saint Joseph community via chat... so talk to your kid and tell him to keep his mouth shut.... MR.

Anonymous said...

Federal law should look into a law that condemn those parents or young adults in making stupid decisions sending their children knowingly exposing them to an illness that has the capassity to kill masses.... remember the AIDS LAW... if you had sex with someone knowing you had the virus... it was punishable by law... so, yes... this should be a federal case.. as they know there was a virus running without merit around and they chose to send the children abroad for fun......!
instead of threatening Sir... you really should be apologizing.. remember everything you said... its on a chat!

Anonymous said...

2:57 I hope punishment is given to those that chose to travel against all warnings. and the parents.!!!! Shame on you parents, shame on you!

Anonymous said...

What happened to the 14 day self quarantine for people coming from europe?

Anonymous said...

For comment @ 6:52 pm: Blame his own company then for releasing a memo internally. No harm, no foul if they themselves released the info. If it was released in Mexico, no such thing as HIPAA there.

Either way, both the individual and family were selfish and negligent in booking travel to Europe, which at the time was (and is) the hotbed for coronavirus spread and infection. Was he thinking of his elderly family members then? How about all of the people that he and Adobatti came in contact with THAT HAD NO WISH TO BE EXPOSED TO CORONAVIRUS?!? My heartfelt sympathy goes out to them.

Anonymous said...

you mean the rich and powerful are showing reckless behavior?
that doesnt happen here, does it?

Anonymous said...

For commenter at @8:45 why should they keep their mouth shut?! The reckless behavior of the few entitled little pricks AND THEIR PARENTS is putting THOUSANDS of people at risk. If anything I commend whomever released the name. I hope there are repercussions for those parents and these young adults involved in HIDING and LYING to authorities as another post claims they did. Corrupt "gente bien" elitists.

Anonymous said...

Los pijos were brought over here by the rich and famous like columus and his buddies from europe.
