Thursday, March 19, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

(At least three days ago, before anyone knew that the coronavirus was here, workers at a condominium were warning the City of South Padre Island, the Fire Dept. and even Cameron County Health Dept. of two people who had been infected with the virus. No one did anything. As a result, one of them is on a ventilator hovering between life and death and having infected God only knows how many people. Another is hospitalized. Below is a story of the disaster waiting to happen. Will anyone be held accountable if the COVID-19 spreads throughout the county?)

By Gaige Davila

Two people who stayed on South Padre Island in the last three months have tested positive for COVID-19, a novel coronavirus declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, sources familiar with the persons’ conditions told the PRESS.

The sources are affiliated with Sangria Condominiums. The sources requested the PRESS to withhold their identities and positions.

The two people were guests at the Sangria Condominiums on South Padre Island. The persons were from Michigan, returning to their home state on March 11. The persons, who were regular guests at Sangria Condominiums, arrived on January 1.

The persons traveled to Idaho to attend a wedding between February 28 and March 2 then returned to the Island.

Between March 2 and March 11, the two persons began feeling ill. It is believed that the two persons stayed in their Sangria Condominiums unit for the majority of their time there, the sources said, but it is not clear where they went or who they interacted with within those 9 days. One of the persons is currently on a ventilator and is in critical condition, according to the sources. The other person is “okay.”

The two persons’ family has declined to be interviewed by the PRESS, requesting privacy.

Cameron County confirmed the cases in a March 18 press release.

“We are in the process of gathering information to include contacts that may have possibly been exposed to ensure that we contain it,” stated Esmeralda Guajardo. Health Administrator. “Fortunately, based on the information we have received thus far, the two individuals took proactive measures and home–isolated themselves after their return trip from Idaho until they left South Padre Island.”

“This is why I have consistently been telling the public, school administrators, the medical community and the political leadership for the last two weeks, that we need to all unite and be proactive to undertake any and all necessary drastic measures and make these decisions that will help address this very serious situation,” Cameron County Judge Eddie TreviƱo, Jr. said in the same press release. “I understand that these decisions are potentially devastating to trade and commerce, but unless they are made, we won’t be able to reduce the risk of the virus spreading.”

The sources say there were multiple attempts to contact the City of South Padre Island, where they spoke with city officials, South Padre Island Fire Department, South Padre Island Police Department. The sources also contacted the Cameron County Public Health department.

The source said they have been attempting to tell the City of South Padre Island and Cameron County for the last two days of the confirmed cases, including emailing the persons’ contact information and information regarding their stay at Sangria Condominiums.

The Cameron County Health Department has asked Sangria Condominium staff to quarantine themselves, where staff will have to take their temperatures in the morning and at night, see a doctor if they have symptoms, and submit the temperatures to the department after March 26. Cameron County Health Department will be contacting the staff members daily, according to the sources.

Sangria Condominiums will not reopen until after the 26, pending results from staff quarantines.

Sangria Condominiums has notified all their guests of the persons’ conditions and has reimbursed their rental payments. Staff have been sent home and the condominiums are currently being deep cleaned, the sources said.

As of March 18, there are 76 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Texas, according to the Texas Tribune. In Texas, three people have died from COVID-19 and over 1,900 people have been tested.

COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that causes respiratory illness. The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11.

Cameron County Public Health department has tested 10 people for COVID-19 so far, with 3 people pending results. Seven tests came back negative. The department has monitored 50 in self-quarantine people so far, clearing 15 of them with 35 persons pending.

Cameron County has created a COVID–19 Hotline. The number is 956-247–3650.


Anonymous said...

Greed made SPI and COUNTY careless

Anonymous said...

I am prepared to work seven days a week to accommodate the elderly women with my Muff diving service, but I can only take six females a day as the whiskey sanitizer makes it hard for me to perform after six stated the Scumbag Rene Oliveira in a tweet yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Just like the racist republican governor in texas they just don't give a dam about the citizens.

Anonymous said...

The National Governors Association said Texas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Missouri, Mississippi, Idaho and Wyoming had not yet implemented statewide measures in response to the public health crisis.

Where's Gov. Greg Abbott? Hiding?

Anonymous said...

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, has finally acted on the Coronavirus disaster, closing all schools and limiting gatherings to 10 people.

Hmmm...this today after being exposed yesterday for being a spineless worm passing all of the decisions to mayors and local governments must have made him look bad.

Anonymous said...

SPI is full of old retirees, and young spring breakers at the moment.

One group spreads it and the other one dies from it. The next cluster of outbreaks could very well be our own back yard.

Time to close the Queen Isabella.

Big worm said...

Pub should step in and start giving our money back from that boondoggle tenaska project through large rate decreases.Mayor city hall get to wrk and help Brownsville citizens NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

money above all
been 5.5 years and still no answer to what happened to the young nurse at the hilton

foul play?

Anonymous said...

Did they travel by plane or buy car?
No direct flights to Michigan. Probably IAH. 3 hour layover fondling the magazines and clothing racks.
If by car, imagine all the stops, the gas handles, the burger chains..

Put them in jail for murder!

Anonymous said...

y el de rancho viejo, hijo de quien es?

Anonymous said...

"Third Republican Senator caught dumping stock before the market crash — this time up to $25 million worth." On Monday, March 2nd, the Dow Jones Industrial Average set its biggest-ever point gain. But Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) was massively selling.

Johnson, who has a net worth estimated at over $36 million, made a major transaction.The exact amount is unknown, as ethics forms only require disclosure in broad ranges, but Johnson reported selling over $5 million that day — and potentially up to $25 million. Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) and Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) also reported dumping stock before market crash.

Anonymous said...

South Padre Island has done a horrible job managing their response to the Chinese Virus. They have put all of us at risk because of their greed.

Anonymous said...

And the cob mayor? Can a county judge make decision on how the citizens of cob go about their business including the operations of local establishments inside the city limits? Why is't cob mayor implementing these "drastic measures"? He's at his business selling pizzas in a crowded restaurant?

All bars should be closed PERIOD.

Coming from work driving on Price Rd last night I saw a pickup truck with two people drinking beer in front of everybody at the stop light on express and price.

All beer joints were open last night and crowded. They all know they can do that without any problems. WHY?

The mayor needs to go to HEB stand in line and when his turn comes up he than should buy a dozen huevos.

Anonymous said...

The mayor can't keep in close contact with the mexicans because he CAN'T SPEAK SPANISH.

Anonymous said...

The Fresco Mobile Market is a 16-foot trailer set up at 1700 E. 6th Street & Ringgold. Bundles of fresh seasonal produce will be provided via a drive-through for $10 each,

WHAT? They sell for a dollar at the flea market!!! No sean mamones making a profit and taking advantage during a crisis where's the law enforcement

Anonymous said...

Check it out Juanito check their pricing!!! bola de mamones...

Anonymous said...

The same officials at SPI and in Cameron County who ignored the early warning of this failure, should be held accountable for this failure. Since that failure, the Cameron County Judge has now, with the curfew that goes into effect today, gone a bit too far. The curfew not only restricts personal movement, but it causes the businesses that can continue operations (especially food pick up a delivery) to be restricted to an early closing so the employees don't violate the "edict" of Eddie Trevino. He has watched too much of Gov. Cuomo on TV each day. We know who he is, why does he need an embroidered shirt with all that shit on it. He isn't a leader, he is just another lawyer who likes to hear himself talk. The curfew is shortsighted and not well thought out with regard to all the activities in the community that may be hurt from the 10pm to 5am curfew.

Anonymous said...

All you the sky is falling commenters are pendejos!!! The coronavirus is a government hoax to make Trump lose the election. Trump even said it was a hoax in the beginning, but now has to go along with the hoax or he'll be blamed of doing nothing. Wake up people!!! No sean pendejos! Lol

Anonymous said...

Curfew isn't helpful....just fuels panic.
Wish and hope the right decision is made to rescind.
It would take a strong man to admit it.
But the decision for the curfew is just WRONG.
But the concern and desire to take drastic action is nonetheless appreciated.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What curfew the bars are still open, the restaurants are still open all the senior centers are still open, the roads are packed between 12 and 6am.
