Monday, March 23, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The Tamaulipas State Health Department (Secretaría de Salud de Tamaulipas [SST]) this Sunday confirmed that the third confirmed case of COVID-19 involves a 21-year-old woman who arrived from Spain March 12, the same date that a reported 22-person group that visited Ireland and Spain and which included the 21-year old man from Rancho Viejo who also tested positive arrived here.

The Matamoros woman is said to have been part of the group. So far, four people associated with that group have been diagnosed with the virus and have been placed in home quarantine by the Cameron County Health Dept.

 She is the fourth case of coronavirus case reported in Tamaulipas.

The three cases related to the 21-year-old from Rancho Viejo include a 20 year-old man from Brownsville, a 21 year-old man from Rancho Viejo, and a 20 year-old woman from Brownsville. All four traveled out of the United States.

A memo written by the Matamoros FINSA industrial firm owned by Sergio Arguelles identified his son as having been confirmed as being one of the individuals who contracted the disease while abroad.

He was reported to have been in a group of 22 that was on a 20-day European trip that included Spain and Ireland. Other members of the group included the son of local attorney Ricardo Adobbati, who reportedly picked him up at the Harlingen Regional Airport on their return and then drove him to South Padre Island during Spring Break.

Adobbati refuted the report on his Facebook page and said it wasn't him but another of his sons who picked up his brother and both went to the island. He has since removed the Facebook post after commenters took his explanations and justifications to task.

And other commenters say that some of those who were in the 22-person group that included the younger Arguelles and Adobbati have placed themselves in self-quarantine on SPI and had not reported to the health authorities after they suspected they had been exposed to COVID-19.

Some commenters say that one of the group was Bernardo De La Garza son of owner of ZIWA Construction and was the one tested positive in Rancho Viejo and others say the Matamoros woman is the daughter of a prominent real estate and land developer in Brownsville.

And despite the protests of some readers who bristle that just because the majority of the 22-person group and their partners were ex-ST. Joseph Academy graduates the school should not be derided for that fact, there's no denying of the association, although not a blanket indictment against all former students or the institution.

The commenters say the younger Arguelles flew from Vail, Colorado straight to the clinic in Monterrey and was not in SPI. El Rrun-Rrun has requested the report from the Cameron County Health Dept. to confirm the identities of those involved and where they are now.

How many people came across the virus along the way in airports and in the planes and places they stopped is anybody's guess. And when they got to Harlingen and the other passengers alighted and weent home in the various cities in the Rio Grande Valley, did they take COVID-19 with them?

Said one: A Harlingen general surgeon who is friends with the father of the infected patient and was told that after they came back from Europe they stopped in Houston and also went to college station and went out to bars. After they came to The Valley and supposedly went to quarantine to SPI with 8 other friends. He probably infected the parents, which then infected the surgeon which is now roaming around the hospitals in Harlingen and is infecting everybody he comes in contact with.

Another said: Some got tested in Matamoros. Google Matamoros news. That girl belongs to the same group of kids!

Uncertainty and speculation has made things all the worse and questions have arisen on the responsibility - or irresponsibility - of the travelers and their parents in the handling of the potential contagion. Until this is cleared up, this uncertainty will continue to trouble nd divide this community.


Anonymous said...

Hey you know how attorneys love to sue people why doesn't someone sue this guy could be a class action they love to do that!!!

Anonymous said...

HEY FOLKS....Wake the FUCK UP !!!
Millions of Americans are being O R D E R E D to stay home for our own safety, while these idiot politicians are killing our Economy !
The CDC reported that Pneumonia and influenza mortality levels have been low, but 149 influenza-associated deaths in children have been reported so far this season. This number is higher than recorded at the same time in every season since reporting began in 2004-05, except for the 2009 pandemic.
CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 38 million flu illnesses, 390,000 hospitalizations and 23,000 deaths from flu.
The Influenza epidemic we go through EVERY YEAR.....kills thousands of people and no one, Not One single person........ is forced to stay home !
Not one business is forced to close !
We are being lied to America !
We are being lied to...while they try to make Trump LOOK BAD before this next election !!
The number of fatalities in our nation is well under 700, yet progressives and their propaganda arm, THE MSM....have managed to sew panic and discord, shut down our nations economy...and put many small businesses out of business...........Permanently !!!
The Democrats have tried 3 TIMES to oust Trump on BS charges and lies, and FAILED..!!!........ ANNNNND,............. they're doing it AGAIN !
This time........ it's a Phony PlanDemic !!! Or A Dem Panic !!!
How many times are we going to allow them to take control of the narrative and our nation, all while ruining this nation...... in their quest to regain power !!
It's time we take our nation back from these idiots, who,...under the guise of safety, are taking away our freedoms !!!
As Ben Franklin said, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
They are doing a dry run on their quest for power....... to see just much they can get away with, all while killing our economy and the small businesses' that make our country strong !
The lengths that they've shown us that they're willing to get rid of Trump have been mind numbing !!
And what's worse, they're getting away with it !!......WHY ??????????
Just how much more suffering and damage to our nation are these progressive/leftist
criminals causing, by their forcing the closing of businesses, and ordering us to be locked up in our homes, under the threat of force and fines if we disobey them ???!

Anonymous said...

Divide the community, you say? All of Brownsville is 100% on blowing it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adobbati! 404th District Court!

Anonymous said...

County may extend mandatory shutdown to daylight hours

And the airport and the buses and the boats what? Just the citizens do it across the board not just US pinche gueyes...
and rancho viejo que?

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to Chill!!! Stop blaming those kids! What if they were your kids, your relatives, your dear friends. How would you feel then? If you say you would do and feel the same way and continue to attack and put their family down; well you are just a mean spirited, unkind, unhappy, ugly human being. Your inner core speaks volumes of the kind of person you are; stop making yourselves look horrid. Please, we need peace not chaos!

The unpublished dolphin said...

The activities and associations of St. Joe alumni are well-known by anyone who has tried to obtain a job in the city. Back in the day the St. Joe 'Spooks' were a thing on campus. They even posed for yearbook pictures. The alumni association is unusually strong, even for a private school, and it appears to many that graduation from St. Joe is a prerequisite for public office locally. Is the level of schooling THAT much better at the hallowed academy that the rest of us don't cut the mustard when it comes to leadership? That's highly doubtful, but that's just the way it is here in Brownsville.

Correlation doesn't necessarily imply causation, but if the virus was minimally here before they took the trip, we now have additional cases after the trip, and it's those that took the trip that have the virus, it's hard to ignore how the virus got here.

It's an insult to intelligence to downplay the alumni angle. As a longtime Brownsville resident, it's pretty easy to see. Like any fraternity, association and networking work to the advantage of those within that fraternity, more so in a small community like ours.

And I think that's why people are so angry, including myself. If we're to turn the other cheek to the more cliquish aspects of being an alumnus(and the community has, for years), at least be honest about your part in the spread of COVID-19. We're not stupid; don't treat us like we are.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Using Ben Franklin ironic quote is hilarious. This is the man, while instrumental in our nations beginnings, who would give up temporary liberty to the French and as a ladies man to the ladies for temporary happiness and for safety purposes. Pensez bien a ce que tu direz la pochaine fois!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like wealthy parents are trying to protect their kids by avoiding the process set up in the U.S. to deal with potential Coronavirus cases. Too many people are out and about despite the efforts of our officials to get people to stay at home. The young people seem to be the worst violator and as a result young people are being infected at a 40% rate, according to the media. It is time for the people to get serious about this virus before the government officials take more actions to limit our movement.

Anonymous said...

The fact that people are more up in arms over their high school being name dropped, rather than the fact that a group of their own brought a deadly disease to an area where many have limited or no access to healthcare...shows their privilege. And that privilege has resulted in a complete lack of disregard for health of the community. They do not understand that people can die from this virus and our underprivileged community is extremely vulnerable to the potential to fatality.

Anonymous said...

Dam! Someone better watch that idiot ranting! Dangerous ways! He’s loosing his dam mind!

Anonymous said...

@March 23, 2020 at 8:29 AM

Think about it....

Anonymous said...

Start blinking the traffic lights yellow estupidos or at least sync the ones that are important to get the hell outa here.
