Sunday, March 8, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: They are called ox-bow lakes, or in the local parlance, a resaca, an old river bed that was left behind when spring floods cut a new course of the Rio Grande toward the Gulf of Mexico. Dams and man-made obstacles like levees have made the annual flooding a memory of the past. Fortunately, residents on this side of the river did not fill them in like they did across the river in Matamoros.

As you drive east from Rio Grande City, the first hints that this was once a river delta (not a valley) begins just as you reach La Feria with its palm stands and gets progressively greener as you cross the Arroyo Colorado between Harlingen and San Benito. But it isn't until you hit Brownsville that these "lakes" begin to appear. Water, of course, attracts ducks, wildlife and other types of bird life. This is a scene from the resaca next to Trevino Funeral Home along Old Port Isabel Road.

Sometimes we take scenes like this for granted. As below freezing weather lashes our neighbors in the north and Midwest, they would love to be able to walk in shorts and shirt sleeves like we do here. Go for it. Take a hike in our great outdoors.)


Anonymous said...

they hang out at trevino funeral home cause people go and feed them

Anonymous said...

You're too-Mexican to ever be a hiker, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville DOES HAVE natural beautiful areas. WE are the ones that don't appreciate what we have, WE DONT take care of them and WE WANT others to do everything for us If WE took the time to appreciate what we have and build to change for the better, politicians that have done NOTHING but DESTROY our town, our way of life, our border culture would have LOST the last election. Some are going to second round for the first time in years, others got re-elected!!!
Only in the Valley? NO. It's nationally and internationally.

Anonymous said...

Some of this shit was brought over here from a gringa from new york city, saying that the meskins here needed some enlightment to appeciate nature. I guess that's why "she" left NYC pinche pendeja...

Anonymous said...

@8:40 Take your meds pendejo!

Anonymous said...

ooooh so hurt, estupia gringa from nyc. Go back and take your ducks with you idiota

Anonymous said...

No! don't take the ducks I like ducks on thanksgiving day muy deliciosos bro

Anonymous said...

Duck meat taste different almost like hmmmm
