Wednesday, March 18, 2020


To the north,
A locked border

To the south
Martial law

And all around
      A microscopic killer,
   Swirls unseen...
  Invisible death,
 Pouncing with crowns

For better or worse
This is our world

As we have made it
And now must live it

Nowhere to run
North or South

And microbes slip
Across borders

And reappear...
Having conquered
From within


Anonymous said...

President Trump has responded strongly to economic and health challenges of this virus. Today he has invoked the Wartime Production Act to quickly ramp up the production of essential medical equipment and supplies to fight this virus and save life.

Anonymous said...

Island visitors test positive for COVID-19
Now what?

Anonymous said...

You need a "like" button.

Anonymous said...

More than 8,700 people in the United States have been infected with coronavirus, and that number changes significantly by the hour.

Anonymous said...

TEXAS OKAYS BEER WITH FOOD DELIVERY:...Covid-19, the current World Villain, is making for some hellacious societal adjustments. Texas Governor Greg Abbot, aware that many Texans are now having their food delivered, yesterday okayed the delivery of beer and other alcohol beverages with that grub. This from a news report published this morning by [Gov. Greg Abbott late Wednesday issued a waiver that allows restaurants to deliver alcoholic beverages along with food purchases to customers, including beer, wine and mixed drinks.] Now there's real comfort food. I'm not much of a beer-drinker, but it may just be that I'll soon be, really because I suspect that our excitable local taquerias are not stocking my beloved Shiraz wine. There have to be about 150 taco joints in my hometown and now that pretty much all local restaurants have closed to dine-in, well, they all deliver or risk going out of business. Soon, the eateries will go full 24-hour service and the state will approve sale of beer and other drinks around the clock. We are in uncharted waters with this Coronavirus and, boys, we must be flexible...

Anonymous said...

San Benito leaders discuss city manager's job. If they had hired that stupid BISD super, san bene would have already fired el idiota and escorted him out of town.

Anonymous said...

Island visitors test positive for COVID-19
So what's the use to follow guidelines if the gringos at the island don't give a shit. They are going to infect the whole valley

Anonymous said...

This site needs a "like" button.

Anonymous said...

You and your like button can go back to *()%^&*

Anonymous said...

