Saturday, March 21, 2020


Brownsville Herald
Various Sources
Cameron County Public Health officials have confirmed four additional travel-related cases of COVID-19.

The cases include a 57 year-old woman from Harlingen.

Officials say it appears three are related to the first travel-related case reported earlier this week in Cameron County of a Rancho Viejo man. That 21-year-old man traveled with the three to Spain and Ireland earlier this month.

The three cases related to the 21-year-old include a 20 year-old man from Brownsville, a 21 year-old man from Rancho Viejo, and a 20 year-old woman from Brownsville. All four traveled out of the United States.

A memo written by the Matamoros FINSA industrial firm owned by Sergio Arguello identified his son as having been confirmed as being one of the individuals who contracted the disease while abroad. (See graphic, click to enlarge.)

He was in a group of 12 that was reportedly on a 20-day European trip that included Spain and Ireland. Other members of the group included the son of local attorney Ricardo Adobbati, who reportedly picked both up at the Harlingen Regional Airport on their return and then drove them to South Padre Island.

Some commenters say that another member of the group was Bernardo De La Garza son of owner of ZIWA Construction was the one tested positive in Rancho Viejo. They say Arguelles flew from Vail, Colorado straight to the clinic in Monterrey. El Rrun-Rrun has requested the report from the Cameron County Health Dept. to confirm the identities of those involved.

They all reportedly cut their trip from March 5 and March 12 and returned to Brownsville.

The Harlingen woman is not connected to the three younger patients

The four new cases are currently under home isolation.


Anonymous said...

Correction not Arguelles! De La Garza kid, I believe from STJOE but now in College. THe father I believe is owner of ZIWA Construction. Not sure why they are trying to hide the fact there children have COVID, its not like they contracted something to be ashamed of. The other kids are also not being responsible in not coming forward! This is reckless to our community.

Anonymous said...

There are so many ELITE in that list of 12 its not even funny. They are all hiding and not coming forward!

Anonymous said...

So, let me get this straight.....these entitled kids were instructed by their respective irresponsible parents to “lie?” Will these negligent individuals be held accountable? How in the world can an individual such as a judge who is elected and entrusted to uphold the law be allowed to get away with breaking the law? Where do the county judge and “Zika Doctor” stand? Will they allow these individuals to get away with risking public health? Unbelievable!! If the facts of this story are true, they knew fully well they were lying.

Anonymous said...

Again Arguelles got COVID-19 in Colorado and flew straight to Monterrey. The one in Brownsville is De La Garza. Tired of them trying to hide it as well as the other families.

Anonymous said...

I am close to all these people. the one tested positive in Brownsville is not Arguelles. He flew from Vail or Aspen to Monterrey. Bernardo De La Garza son of owner of ZIWA Construction was the one tested positive in Rancho Viejo. I have the list of those who went on the trip includes females.

Anonymous said...

What University do they go to?

Anonymous said...

Dear Jesus protect us from these! We the residents of Rancho Viejo need to know if anyone of this people and families were at the corner store, restaurant or any public facilities in Rancho Viejo.
The older community needs to know. Is the a main part of the Rancho Viejo community. Lying wont help.

Anonymous said...

reckless! charge him

Anonymous said...


Had to happen, first they sent a bunch of clowns to run for office and now they sent a bunch of idiotas infected with a virus. THIS FRIKING SCHOOL NEEDS TO BE SHUT DOWN...

Anonymous said...

County confirms 5 new virus cases; All reports are travel-related

Of course they have to be "travel-related" pendejo

Anonymous said...

“Cameron County Public Health has implemented their COVID-19 action response plan
The citizens like to know what is the "PLAN"?
Call 911 or do nothing?

Anonymous said...

The Latest: Spain records 3,600 coronavirus cases overnight

Does that include the idiots from here?

Anonymous said...

Trump Wrote To Kim Jong Un Offering Coronavirus Help, Says North Korea

Americans would probably prefer he focus on the U.S.

Anonymous said...

These kids ain’t at st joe - they are at UT and A&M and Stanford and UTRGV

Please what a silly article it reeks of misplaced jealousy and bitterness

Anonymous said...

March 21, 2020 at 10:22pm can you please post the list?

Anonymous said...

So we see that it is not the gringos this time that show no regard for the little guy! Cameron father of Duval, if you don't know about Duval county you now have lots of time to read.

Anonymous said...

Its a fact that this deadly virus was and is being spread by the rich and famouse and these folks just don't give a dam about the rest of us and the world in which they live in.

We don't have to got anywhere the same thing is happening in our own back yard and the people in charge just won't do anything to stop this type of behaviror.

CAN'T RESTRICT THE RICH AND FAMOUSE THEY ARE PRIVILEGE "ASSHOES" protected by the local elected officials.

Anonymous said...

Juan can you please find out what is going on with Cobbleheads as I can't get them on the phone, it would be a pity if it closed as Joe Kenny has worked hard there for years.

Anonymous said...

Charge them with what... although I don’t condone their decisions, why would the county let yall know who they are stupid people would go and try and kill them.

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't the airport closed, the port, buses this is very dangerous elected officials are incompenen soon it will be like italy and spain if these incompenent elected officals don't come up with better solutions to protect everybody...

Anonymous said...

bien dicen que este virus es de los ricos, que por eso en ciudades y paises pobres no se da, hasta que llega un ricachon a ensuciar el paƱal, pero para empesar, a quien se le ocurre ir a europa, es lo que pasa cuando ven puro netflix, no ven noticias

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

can it be brought to cdcs attention?

Anonymous said...

Trump Wrote To Kim Jong Un Offering Coronavirus Help, Says North Korea

Pendejo doesn't know now to write

Anonymous said...


The unpublished dolphin said...

I ALSO WENT TO ST. JOE. My parents received a financial scholarship and wanted me to attend because they understood that, at THAT time, in order even be considered for public office or any high-level position in Brownsville, graduation from St Joe was practically de rigeur. My mom called it the St. Joe club, she of the former 'Villa Maria' club, when St. Joe was boys-only. Firsthand experiences were my teacher. I saw, time and time again, how the students were told they were 'different', that they were future leaders. Inclusion at St. Joe was practically non-existent, as all of my friends were on scholarship as well. There was a giant line between us and them, made clear through our clothing. We didn't have school uniforms to hide our social class. And, true enough, a large group of them turned out to be leaders, but ask yourselves, why is that? Should the school get the credit due to its many programs and opportunities, or is the school simply the gathering place for the children of the rich and powerful?

A theory known as Occam's razor would point to the latter.

If the virus were being spread natively by us locals, Southmost would be in lockdown. This virus was first spread by travelers. We currently know that we can only slow the spread of the disease in order for our first responders to get ready for the onslaught. Look at Italy. That's in our future, folks.

I don't know many of us who can travel to Spain for Spring Break, so for once, it isn't the POOR causing this problem.

And that's what's bothering you, isn't it? For the first time in a long time, the finger is pointing back at you and your actions.

The poor didn't cause this. But the poor will surely suffer the most because of it.

You had a responsibility to stay isolated. A responsibility to ALL of us, and you ignored that responsibility and we don't know why. So YES, we're angry, because we know good and well that if it were one of US, LOS POBRES, you'd have a lot more to say against us.

Your irresponsibility has brought COVID-19 here prematurely. I hope we're ready.

Anonymous said...

El Gran Southmost dice
esos putitos de esa escuela son puros jotitos

Anonymous said...

Poor judgement, complete lack of safety awareness and utter just goes to show the mentality of some people...on the cusp of a global pandemic and these morons decided it was a good time for a these people end up in positions of leadership is a travesty...this is what happens when you appoint people of privilege to run business, hold office, takes no skill to be born into money

Anonymous said...

Another case in Matamoros of a 22 year old that traveled to Spain!

Anonymous said...

Rancho Viejo needs to be quarantined immediately. These Rich Elite idiot's. Put the whole RGV in Danger. You signed your child's death certificate the minute they left the United states. What is wrong with you. They should have stayed in Spain. Only thinking of yourself. Murderers

Dezenitram said...

Rancho Viejo needs to be quarantined immediately. These Rich Elite idiot's. Put the whole RGV in Danger. You signed your child's death certificate the minute they left the United states. What is wrong with you. They should have stayed in Spain. Only thinking of yourself. Murderers

Anonymous said...

Some individuals who are receiving Social Security retirement benefits or welfare support through Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, might be (excluded), said Webster Phillips, senior legislative representative at the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.

If you receive Social Security benefits under $32,000 for couples, and don’t have investment or other income, you may not be filing a tax return.

So if you’re just living on money from Social Security benefits or SSI, it’s not clear whether you would be eligible for a check, Phillips said.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let’s get one thing clear! Not all residents of Rancho Viejo are idiots, some of us actually have a sense of humility and respect for others. Please don’t compare us to the idiot parents that Decided to send their kids on a vacation! My child is still where he/she was when this all started. A lot us us did not send our children on vacation. We don’t reward unless is deserved. Meaning good grades after a semester has been completed. Unlike the others.
And yes, We are part of the Saint Joseph community, but not part of the idiots!

Anonymous said...

You wish it was Stanford!!! The girl goes to Sandford! She wishes!
The kids that went out of Texas for the most part, are not idiots! Hello! And I say for the most part, because two or thee are guilty of stupidity!
A joy trip! In the middle of a semester! Bola de pendejos los papas! Hola de pendejos! Asco dan!

Anonymous said...

Matamoros case is also linked to the same group! OMG what are these ninos thinking! COME FORWARD. Be responsible. Those at the island should come forward and get tested right away for the good of our community! What is wrong with these people. ITS NOT A BIG DEAL. Its worse that they are trying to hide it, if they would have come forward earlier, we would have probably contained it! Now I fear its too late.

Anonymous said...

Now its up to 22 people that took the trip? where are they who are they? and the mayor que???

Anonymous said...

I was a janitor at st. joe I thought they had named the school for the coach at BHS

Anonymous said...

Okay, everyone need to chill out. All the individuals have gone to the hospital to be tested and/or are quarantined in their homes, its not like they are out and about.

This article REEKS of jealousy and bitterness. I went to St. Joe and I have met MANY people from public schools in Brownsville and all throughout the RGV who went to the same university I went to because they worked hard and have since then become very successful. Stop blaming your shortcomings on people who had the opportunity to attend a certain high school, whether because of their money or merit, on your inability to work hard in school and become successful on your own. No one asks to be born in certain situations, and just as people can blow their advantageous opportunities and become "like the rest of us" (your words, not mine), people who are born in less advantageous opportunities can strive to become whatever they want in this day and age.

THAT BEING SAID, again, all those young boys are in quarantine. I don't understand why everyone is freaking out since this was bound to happen, regardless. Its a highly infectious virus, and a few kids from the Dallas/Fort Worth area were sick and came down to SPI to party anyway, infecting probably dozens of kids, including RGV kids. You can also get the virus by going to San Antonio at this point, and don't need to even go abroad for it anymore. They were wrong to go abroad during a time like this, but just a few weeks ago, no one was taking this seriously.

I suggest everyone stop fueling your hatred for people born in different situations as you when none of us are safe from this virus. It has killed thousands of people, wealthy and poor, healthy and unhealthy, alike.

THESE YOUNG MEN ARE QUARANTINED AT HOME, probably miserable at right now because they are very sick and you are still just fine. Just stay home like the rest of us and stop trying to find reasons to hate people who went to a different high school than you. Its immature and pointless.

Anonymous said...

Close ese pinche rancho do it now!

Anonymous said...

Pray for the young man, that he gets better and that he will not do the same stupitey next time. And for the parents to be able to discipline, guide and care for this young man for the better good of the community. Getting angry will not help any of us, getting stress will not get you better. Stress causes anxiety and anxiety and stress causes illness.
take good care, stay home, take time to rethink your situations and try to keep a positive attitude.
Read a book!

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you in Layman's term... Ya, Ya cut your crap... chingada Madre.
So, some have money and some don't. Maybe if you stop complaining and apply all this bullshit time writing anger notes, in something productive, maybe and just maybe you can use the time to think of what the hell you can do to generate money, so you don't sit there full of anger, hate and envy. Clear!
Read a Dam book... Hopefully you apply your God Given energy in something positive.

Anonymous said...

and this is why Brownsville doesn't get anywhere. People are so negative and judgmental. this could have happened to anyone who traveled or anyone of our children who are off in college. this is a time that our country and community need to pray. the entire nation has been affected by this virus. It was just a matter of time when it reached our community. as you can see it doesn't discriminate on wealth or poverty.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Americans who 'purposefully expose and infect' others with coronavirus could be charged as TERRORISTS, new Justice Department memo declares

The unpublished dolphin said...

Anonymous @ 1058 & 550 you are correct that viruses don't discriminate. The healthcare system discriminates, against the indigent and the old. Get out of the way and understand it isn't about you or your your social class. It's about the needless suffering of those who will be unable to get treatment. Check your privilege. It's showing, and it isn't a good look anymore.

Whatsoever you do to the least of us, that you do unto me.

I read that somewhere....

You're not understanding the consequences of your actions just yet. But we will, unfortunately. And the least of us will suffer the most. That's just how it is.

So don't get offended if we're mad. Our first responders will tell you they could have used more time to prepare, and that time was shortened by others, namely, The selfish, the oblivious, and the self-important.
