Saturday, March 21, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Guess what?

It turns out that it wasn't just the son of  FINSA magnate Sergio Arguelles who came back from a trip to Spain and Ireland between March 5 and March 12 carrying COVID-19 infection, but rather another 21 fellow ex-St. Joseph Academy students who were on the same trip.

Source say that the younger Arguelles, 21, contracted the virus after traveling to Ireland and Spain between March 5 and March 12, cutting the trip short.

He reportedly returned to his Rancho Viejo residence and  came in contact with numerous relatives and neighbors. Ricardo Adobbati, a local attorney, was said to have picked him and his son - also a former St. Joe student graduate - and drove them to South Padre Island. He later refuted the claim and said it was another of his sons who picked up his brother and took him to SPI.

Reports indicate that the travelers contacted their parents and were advised to return home before the 20-day scheduled tour was over and apparently their infection was not detected at any of the airports in the countries where they traveled. Upon arrival, they were whisked off and taken home.

One of them  - a resident of Rancho Viejo -was taken to Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen with symptoms of fever and cough and tested positive for COVID-19. The younger Adobbati is said to be in self-quarantine at a SPI condo.

Another of the group - said to have been the son of FINSA magante Sergio Arguelles - was reportedly taken to a private clinic in Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.

It is unknown if the Cameron County Health Dept. was alerted that the 12-member group had been exposed to the virus in Spain or Ireland and whether all the tour members were screened for COVID-19.

The law requires that any person infected with a communicable disease inform the county health authority and that the county can file an affidavit to take the infected person into protective custody for the protection of the public health.

Has that happened yet, or have they been loose in the general community without anyone knowing whether they  were infected?


Anonymous said...

“You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else.”

-Winston Churchill

Anonymous said...

"Stop hoarding. I can’t be more blunt about it. Stop it. It is not sensible, it is not helpful and it has been one of the most disappointing things I have seen in RGV behaviour in response to this crisis."



Anonymous said...

Valley Baptist Hospital had Covid-19 tests? Since when!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is the time for the City of Brownsville to start sending out checks to local taxpayers and the elderly. Find a way, Mendez.

Anonymous said...

Like ALWAYS....UNA PinCHE BOLA de RATAS pendejos.

Anonymous said...

Do you really trust Adobatti to sit on any bench now?

If he was one of the parents who advised his child to come home and not say anything, how can you have any faith in his ability to sit in judgment over any case before him? Look at the bad judgment that he has demonstrated already. He put his son’s pleasure and fun before the health and wellness of his whole community. I don’t want a man like that sitting on the bench. And I sure don’t want him presiding over any case of mine!

And to all those parents who has covered up for their children and endangered the entire community in the Rio Grande Valley, round them up and put them in one cell for their own protective custody.

Anonymous said...

I can’t say this enough! There were more that have not reported their children’s travels abroad! Specially Spain! The country must investigate this irresponsible liars and round them up! They are liable for their atrocities!

Anonymous said...

sorry but 21 yr olds dont go to st joe

Anonymous said...

Nowadays there’s cámaras everywhere! That simple! Rancho viejo has cámaras ras coming in and out! Request them!!! Public safety! And then we can put this to rest! The airport has cámaras and video! Request!

Anonymous said...

Yet another example of entitlement on the part of the "upper class" light-skinned people of the Valley. WTF??? When will this stop? The Argentinians made skin color (and their peculiar way of speaking) a base line of social acceptance, the Mexicans perfected it. It is no mystery that light-skinned people get through Customs faster - Again, WTF???

Anonymous said...

Leave it to St Joe students to spread a virus - they are all entitled little pricks.

Anonymous said...

They graduated 3 years ago from St. Joe. Get over it they were not the only ones from RGV that travelled during those days. No need to name St. Joe if they’re attending college.

Anonymous said...

Outrageous! If this is proven, RESIGN! You know better!!!

Anonymous said...

Here we have entitled pricks and their fucking parents. While most of Brownsville worries about having eggs and bread for their kids, these assholes decided to not give a shit and now the panic really begins. The county and its leaders most do something about this, the balls in their court...let's see if any of this is actually addressed. Fuck you Adobbati!

Anonymous said...

Rich kids bring Covid19 to Brownsville. They'll be ok they can afford private doctors and clinics. The financial crisis won't even affect them and they'll be back vacationing in Spain next year.

Anonymous said...

Ex Saint Joe students!

Anonymous said...

wow I thought only gringos were self centered guess not!

Anonymous said...

Point of reference Saint Joseph, entitlements that others barely have!
You must be an ex Saint Joe idiot!
FYI Argentines are just like any other Latin Group! They might think they are better! Key word “think.”
Let them think, if they actually can.
Apparently funding a trip for an adult child when a crisis is boiling leads you to believe, no much thinking goes on.
But covering up is ridiculous! El que se excusa es por que algo debe. Hint hint!

Anonymous said...

Who else do you know that came back from traveling abroad during the trouble times? Enlighten me!

Anonymous said...

All of this is so very very disturbing!!! I live on the island and I sure do wish which condos this young man is quarantined in.

Anonymous said...

Get your facts straight clown🤡🤡.

Anonymous said...

we are all in this together. Before some start making negative remarks about ex students from St. Joe that were in Spain before this became a crisis. Yet, if we want to point fingers, lets start with SPI allowing spring breakers to travel from all parts of the U.S. to the SPI this week. Or we can wonder how many local high school students were allowed to go the SPI this week. We are better than that, if we don't come together as a community during these difficult times, it's sad. We should stop the hatred towards a few and focus on helping others and praying for each other. Let's be example for the rest of the country.....

Anonymous said...

They didn't do the right thing and I inform the authorities. The parents should have done the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Laundry list of kids who traveled and are "isolating themselves". And correction the 21 Year old is not Arguelles. He is a De La Garza kid, but also involved very involved in ST JOE apparently. I believe they own ZIWA Construction in the Rio Grande Valley. They are being reckless and irresponsible. Trying to keep things quiet!!!!!

Yml Mrd said...

Seriously that was a very bad call from the parents of the ills, then taking the, to SPi how many people did they contagious? Again a very bad decision.

Anonymous said...

Get your facts straight IDIOTS!! They are not the only ones who traveled and got sick. Or are you going to say the 81 yr old man graduated from st. Joe too!! He traveled to Florida in the US!! It’s sad to see there is still some many ignorant people in the valley.

Anonymous said...

Idiots... All of them

Anonymous said...

I know all the details. Contact me if you want to know more.

Anonymous said...

This is fucked leave sja alone

Anonymous said...

Give me a break !! They don't go to St. Joe anymore and don't blame Rancho Viejo because they live there. This was a personal /family responsibility to inform before they got back and not mingle.

Anonymous said...

Montoya get a life. You are so full of crap. Just stirring the pot. Your facts suck.

Anonymous said...

You don’t have the balls to publish my comments

Anonymous said...

Once a St. Joe, always a St. Joe. And they pass it down thru their contacts. In this COVID-19, a double entendre...

lol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You have nothing else to do. All of your" facts"are wrong. Do your research before you talk shit......... plebes

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Such hate-filled, small-minded, jealous people. Funny how people don't like/want to be judged find it ok to judge others that they see as privileged without knowing all the facts. Just because you can't or won't pay for your child to attend St. Joe is no need to smear or judge a group you are not a part of.

Anonymous said...

stfu leave sja alone poor as* fuc*ers

Anonymous said...

leave sja out of this, those guys are not even in sja

everyone hating on sja is probably jealous they are not there

Anonymous said...

Wow these comments are show a lot about people in Brownsville

Anonymous said...

Ur fu***** retarded plebes

Anonymous said...

They were on the same st.Joseph trip idiot

The unpublished dolphin said...

WHY DIDN'T THEY REPORT THEMSELVES?!?!? I seriously doubt they self-quarantined. Asymptomatic people are the ones spreading the disease; do you really think they didn't go anywhere or touch anything?

I am sick of the privileged looking down on the rest of us while THEY are currently responsible for this epidemic in our area. Had they thought of the REST OF US, instead of only their own health and freedom of movement, we may have had more time. Instead, it's in our community, and all thanks to these privileged few.

"St Joe alumni" is now code for utterly self-involved and unavoidably entitled. I had already seen this attitude in the carefree way the St. Joe parents tear down the end of Ringgold as they drop their kids off at school in the morning, completely ignoring pedestrians and cross-traffic. I will judge them by their ACTIONS, not their words, and their actions point to a negligence and complete obliviousness to the dangers. Thank you, St Joe alumni. Thank you for only thinking of yourselves. Good luck getting a single vote out of ME or anyone else in the future. If I find out you went to St Joe, gave MONEY at St. Joe or have kids at St Joe, I'm not voting for you. Further, I will make it a mission to push back and oppose via social media ANY St. Joe alumni running for office in the future. You would think St. Joe alumni would know the meaning of 'humility' and 'service to the community'. It's clear they don't and are deeply unqualified to hold public office.

I hope criminal charges come out of this. You have endangered my family, my community and myself, and that is simply inexcusable. May the words "St. Joe Alumni" become an albatross around the necks of ALL who are similarly self-involved. Disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Sergio Arguelles isn’t any of those kids father. Get the facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Ex st joe graduates who have nothing to do with the school. Get ur facts straight make more fake news. MANY other people traveled. And they have been careful to not spread it to others. Went straight to quarantine when they came home.

Anonymous said...

Adobatti was seen Today infecting people at his office in Price Rd. He and his family should be in quarantine. He should disclose who the other 10 people are. Were are them??

Anonymous said...

No accountability... some even made jokes about the virus on their social media accounts

Anonymous said...

It is so sad and disgusting that our community’s first response to this situation is to blame and criticize those affected. It’s understandable that it was irresponsible and it shouldn’t have been covered up because it puts the rest of the community’s lives at risk, but at the end of the day this situation should make a community grow closer, unite, and follow the proper precautions that officials have told us. If you have any knowledge you would know that this situation was inevitable, stop blaming a social class, stop blaming schools, learn from this and stay at home! Pray for the health of these people and take care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

What about the bartender that traveled to Europe recently with 3 others? Pretty positive he didn't self quarantine and went on to continue serving up drinks right after his return. Just so irresponsible. Hopefully he doesn't have it. Could only imagine how many people he was exposed to that went home to their families that night, exposing them... Putting our community at risk.

Anonymous said...

Not all parents from Saint Joseph are irresponsible nor negligent, Some of us, Most of us Kept our children, community and family safe. We are not all Irresponsible, and we to, condemn the actions of these Idiots whom decided to travel upon having an epidemic that later turned into a pandemic boiling. Irrational, stupid, ridiculous. Not only these children, but all that traveled.
They keep mentioning the Island, I agree, but unfortunately the patient that put us on the map with the virus was this young man from Rancho Viejo.
Hope there is a lesson to be learned for the parents, and the young adults.
I am so disappointed by the actions, yet, I keep an open mind. These young adults dont work, Blame the parents. They funded the trip!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The21 yr old from Rancho Viejo came in contact with his little niece or cousin and the little girl's mother took her to the Dr. And didn't informed the staff about their condition she exposed all the people that were there and now one of the employees told her husband and he might be carrying the virus he went to work like that. Not caring for the rest of his coworkers. He works at Parker and Company.

Anonymous said...

The21 yr old from Rancho Viejo came in contact with his little niece or cousin and the little girl's mother took her to the Dr. And didn't informed the

Anonymous said...

The Latest: Pope Francis seeking to unite Christianity
Where? At the cemetary

Anonymous said...

Many bad feelings towards St. Joe and it's not fair. Currently, from that small school, our community has 2 federal judges, our county judge, our city attorney, our U.S. congressman, and several city commissioners. And many community leaders, doctors, teachers, businessmen ....etc.. Yes, many who attend St. Joe have a economic advantage, yet many parents are provided financial assistance. Then there are kids from the Guadalupe School who are provided with a full tuition at St Joe. So, before making judgment about St. Joe, lets not forget the many great things it has provided our community for over 100 years.

Anonymous said...

Salem witch trials....😂😂😂😂. Such idiots.

Anonymous said...

I did not attend St. Joe but decided to send my kids to St. Joe. It was one of the greatest decision me and my husband have ever done. We are proud products of public education of Brownsville, but wanted a small school education for our kids. Yet, had our reservations of St. Joe, however we quickly change when we experienced how our kids were challenge not only in their school work but becoming involve in our community. And yes, we were provided with financial assistance anb not turned away because of our economic status. Plus the religion impact was also great. So, I encourage you before you speak bad about St. Joe and it's graduates, go by and visit the school. It you may change your mind and send your kids there. From a personal experience, its the best place for a education......

Anonymous said...

maybe tell us where the bartender works si we may be safe

Anonymous said...

That stupid school needs to be shut down puros idiotas come out of there or re-name it BHSSJA puros jotos attend.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about safety when you're stinking drink.

Anonymous said...

Where these people went to school is irrelevant...what's concerning is the "adults in the room" irresponsibility and complete disregard for the safety and wellbeing of others...

Anonymous said...

School attended or social status is irrelevant, none of these dictate your judgment. The problem which many are lacking to point out is the way these infected suspects and their families have handled the situation. We are a community. This is a moment of crisis, the only hope of covid-19 not taking a huge toll in our RGV community is to stick together and keep each other safe. These infected people and their families did not take the appropriate measures. Entitled? Maybe. They were placed in a horrible situation, but no action was taken. These people should’ve come forward to our community communicating the situation, and MAYBE THEN the community would have a positive response in support of these families. That is the problem here! Trying to keep things on the down low? For who. None of us are exempt from contracting this virus rich or poor, nothing to be ashamed of. Very poorly handled. Can’t express how bad these people are handling the situation. Long list of irresponsible actions by them. Not blaming the immature children but their parents.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You are a terrible, miserable person if you have nothing better to do than write such crap. You need God in your life.

Anonymous said...

People had one job to do. Stay home. It’s a numbers game some will carry and survive but those that end up incubated and in the ICU will not. Be responsible.

Anonymous said...

Ok so 20 college kids who happen to be SJA alumnus went on a spring break trip to Spain and came back before the President closed travel from the EU. And we are condemning them and their parents. What about the thousands of college kids gathered at SPI for spring break after the President had asked for social distancing? How hypocritical. Where is the outrage about those parents allowing their college kids to travel to SPI during this? Where is the outrage against the establishments that continued to keep these large gatherings going? Where is the outrage against the owners of the condos and hotels that allowed spring breakers to continue putting our community at risk? This article is much like our Presidents underlying racism. It was written to incite anger and paranoia amongst us. Don’t buy into this people. We are better than this. Social distancing and staying home is essential in getting a grip on this situation. Do your part as a citizen and quit pointing fingers.

Anonymous said...

@ March 22, 2020 at 3:16 PM

I greatly respect your stance and point of view but lets look into this more in depth. Do you need the US president to close travel to EU to use what is perceived as common sense and not travel to where there is a dire situation occurring. If there is reporting from various sources stating EU is in an outbreak, do we think we will be untouchable due to the fact that were are not locals? Yes this is the parents fault like it or not. As for the kids coming to SPI, I understand your point and we as a community should have closed the beaches for those instances but lets look into this as well. This sounds like a well she/he did it excuse. Control the controllable and in this case the parents of those kids could've controlled their travels but failed to do so so yes again their fault. Where I agree with you is that yes we are better than this but when facts are stated facts are facts. We should heed to the suggestions of social distancing and yes continue doing our part to combat the virus. I am aware of who these kids are and I show no sympathy for them due to their actions for placing the valley in danger. I do hope that those not infected within their family don't become ill as they are some elderly members of this family who don't deserve this.

Anonymous said...

What an ignorant and stupid post almost as stupid as JUAN MONTOYA and JERRY MCHALE both filthy sewer RATS lowest of the low. First get your crap straight you have all the story wrong, lots of details wrong. Secondly, why the fuck do you mention St. Joe like 20 times ? Who the fuck cares what HIGH SCHOOL they west to? They are all in college. So what if their parents wanted them to go to St Joe and could afford to do so? Get a fucking life you both useless cockroaches sons of bitches. - proud Ex St Joe student.

Anonymous said...

Classicism accusations?? Fuck those rich assholes. Like they ever gave a shit about the poor in Brownsville. The only reason they help the underprivileged is so they spruce up their resumes while they continue looking down on us and then teach their entitled little brats to do the same. The deserve all the negative attention plus more. Be lucky the poors don't unite and seek real justice.

Anonymous said...

Now its up to 22 people that took the trip? where are they who are they? and the mayor que???

Anonymous said...

The outrage is all over the dam place, point is the 21 year old idiot is the first confirm case. He could have stayed in Europe till he got cleared. No, he had to come to town and fuck it all up for us. Estupido!

Anonymous said...


The unpublished dolphin said...

Anonymous @ 5:44:

If you're a 'proud ex St. Joe student,' did you graduate? Your writing doesn't indicate or sound like you did, and your argument has ZERO critical thinking behind it.

The school the students went to matters because they were all on the same trip, evidently as part of being St. Joe alumni, or other alumni organization. If the alumni organization, formal or informal, had cancelled the trip, or had been a completely random group, this would be a non-issue. The association between the students matters because it provides a context. A specific identifiable group of people traveled during an outbreak that's now a pandemic. It looks selfish to many. No one is hating on the ability to travel to Europe for Spring Break, but it IS privileged behavior.

Further, LOTS of students have gone to St. Joe that would normally not be able to thanks to scholarships. St. Joe likes to tell people about its scholarships for the needy. Or is the school lying about that? Check your privilege and ignorance, kid. It's clearly showing. Not a good look in times like these. We poors have gone to St. Joe as well. Lots of us.

I honestly cannot believe that you went to St. Joe. I'm trying to identify a single valid point to your arguments, but it just isn't there. When I was @ St. Joe, the school went out of its way to teach critical thinking skills. I guess they don't anymore, or you skipped that class.

Go home, kid. You're drunk. The adults in the room are talking.


Anonymous said...

THIS ARTICLE IS COMICAL. Get your facts straight before you post stories. So much fake news. All your doing is spreading more fear and panic into our community. Those who tested positive have been quarantined since arrival and have not been in contact with anyone other then the doctors who administered the testings.

Again, stop spreading these rumors and scaring/dividing our community.

Anonymous said...

Some got tested in Matamoros.
Google Matamoros news
That girl belongs to the same group of kids!

Anonymous said...

A Harlingen general surgeon who is friends with the father of the infected patient and was told that after they came back from Europe they stopped in Houston and also went to college station and went out to bars. After they came to The Valley and supposedly went to quarantine to SPI with 8 other friends. He probably infected the parents, which then infected the surgeon which is now roaming around the hospitals in Harlingen and is infecting everybody he comes in contact with.

Anonymous said...

Rich people will never give to poor people because we don’t have anything to offer them check out political people who give money to campaign while kids at school who need the basics of life will never get anything
This is the


Anonymous said...

People look at this if you want to know how things work. If a St.Joe kid is arrested with a public school kid, who stays in jail and gets screwed? Very simple, you got $$$ you get out of jail free!!! You got $$$$ you get to pass the virus around!!!

Anonymous said...

Run-run where’d you get your facts? Fake ??? CLEARLY! Because everything you wrote is not true. First of all, Sergio Arguelles’ son lives in Monterrey and is NOT an ex SJA alum. And by the way, if you are 21 years old that means you are in college! Wow!! Not in high school! You just needed a reason to attack SJA and you did so based on lies and biased opinions, not facts. Maybe during this quarantine you should do something productive like read a book or meditate instead of attacking people and spreading rumors.

Anonymous said...

@10:20PM.....YOU ARE THE COMICAL ONE HERE!!! Did they get tested the second they unbounded the plane and immediately that second quarantined? Or did they magically teleport to their quarantine location? Did they not come in contact with no other human being with the exception of the person performing the test? Did they not touch ANYTHING or ANYONE? This can go on and on. In addition, what about the plane they boarded, was it a private jet where they were the only passengers? STOP making excuses for these IGNORANT kids and parents. Seems like the RICH kids and parents were doing the POOR decisions. Those kids should have stayed where THEY CHOSE to go. Bet the parent told the kids to come home so they would not stay where they were if the proper authorities knew they were infected. FACTS!!! BOI deal wit em!!!

Anonymous said...

NOw its call the ranchovid-41

Anonymous said...

3/23/2020 @ 8:31PM “ranchoVid41”?????

Anonymous said...

@ 1:01.

Yes, they flew via private jet because they are multi billionaires. In fact they all have their pilot licenses and flew themselves to their magical quarantine rooms. They flew their private jet into harlingen and then got on their private helicopters and landed on their private helipad above their private homes. Pretty safe and responsible if you ask me. Dont be jealous. I cant afford those things but hey im happy so if you are so scared and keep believing the fake articles then go ahead and stay scared and full of anxiety and concern. I know that they havent been in contact with anyone and im doing my part and staying clean and away from the public. I suggest you do the same. FACTS!!! Boiiiii !!! Todo pendejo

Anonymous said...


The only thing they touched was you

Anonymous said...

Americans who 'purposefully expose and infect' others with coronavirus could be charged as TERRORISTS, new Justice Department memo declares
