Wednesday, March 18, 2020


By Christal Hayes
USA Today

WASHINGTON – Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin outlined a variety of potential proposals to Senate Republicans Tuesday as part of a legislative package to help Americans and industries that are reeling from the coronavirus.
The administration proposed an initial $250 billion could be sent to Americans as early as the end of April if it can muster congressional approval, according to senators in attendance at the lunch meeting.

Sen. John Thune, the Republican majority whip, noted that getting cash assistance to Americans is something that has historically taken some time, but “I think there are ways now electronically that you can process things more quickly.” 
The South Dakota Republican said while an exact date remains up in the air, cash assistance could potentially start to go out in late April. “I think that'd be a good start date.”
The proposal has fairly widespread support from Senate Republicans, who say it will offer immediate assistance to Americans impacted by the virus. Some lawmakers have varying ideas about how the proposal should work, including who should receive the payments and how much each American should get.

The idea was originally raised by Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, who proposed sending $1,000 to each U.S. adult. Earlier Tuesday, Mnuchin noted the administration was eyeing the idea. "We're looking at sending checks to Americans immediately," he said.

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Anonymous said...

rumor has it theres a case at valley baptist and they want to keep it hush hush, can u use ur contacts to confirm or deny the rumor?

Anonymous said...

No doubt our economy will take a hit, but it is by far the strongest in the world. President Trump has built this economy and if needed he can build it back. This is what he does best. We are lucky to have him in the Oval Office at this time and not some tired old Washington politico who can't think outside the box.

Anonymous said...

If and when Trump gives every US citizen a check for the hardship that this virus has incurred, all you PINCHE hating Trumpers out there, if you have any principles you will send it back to the Treasury. Oh, sorry, I forgot RGV Mexicans have no principles...”gimme something senor”

Anonymous said...

Uuuuuy chesse checks to all I love trumputo only if it happens but will vote against him in Nov. guey

Anonymous said...

Island visitors test positive for COVID-19

Anonymous said...

March 18 at 5:53...your vote won’t matter moron...Joe Bite Me can’t remember anything long enough to have a debate. The Honorable President Trump will RULE until 2024. Just keep flopping those tortillas in the mean time...bawhahaha!

Anonymous said...

@March 20, 2020 at 8:25 AM

Bagal stuffing gringo hillbilly racist republican can't write or read and dates his sister. Virus infected hillbilly.

Anonymous said...

This lady went to get testd and found out she was pregnat pendeja
