Friday, March 13, 2020


By Juan Montoya

Remember in the movie Jaws when Roy Scheider (Martin Brody) and Richard Dreyfuss (Matt Hopper) tried to convince Murray Hamilton (Mayor Larry Vaughn) and the Chamber of Commerce hacks to stop the Independence Day celebration and close the Amity beach because of the presence of a great white shark to no avail?

Mayor Vaughn overrules them, fearing that the loss of tourist revenue will cripple the town.

The result was a disaster and resulted in the gruesome deaths of several townspeople.

The plot, albeit the evil is a bit different, is similar to the decision by the City of South Padre Island officials deciding that Spring Break 2020 will go on despite the wave of cancellations of major events throughout Texas and the nation due to fears of the spread of the coronavirus.

Southwest by Southwest concert in Austin has been cancelled. So have the professional basketball games by the National Basketball League. Major League Baseball spring training has also closed. The Houston Rodeo and Livestock Show, Disneyland, NCAA March Madness, the Calle Ocho Festival in Miami is also cerrado. All the St. Patrick's Day parades, including the one Dallas, have been nixed, as has Broadway, among other mass events. 

In fact, entire countries, like Italy and South Korea, are closed and mass gatherings are prohibited. President Trump has banned all flights from Europe from coming to the United States, even though there have already been more than 1,500 people infected in the US and and 39 people have died.
Image result for map of coronavirus infections

Nonetheless, South Padre Island city officials insist that it's safe to go in the water.

If you look at the map above, it's plain to see that many of the Spring Breakers come from those states where coronavirus cases have occurred. And once Texas Week gets here, the kids from Houston and San Antonio will descend upon the island in droves. Instead of flying to an infected area, the SPI folks are inviting thousands from those areas to come over here.

So far, the nearest cases of the virus have been in Houston to the north and Monterrey, N.L., Mexico to the south. And Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio was chosen to quarantine travelers coming from impacted countries.

Still, SPI issued statement March 10 claiming that city officials have "diligently" reviewed and evaluated" all information associated with the coronavirus COVID-19 and decided that the threat of the virus spreading was a "minimal risk."

This comes as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is declaring a statewide public health disaster.  There have been at least 50 known cases in the state — 11 identified at a federal quarantine site at Lackland Air Force Base and 39 elsewhere.
"Information available indicates that the majority of the coronavirus cases are from people that entered in the U.S. internationally...and have been appropriately quarantined," the SPI guys stated.

What "information" do the SPI Chamber of Commerce Sunshine Boys have that the rest of us don't?

Can you hear the "ta ra ra ra ra rs ra ra" Jaws melody in the air?


Anonymous said...

Tis greed, tis greed, nothing but greed from SPI. Greed is never good, but in this case it may very well kill somebody down here. The drunken, drug orgy on the beach will spread it like wildfire and it will migrate to other towns in Cameron County very quickly where it will prey on the old and sick among us.

Bottom line is business leaders on SPI are lying greedy sons of bitches.

Anonymous said...

Trump has not been tested for Coronavirus. If he tests positive, he's in a pretty grim demographic: a butter-butt who feeds on grease and salt; 73 years old; no exercise; and, doesn't sleep much.


don pedro domenic said...

Juan all the alcohol on the island will kill the virus so dont worry be happy.

Anonymous said...

The virus is not in Cameron County so lets import it. Clearly the government of SPI cares more about the economic health of the Island then the physical health of the rest of us. The county could have done something but apparently decided not to. If I come down with it I think I will go have a talk at the SPI municipal building and over at Sofia's office, too.

Anonymous said...

Trump’s bizarro presidency is over. He has galactically bumbled the US response to this virus and effectively wiped out trillions in market value. He’s toast.

Anonymous said...


Trump’s virulent combination of ignorance, emotional instability, demagogy, solipsism and vindictiveness has done more than result in a failed presidency; it has led to national catastrophe. The prospect of Donald Trump as commander in chief should send a chill down the spine of every American.

He has failed in the time of a national crisis.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about ese idiota SPI should NOT host the spring madness anymore but gringos will gringos money hungry assholes...

Anonymous said...

Austin cancelled South by Southwest and San Antonio cancelled Fiesta. SPI should be over ruled by the county. shut it down. Assholes.

Anonymous said...

Well talk to the mayor of SPI, Soon to be the mayor of VIRUS city. Hopefully this won't happen. But the buck stops with him and County Judge if anything comes back to bite them in the ASS.

Anonymous said...

COVID-19 is already here but nobody knows as there has been no testing. What has that fat fuck of a health director, Art Rodriguez been doing since the outbreak? NADA. The Valley is the "hugging capital" of the US. Six feet of social distance??? With extended families having to live on top of each other? No way. Add that to the upcoming Island orgy of tourist viral vectors and you have a recipe for disaster.

Anonymous said...

You can thank los pinches gringos if you get this stupid cockroach european virus. seem like all shits come from europe culos

Anonymous said...

I note that Galveston has called off it Spring Break activities. Florida is also shut down. That leave SPI as the No.1 Corona Virus incubator. Those that decided to continue it will have blood on their hands pretty soon.

Anonymous said...

Five year plans and new deals wrapped in golden chains.
And I wonder still I wonder who'll stop the rain.

Anonymous said...

I see a bad moon a-rising
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin'
I see bad times today
Don't go 'round tonight
It's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise

Anonymous said...

Don't go 'round tonight
It's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise
I hope you got your things together
I hope you are quite prepared to die
Look's like we're in for nasty weather
One eye is taken for an eye

Anonymous said...

Are we going to lose all the 60's rock groups?

Anonymous said...

Pinche City management! No pudo parar q llegaran? Pendejos! They will be liable for any outbreaks 😷!

Anonymous said...

Sue the dam city! Remove those idiots from office! Pendejos!

Anonymous said...

Close SPI!!!

Anonymous said...

All the beer joints were packed to capacity. And on central blvd drunk drivers as usual, driving up and down the blvd and the cops no where is sight.

Anonymous said...

The main "shark" theme, a simple alternating pattern of two notes—variously identified as "E and F" or "F and F sharp"—became a classic piece of suspense music, synonymous with approaching danger.

Our crack music movie composer got it WRONG!

You should use this pattern as your opening score on your blog Juanito...

Anonymous said...

The Workers Who Face the Greatest Coronavirus Risk:

Anonymous said...

Trevino suspends county events; recommends Island events be canceled



Anonymous said...

The Scumbag Rene Oliveira says that Muff diving is safer than shaking hands with. Pinocchio Trump.

Anonymous said...

Miami has closed their beaches and tossed the Spring Breakers? WTF is the problem with SPI? Greed?

Anonymous said...

Pinocchio Trump has offered the Scumbag Rene Oliveira a position to teach him how to Muff dive as he will loose his lieing Pinocchio powers when he leaves the white house, so he wants to be able to Muff dive Texmex stile

Anonymous said...

I just saw a big crowd by HEB on elizabeth street must be the drunks from the downtown cantinas..

Anonymous said...

During the times of crisis, I will Muff dive for free said the Scumbag Rene Oliveira, I am preparing for curbside pick up if required. I will

Anonymous said...

Saw tumputo at heb witha squad of secret (ha) service agents buying toilet paper.

Anonymous said...

Close all the day-care centers NOW
