Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino wants you to stay at home.
City of Brownsville Mayor Trey Mendez says he does, too.
Even Matamoros Mayor Mario Alberto López has asked Mendez and Trevino to restrict non-essential crossings from Brownsville residents to Matamoro fearing they will spread the COVID-19 in the nearly 1 million Matamoros population.
With limited testing abilities on both sides of the border, it's anybody's guess how many people have become infected.
Bridge crossers walking over the Gateway and Old bridges have touched the handrails and counters used by thousands. Is is too far-fetched to say that someone may have come in contact with the virus?
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued a disaster declaration restricting travel, urging social distancing, and singling out travelers from states like New York to self-quarantine for 14 days after entering the state.

Will it take Cameron County Constables and sheriff deputies aided by BPD officers stationed at the exits of the international bridges to arrest ot turn back border crossers from Mexico who are outside without a justifiable need, to send U.S. citizens home or prevent others from crossing into Mexico.
With the health of the community - including the federal employees manning the bridges - in danger of infection from the federal porous border policies in place, will it take local action to protect the public?
remember who is responsible for the spread of the virus, Donald trump. remember in November.
BPD has no jurisdiction at the bridges. It will only be county deputies. Besides they don’t even have enough personnel to fill a full shift because they are too short right now. Maybe the administration should start working the bridges to allow their deputys the ability to eat without being bothered like they do or mayybe they should let them were cotton uniforms instead of polyester because polyesters retain all those coronavirus germs. But they only thinks of themselves only and not their people.
Yes, the local population will not change it behaviour unless forced to do so. It would seem that self interest rules here and public interest is irrelevant. This does not speak well of our population.
We can not count on the president or the governor to protect us. We have no influence over them but we can influence the county and city leaders. If necessary we mu
st force them to act in our best interest. Fauci is now predicting between 100,000 and 200,000 deaths in the U.S. from this virus. Fauci is the U.S. expert on infectious diseases and most be taken seriously.
If they could only deport you, Montoya. You are the worst kind of Mexican, one who points out shit but never does a goddamn thing about any of it. smh
It is impossible to believe that the Orange-azz-Clown's approval rating went up amid the coronavirus crisis. His incompetence on every level proves he should not be the world's leader as it is documented he misled and lied over 10,000 times since holding the office of the president!!
I hate Trump! Only Democrats are good people. Only Democrats are honest. Just look at all our local officials. They're all Democrats. Just remember all Republicans are evil and greedy. Democrats are the good people.
The ActCovidNow.org models provide the dates upon which these states will hit their point of no return. For example, Tennessee still has three weeks before its hospitals are overloaded. Texas about two and a half weeks. Florida a little over two weeks. We can still avoid the worst of this disease if the leadership in those states acts.
The problem, of course, is that those states are all run by Republicans, and Trump-loving Republicans. And if Trump is talking about opening up the country by Easter, which is Sunday, April 12, then they won’t want to do anything to undermine Trump’s “leadership” of the crisis. (Mississippi’s useless Republican governor even invalidated local stay-in-place orders from mayors!) The rot starts at the very top, with a president who only cares about the immediate message and PR, as opposed to listening to the experts on the long-term (very painful) solution.
Te lo sico Eric
Fauci is an Aspirational speaker.
So there you/we got nothi g in a truthful sense..
reading some of the things about Trump makes it very clear, the virus has been in Cameron County for a long time. The ability for some to use common sense or think for themselves is greatly diminished by this virus in the county. Leave the bridge open cause some people need to live south not north.
Remember all those people (FOX NEWS) insisting a few weeks ago that COVID-19 was just a cold, then just like the flu, then an overblown Democratic hoax?
How can they keep claiming they’re right about everything?
I mean, if I’d showed up on the House floor in a jokey gas mask to “own the libs,” errrrr, 25 days ago, I’d keep it on for the duration just to hide my shame.
But being a Republican means never having to say you’re sorry. How many of them apologized to you for calling you a traitor in the run-up to the Iraq war? Zero? Yeah, me too.
So they’ll apologize for not taking this seriously around the same time John Voight and Mike Huckabee are appointed to the Kennedy Center board. Oh, no. Shit. That actually happened. Bad example.
Okay, they’ll apologize around the same time Eric Trump maps out the 11 dimensions of string theory on his Wooly Willy.
Of course, Fox News was one of the biggest offenders during those halcyon days three weeks ago when the usual assortment of dumbasses assumed the virus was going to magically wither beneath the icy, baleful glare of Donald John Trump.
And now the network is apparently worried that killing off its loyal viewers via wanton disinformation might somehow have a downside.
According to the redoubtable Gabe Sherman, whose reporting has frequently left him elbows-deep in the stinking viscera of the diseased carcass that is the Trump White House, Fox is actually concerned that it could get sued over its early Coronavirus reporting.
In court, lies matter.
ask the chamber
they want bridge$ open and so doe$ the county
Fox news to be sued! Are you an idiot?
It's no wonder this county is so fucked up! From what I have read in your comment section they must all be Dumbocrats and just contribute to the fear mongering to make Trump look bad! This is from the CDC stats! Since 2010, from as low as 12,000 to as high as 79,000 die of the flu and its complications every year! For you dumbocrats and how Obama handled the situation of his WW Pandemic of the H1N1 (Swine) Flu! A flu strain that came from Mexico in April, 2009 and infected 60.8 million Americans, killed 12,469 of those Americans! Was not considered that bad until October 24, 2009 when our divine president issued the emergency order! So who's the incompetent president? Yes you hate this president and that is obvious but thank God for this forum that allows anony posts. I would love to see who the truly dumb fucks are that post this bullshit thinking that we will remember in November!
@March 29, 2020 at 1:41 PM
California Democrat Gov.
Washington State Democrat Gov.
New York State Democrat Gov. where close to 50% of all Covid 19 cases are
Louisana Democrat Gov. Soon God forbid the new New York
Typical T.D.S.
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