Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

In the early 1950s the New York Giants got into a jam for allegedly stealing signs from the deep confines of the Polo Grounds.

Former Houston pitcher Mike Fiers: Astros stole signs ...That one died a rather painless death.

Now we have the latest sign-stealing flap complete with much breast beating, name calling, moral judgements and whining from, Guess: the losers.

 What no one has satisfactorily explained to me is:

* How many of those stolen signs resulted in base hits? 

* How many of those stolen-sign base hits resulted in runs? 

* How many games did those stolen hits and runs resulted in wins based on them? 

277 Best Baseball/Softball images in 2020 | Baseball, Softball ...* How did the spotters get the stolen signs to the hitter before the pitcher threw the ball?

Do you really believe a clanking garbage can lid informed the hitter what was coming? Here we have to assume the spotter knew what each sign meant from every team.

Rather than fret about sign-stealing those who are the anointed guardians of baseball should worry about things like the batter stepping out of the box after every pitch to adjust his batting gloves
and managers who use three pitchers, say, to retire three hitters while the game drags on and on amid $50 parking, $20 beer, $15 hot dogs and millionaire players who refuse to run to first.

Those are the things ruining the games, not the assumption that a good hitter cannot hit a curve unless he is forewarned.

Those of us who grew up on baseball and know a little about the history of the game and how it originated can tell you that the old grey mare ain't what she used to be.


Anonymous said...

The reality that is too painful and frightening for many Americans to confront is that the wealthiest and most militarily powerful country in the world, during a pandemic, is under the leadership of someone who is certifiably nuts.

In December of 2019, 350 mental health professionals co-signed a letter to Congress stating that Donald Trump's "deteriorating mental health" constituted a "threat to the safety of our nation." It was merely a month later that Trump would begin to ignore multiple warnings regarding the coming COVID-19 epidemic, repeatedly announcing at rallies and on Twitter that media coverage of the virus amounted to a "hoax," and making bizarre, unscientific statements that the potential pandemic would "go away like a miracle."

One recent morning — again, while thousands are dying and the coronavirus ravaged numerous American cities — Trump tweeted 46 times in a few hours, mostly to mock House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whine about "fake news" and retweet conspiracy theorists arguing for the firing of Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Sleep well...

Anonymous said...

We recall how the leaders of the old Soviet Union reacted to the Chernobyl disaster as it dawned upon them that they could not contain the damage. They had two choices — they could admit their incompetence, and risk humiliation by seeking assistance from outsiders — or they could turn inward, accept the risk of cannibalizing their own people in furtherance of their political agenda. They chose the latter, determining that “To save itself, the regime will sacrifice its people.”

That is exactly what Trump is doing here. And the Republican Party has seen fit to go along with it, the lives of Americans be damned. To achieve this, the administration has settled on a to sacrifice American lives at the altar of Trump’s continued political existence, by forcing a “re-opening” of the economy before the disease wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic has even begun to run its course.

Dare to protest!

Anonymous said...

Montoya, you did not play organized sports. You don't have the body for it, dude! You're short, squatty - too-Mexican.

Anonymous said...

Mike Trout is over-rated, but he's "white," so gets the good publicity.

Anonymous said...

This president doesn’t get that he’s an employee, a temp at that, and above all else is a servant to the American people.

Anonymous said...

Cheating is never okay. And it's not fair to the players and teams that don't cheat. Especially if you're getting paid to be able professional. There's a reason they ban performance enhancing drugs. How can you even respect a person that cheats?

Anonymous said...

Is the city going to open the city parks or just act stupid which is easy for these idiotas to do.

Anonymous said...

Trump, aka Dr. Death, is finished. Enjoy your last few months worshipping your gaseous orange bag of blubber. Just a few months left. And he's getting desperate. God bless those young reporters that bring on Dump's wrath with exposing the facts.

Anonymous said...

Baseball its a game todo se vale, verdad Pete, like chasing women around your desk at the county???
