Wednesday, April 1, 2020


By Reuters
March 31, 2020
German zoos ask Merkel for funds to feed animals during pandemic

BERLIN – Zoos in Germany have written to Chancellor Angela Merkel pleading for 100 million euros to help them look after their animals during the coronavirus crisis.

“Unlike other organizations, we cannot just run down our operations, our animals must be fed and looked after,” said Joerg Junhold, president of the Association of Zoos, which has 56 members in Germany plus a few in Switzerland and Austria.

Zoo costs are as high as ever but with no visitors allowed, there is zero income, said Junhold, meaning some bigger zoos were dealing with weekly losses of about half a million euros.

Berlin Zoo Director Andreas Knieriem said he had been overwhelmed by local support in the German capital but stressed that challenges were enormous.

“I am crossing my fingers that we will all soon have survived this difficult time,” Knieriem said.

By Erin Sheridan
Staff Writer
Brownsville Herald
March 31, 2020

When the City of Brownsville issued a local disaster declaration in anticipation of the spread of COVID-19, the Gladys Porter Zoo was forced to close its gate for the first time in the zoo’s nearly 50-year history.

20200331_GPZ Update_02.JPGAlmost two weeks later, a slightly smaller zoo staff is working in split shifts to feed animals and take care of the zoo grounds despite the fact that the facilities, which are owned by the city, face a spending freeze for the duration of the closure.

Gladys Porter Zoo’s primary source of income has been admissions fees. In response to the closure, Marketing Director Cynthia Garza Galvan started a GoFundMe campaign to finance the estimated cost to feed the animals through the end of April, at $32,190.

The campaign and its accompanying video featuring zoo staff and their beloved animal friends is accessible on the Gladys Porter Zoo’s Facebook page. Anyone interested in donating can contribute by following the link to the zoo’s GoFundMe page.

Alternatively, anyone wishing to show support can purchase a membership on the zoo’s website, Memberships will go into effect as soon as the zoo re-opens.

So far, the public has stepped up and in both small and large contributions to the campaign. Donors had given nearly $10,000 as of late Tuesday afternoon. Should the zoo remain closed another month, Galvan said staff would potentially extend the campaign based upon the zoo’s needs. “Every little bit helps, so we’re really excited about that,” she said.

“We’ve gotten great feedback from the community and everybody wants to see the zoo continue and make sure that all of the animals are well taken care of even though we’re closed to the public.”

To read test of story, click on link: 


Anonymous said...

RGV cities setting up checkpoints to enforce stay-at-home orders

This needs to be done HERE and NOW stay at home or not go to JAIL. SIMPLE but the mayor don't give a shit about the city only his pizzas...

Anonymous said...

Go to southmost and feed the piojos they don't vote.

Anonymous said...

I get Social Security benefits. Do I have to file taxes to get a check?

According to the latest information from the IRS, “some seniors and others who typically do not file returns will need to submit a simple tax return to receive the stimulus payment.” However, the IRS has yet to specify what constitutes a “simple tax return.” If you didn’t file a tax return in 2018 or 2019, the IRS is saying you will need to file one. The IRS says it will provide information “soon” on how to file a simple tax return.

remember soooooon.

Anonymous said...

Juanito print their salaries

Anonymous said...

Money is plentiful for the Bike trail but not for the animals, they did not want to be locked up, City get your check book out and pay for their food and keeper's

Anonymous said...

City get your check book out YOU MEAN "OUR" CHECK BOOK

Anonymous said...

I don't care who writes the check the animals have to be fed

Anonymous said...

They could feed the giraffes to the lions, flamingos to the crocodiles……

Anonymous said...

feed the homeless first than the ducks and than los piojos...
