Thursday, April 9, 2020



Anonymous said...

Ah Raza

Anonymous said...

City issues amended declaration of disaster
There are uniformed cops all over all HEBs are they working on their OWN? Don't they make about 70k a year or more? And using city issued equipment...

Anonymous said...

New super with new ideas making 350k a year only at BISD bola de pendejos.

Anonymous said...

Wow, is this Matamoros?

Anonymous said...

no mames
they recycling the packets?
i know teachers aint gonna grade them
damn great time to be a teach 180 days off arent enough huh

Anonymous said...

It's Trump's fault. Everything is Trump's fault. I hate him. He's such a hater.

Anonymous said...

The RGV police as a whole are dumber than a sack of hammers; they can barely read and write. That is why they are cops...they don’t know how to do anything else except fuck with people.

Anonymous said...

5:58? What are you doing with all the kids at home.
That is what bothers you the most - having to provide for them for a chance.
Now you should know what it is to put up with your brats all day long so you can sit home and collect food stamps. I bet you can't even do our understand their homework assignments. Teachers should be revered for their patience and for their knowledge they share with our children. May I ask you if you are one of those persons who can not become a teacher because he/she does not pass the exam? Now, go work with your child to help him.

Anonymous said...

What school drop location is this? Mayor, clean up this town would ya?
oh, but he's not in charge of school's landscaping! He needs to get with the program. No mayor has kept this place nice enough to make the map. He can start by getting on Code enforcement's butts

Anonymous said...

You are making many mistakes in handling this virus issue.

I have not heard the superintendent speak or get on television to give his side of the story.

As employees we have not received much communication from him.

Does the superintendent know how to speak and deliver the message?

Get with it Minerva Pena, why are you allowing only makes you and the board all look so disorganized and dysfunctional.

I have not heard the superintendent speak, this is the most highly paid pendijo we have as a leader for BISD.

Anonymous said...

Like the webpage designer at 150k a year now there's a super at 350k a year with orignial ideas WOW. Hire a 9 year old to design web pages and a homeless to come up with new ideas... FOR FREE!

Anonymous said...

And the principal of Faulk is telling us she is going to be the principal at Pace HS. But we know Rose does not want her there. What will the super do On this one...wait, what will the board tell him to do...appoint Stell principal.
