Wednesday, April 1, 2020


By Stephen Dinan
The Washington Times
March 31, 2020

Federal agents have exposed a shocking tale of illicit relationships between a government contract worker and an illegal immigrant boy she was supposed to be taking care of — and a plot by three employees to orchestrate a jailbreak to free him from custody.

The teen was an unaccompanied alien child, among the most vulnerable migrants who arrive at the southwestern border. Minors unaccompanied by parents are supposed to get the highest levels of protection and immediate transfer to social workers contracted by the Health and Human Services Department.

It was at one of those contract facilities — Southwest Key’s Casa Padre in Brownsville, Texas — where the teen, identified as Jeffry Nai Gonzalez-Melendez, was staying when the three women plotted to break him out, according to court documents.

Kevin J. Morehouse, special agent for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said in a court affidavit that the agency discovered the plot this year when a contraband phone found in the possession of a child at the facility had nude photos of one of the staffers.

When agents questioned employee Evericka Velasquez, she let them see her phone. They discovered a chat with Karla Izaguirre in which the women plotted the boy’s escape.

Ms. Izaguirre, confronted with the evidence, admitted to the whole thing, according to the affidavit.
The three women arranged to have Mr. Gonzalez run away while he and other UACs were on a field trip away from the facility at the Harlingen Arts and Heritage Museum, the court documents charge.

One of the women picked him up and delivered him to a bus station in town, where Ms. Izaguirre met him and began to harbor him.

“Izaguirre stated that she did help plan the escape of Gonzalez even though she knew he was illegally present in the United States. Izaguirre then states that for approximately three months she provided Gonzalez with food, clothing and shelter in her own home,” Mr. Morehouse told the court.

The complaint charges Ms. Izaguirre with harboring an illegal immigrant and with conspiracy to harbor. She has a detention hearing scheduled for Wednesday.

Her attorney told The Washington Times that she did not want to comment yet on the case against her.
Jessica Vaughan, policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies, called the case “a little shocking but not at all surprising.”

“When we have policies that encourage minors to come here illegally, and when the system is overwhelmed by the number of new arrivals, and when there are inflexible rules that assume every minor is an innocent young child when really most are older teenage boys, things are going to go wrong,” she said.

The Times could find no record of charges against the other two women, Ms. Velasquez and Ada Ordaz, who the court files say picked up Mr. Gonzalez when he fled from a field trip and delivered him to Ms. Izaguirre at a bus station in town.

Southwest Key said it suspended and then fired the women involved and reported the incident to authorities.


Anonymous said...

Trump's narcissism worked well? Impeached President Trump AKA individual number one has never broken through the 50 percent barrier. And with the TrumpCoronavirus which Trump and his administration did not create, their lies and incompetence made it worse. Now Trump and Moscow Mitch are trying to say that impeachment took Trump's eye off the ball. Nothing like admitting failure and pointing the finger at others. I mean really it is not that hard to walk and chew gum at the same time unless you are Trump and Moscow Mitch.

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON TIMES is a far-right newspaper. This report is dubious. Get the facts, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Is this an april fool joke?

Anonymous said...

The kid must be hung like a horse!

Anonymous said...

The director must be right, because District judge Ricardo Adobbati reference 21 year old as CHILDREN. Can not wait to see the cases that are going to be presented before this so called Rancho Viejo judge. Elite,corrupt, wealthy sons of bitches. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

They were headed to LA's 'Porn Valley' to film an x rated movie named "It Happened At Mi Casa".

Anonymous said...

Juan Homes?

Anonymous said...

couldnt they just sleep with coworkers like every other place of employment

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you of a certain Lead Teacher who moved to Dallas Texas who worked in a shelter in downtown Brownsville who also was a lead singer for a church. She just posted a picture of her new boyfriend and she is getting married to him. He was a resident at the shelter. She would always pull him out to her office. why isn't she investigated. oh wait she is friends with the Assistant program director and other leas staff. they need to investigate this. look at her facebook.

Anonymous said...

So who cares so he's hung like a horse and you missed out hahahaha

Anonymous said...

I guarantee you a lot worse than this happens at Southwest Keys.

Anonymous said...

Like WHAT? say it or print it at April 4, 2020 at 5:38 AM
