Thursday, April 23, 2020


“Until there is a vaccine or a cure for the coronavirus, the macabre truth is that any plan to begin restoring public life invariably means trading away some lives. The question is how far will leaders go to keep it to a minimum.” New York Times

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

As Brownsville and county officials come under increasing pressure to "liberate" local commerce, three more deaths related to two nursing homes in Harlingen has elevated to number of deaths to 17 in the Rio Grande Valley, with Cameron leading the four counties with 12.

HIdalgo has reported four, Willacy one, and Starr County none.

Both Hidalgo and Cameron counties reported deaths Wednesday evening.

Cameron County has announced that the three fatalities were a 79-year-old woman and an 83-year-old man, both of whom were from the Veranda Nursing Home, as well as an 85-year-old woman who was a resident at Windsor Atrium in Harlingen.

So far, the Veranda Nursing Home has generated positive cases from 27 employees and 56 residents  including seven who have died. There have also been 52 employees and 41 residents who have tested negative.

Windsor Atrium has had 29 employees and 24 residents test positive for the virus.

This has tempered the call for reopening the local economy and Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino has stated the growing number of dead and the county’s 321 confirmed cases are foremost on his mind as non-essential businesses are set to reopen on Friday in Brownsville.

In Brownsville, Mayor Trey Mendez said there will be a soft opening with restrictions like like online ordering and curbside pickups and PPE (personal protective equipment including face coverings will be required.)


Anonymous said...

The problem is when there is absolutely no leadership from the top with absolutely no direction. It is difficult for Americans to feel safe and feel comfortable to go back to what they did before.

Yesterday, at the Trump Presidential campaign rally/Coronavirus press conference, Trump lied about that the Coronavirus will not be as bad as the Dr's say in the fall. Trump contradicted the head of the CDC and Dr. Fauci and tried to get them to agree with him but they did not.

Trump promoted Hydroxychloroquine as a wonder drug which not only is not an individual encouraged by Trump listened to Trump and died. There is so much more lies and incompetence coming from Trump and his administration day after day after day like you can get a test if you want one. The truth is you can't.

The vaccine for the Coronavirus is not months away. It is at least a year away. Trump and his administration did not create the Coronavirus. But their constant lies and incompetence made matters worse.

He should be impeached again.

Anonymous said...

Seven of the dead are from one nursing home, but they will keep whole county shut down.? stupid
They should have taken care of nursing homes better and isolate them

Anonymous said...

"What we've been told is that the social security recipients will be getting theirs very, very soon."

So why weren't they in the first round of checks that went out last week? Sweeney said there was an extra step that caused a delay.


Anonymous said...

County leadership my ass. Cameron County leads with 12 deaths, 3 times that of Hidalgo County that has over twice the population. Trevino's weekly sometimes daily updates, where he simply reads, looks timid and uncertain. Hidalgo County has public service announcements on TV, not with the county judge, but with their health director, providing good information. Trevino is not a war time county judge, much like trump isn't a war time president. We don't need individuals serving as advisors to determine how best to open up, while their businesses never closed.

Anonymous said...

Why can't the mayor open up all the parks in the city he has his bussines open and its a pizza restaurant? Open all the city parks. The golf and tennis courts are open, what's the difference? OPEN UP ALL THE CITY PARKS.

Anonymous said...

People whose water gets shut off because they can’t afford their bill may have no choice but to buy bottled water that comes from the same source that feeds their tap. They may be obtaining bottled water from companies that have been behind on their water bills but didn’t face a shutoff, and whose business depends on access to publicly funded water systems.

Anonymous said...

What’s more, most bottled water sold in the US comes from the same municipal sources that supply tap water – a fact probably unknown to most consumers. Coca-Cola makes Dasani at the company’s plant by purchasing, treating and bottling municipal water before selling it at a significant mark-up to consumers. Pepsi bottles its Aquafina water brand the same way.
Does PUB sell water to these companies? Who knows

Anonymous said...

How Pepsi and Coke make millions bottling tap water, as residents face shutoffs

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump started off blaming his cataclysmal response to the COVID-19 pandemic on China. When that finger pointing proved insufficient to distract for tens of thousands dead, Trump added the World Health Organization to his list. But Wednesday brought some signals that Trump may have found scapegoats closer to home … and this time, there might actually be a sound reason.

Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar was a lead singer in the “we got this” chorus when coronavirus first entered public awareness back in January. Whether talking to Congress or the media, Azar was quick to dismiss the threat of novel coronavirus. America already had tests ready for the virus, Azar said, weeks before there were tests. America was prepared, Azar said, when it clearly was not. And to make America ready for threat and disruption of a global pandemic, Azar had the perfect guy … a former labradoodle breeder with no experience in public health.

Anonymous said...

Why is Veranda Nursing Home still opened and placing the residents in further danger. Take them all out of them, let the family take them home and sent personnel to their home to take care of them in a safe environment and not in a cess-pool like Veranda. Families need to demand their parents be sent home.

Anonymous said...

When Republican Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, says we should let states go bankrupt, let’s be honest about what he’s saying:

He wants police officers to lose their jobs.

He wants firefighters to go broke.

He wants hospitals to close and sick people thrown out on the street.

Anonymous said...

Are the parks open yet?

Anonymous said...

I guess the people playing golf and tennis have the vaccine so the rest of us don't and can't play anything nor go to the local parks.

Anonymous said...

People ain't gonna listen to this coco and its gonna get worst. If I get stopped I'll simply say I'm going to play golf of I'm going to the tennis court to play tennis.


Anonymous said...

Virus-Denialist-in-Chief: Trump Claims 'You May Not Even Have Corona Coming Back' as Fauci Says 'I Am Convinced' It Will

Why worry about the russians we have this racist republican idiota to drive all of us to the ground.

Anonymous said...

In 'Callous, Shortsighted' Comments, McConnell Suggests Forcing States Into Bankruptcy Better Option Than More Federal Aid

Tell that to his asian wife that making illegal contracts with china at taxpayers expense.

Anonymous said...

In No Rush to Approve Covid-19 Aid, McConnell Says He Will Start Confirming More Judges 'As Soon As' Senate Returns

Anonymous said...

Local health experts urge community to continue to guard against COVID-19
Are you kiddin' me I'd rather be at the golf course or the tennis court than at home or just driving around doing nothing the cops don't care and they will never stop anybody so nobody is afraid.

Anonymous said...

While Democrats keep whining Trump keeps winning. Will you continue whining for 4 more years if Trump wins again in November? OF COURSE YOU WILL. YOU'VE GOTTEN USED TO IT.

Anonymous said...

What no more blue eyes

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The parks are still close when are they going to be open?

Anonymous said...

8:45: It isn’t exactly straight from the tap. Most purified water is adjusted somewhat for flavor and additionally Dasani is always the example those who can’t tell the difference use as an example because they aren’t exactly knowledgeable about consumer behavior with water. Those who drink if for health reasons, like thyroid problems which are common in the valley, will opt for spring as that is what has been recommended. Fluoride that is in tap water has been shown to limit how well people absorb some medications and treatments.

Ozarka on the shelves is cheap and almost all spring water. If you get it delivered in 5 gallon jugs it is usually spring but some pay less to get Houston municipal water than has been triple processed to remove all of the impurities left behind from the process such as chlorine, fluoride, other things. Many people yet drink sparkling or mineral water for flavor and unless you’re a smoker the taste can be quite evident. So no- people who buy bottled aren't as dumb as those with your indifference want to claim. It really does have to do with taste preference or specific features such as distilled, pH neutral, alkaline, or in some cases calcium rich and magnesium deposits. Some water has enough viral minerals to be considered a nutritional supplement or even a remedy for constipation due to magnesium content. In Texas we have spring water bottles and exported that is almost as calcium rich as milk.
