Special to El Rrun-Rrun
As the state and county get ready to "liberate" the local economy and "soft openings" sprout here and there, we met an old friend over at ar friend's apartment.
He was Joe, a white guy from up nawth we had met in one of our sojourns to the Midwest who was - like many Midwesterners - open, sincere and devoid of the thinly-veiled prejudices that plague most of his southern kindred.

"Hey, man," said Joe. "I didn't know that people loved pollo so much in Mexico."
"Pollo?," asked out host. "Oh, yeah, they come to buy it by 10-pound bags at the Globo or HEB. At 39 cents a pound, you can't bet it. For less than $5 you can eat all week."
"No wonder," said Joe, pointing at the TV. "Look at that, even the mariachis and street vendors and artisans in Mexico City and in the interior; everyone is crying for a pollo."
"What," said our host. "Where Joe?"
"There," Joe pointed at the screen. "See? Everyone want a pollo. See? They're even holding signs, except they spelled it wrong. It's a pollo, not apoyo, right?"
"No, dummy," said out exasperated host. "They want money, un apoyo, like a subsidy, not a pollo, the chicken. Chingao! Este bato!"
I just heard walmart is going to install traffic light inside all the stores but only in the RGV. Wonder why?
Too-Mexican, bro.
pinche gringo pendejo
What Street Names Say About Us?>
Here in browntown that we are a bunch of cocos
CNN to Show Phone Number of Poison-Control Hotline Whenever Trump Speaks
“At CNN, we strive to keep our viewers informed. But, in order to do that, we must first keep them alive,” the anchor Wolf Blitzer said.
Historically, in hyper-crises, local and global systems can change fundamentally. Before the coronavirus pandemic hit first China and then the rest of the globe, the question of whether the American imperial era might be faltering was already on the table, amid that country’s endless wars and with the world’s most capricious leader.
When humanity emerges from this devastating crisis of disease, dislocation, and impoverishment, not to mention the fracturing of a global economic system created by Washington but increasingly powered by Beijing on a climate-stressed planet, the question will be: Has the Chinese dragon pushed the American eagle down to a secondary position?
Pence Lied, Americans Are Dying, and Trump Is Sneering
He needs to be re-elected again and again just like the self-serving official we have here.
The GOP Bet It All on Trump. Now They’re Paying the Price.
Don’t look now, but the chickens are coming home to roost. Everything that Never Trumpers warned Republicans about Donald Trump is coming true.
COVID-19 is the kind of national emergency many of us raised when we warned Republicans not to elevate a man so clearly unprepared and ill-suited to the job.
The petulance, lack of discipline, short attention span, narcissism, lies and endless need for public praise and approval that were treated by Trump’s supporters as charming advantages or manageable eccentricities have been exposed as glaringly irredeemable deficiencies in an American president.
Promises made. Promises kept.
TRUMP 2020!
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