Wednesday, April 1, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Hector Cascos, brother of former Texas Secretary of State, Cameron County Judge and Pct. 2 commissioner Carlos Cascos passed away today at 3:55 p.m. from a lingering illness. He had just turned 64 Feb. 29.

Cascos was the principal of Oakcrest Management, a fully integrated real estate development company with over 40 years of property management sine 2013.

Before that he was a community liaison with A Healing Touch Home Health and was responsible for fostering positive relationships with physicians, clinics and hospitals in the community.

He was a graduate of University of Texas-Brownsville where he earned a Bachelor's of Art an AA in Sociology and Business Administration, and the University of Texas -Austin where he earned a
BA in Sociology and an AA in Business Administration and received certification in Sociology and Special Education from the  Business State Board of Education.

Our condolences to his family and may peace be with him and them.)


Anonymous said...

Bless Cascos family and so sorry for their loss.

Anonymous said...

Sad ending for a guy who accounted for 100 daily postings on McHale's Facebook page. Au revoir, Hector, au revoir.

Anonymous said...

Hector was a Republican (on Earth).

Anonymous said...

For weeks now, people have been begging Trump to use the Defense Production Act to force companies to produce much needed medical supplies. So far the only time Trump has used it has been to order General Motors to make ventilators. And the only reason why he did that seems to be more about the argument he was having with the GM CEO. Trump keeps letting his petty, personal issues interfere with the national well being.

Trump has been leaving it up to the states to handle their own needs. But the big problem with that approach is that the Governor of New York can not order a business in Michigan to produce medical supplies. And even if the business was located in their own state, a governor still could not order that business to produce medical supplies because they simply do not have that power. The *only* person in the entire country who has that authority is the President. And he refuses to use it.

When asked why he has not invoked the DPA more, Trump has said he doesn't want the government to get involved with business and turn the U.S. into Venezuela. Again Trump is letting decisions be made for him by right-wing idealogues. During WWII, turning America's factories into wartime production was one of great patriotic success stories of the war. And at no time did it threaten to transform America into some socialist hellhole.

Trump has declared himself a "wartime President." For Trump, that means he wants to be seen as the next Lincoln or FDR. To be viewed as a valiant leader, who, through their determination and vision, leads the country through a terrible crisis and into triumph. But Trump wants it the same way he has wanted everything in his life - to have others do the dirty work and he just jumps in and takes all the credit. Trumps wants all the prestige with none of the responsibility.

Anonymous said...

Get over the hatred of Trump. The constant whining and complaining gets old after awhile and it's annoying as shit. The Trump Derangement Syndrome is getting worse.

Anonymous said...


No one reads your essay comments.
Quit the shit puto

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump’s epiphany/admission that the coronavirus is going to kill (at least) tens of thousands of Americans, and that stay-at-home policies need to continue throughout April, has convinced a number of pundits that he is now treating the pandemic with grave seriousness. Unfortunately, this is not true. What is happening is that Trump is acting like he is treating the pandemic with grave seriousness.

This is better than the alternative, because it means (for the time being, at least) that red-state governors will feel they have leeway to order lockdowns and that public-health experts Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci will get to give good advice to U.S. residents from the White House lectern without being immediately contradicted by the boss. But, as a spin around the news emphasizes, it does not mean that Trump or anyone else in the White House is actually administering a federal response to the crisis.

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous...
Fuck off and get a life.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous. So much hatred, I hope you find love.
Hector was more than a Republican (on earth), but a father, brother, uncle, and friend to all. Always willing to give a helping hand.
He might have commented (sometimes too much) but it showed his passion. He never hid behind an anonymous comment, but was true to who he was and what he believed in.. down to his last breath.

Anonymous said...

My condolence to his family. RIP Hector.....

Anonymous said...

Don't disrespect the Cascos family by including Trumps' shenenigans here.

The Cascos family is a respectable one and we should all respect their loss.
May Hector rest in peace. My condolences to Carlos and Candy.

Anonymous said...

Wow Trump Trump wait till Eddie makes us wear arm bands so we can be outside with out going to jail. So sad to see so many that do not know how government works, all those laws that were passed by your political hero's and now you want a dictator to tell people what to make. Don't let me see you standing next to each other or jail time for you, put your arm band on, oh not you, you gave to my re-election fund.

Anonymous said...

All Republicans own Trump. Why run from it?

Anonymous said...

I will still offer my Muff diving service for free claims the Scumbag Renee Oliveira, I am willing to help out in these trying times I will do home service and bring my own sanitizer

Anonymous said...

Put respect on his name. If you think you know a person solely through the Internet, it reflects more on you than him. And don’t associate this time of grief to his political opinions. Do better.
