Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

So, Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino, County Emergency Management Coordinator Tom Hushen, and his citizens committee to "liberate" the local economy has laid three foundations.

One, with a nod and a wink to th Harlingen Treasure Hills voting bloc, Trevino and his coordinators have issued a new Amended Emergency Management Order signed April 20 that lift restrictions that prohibited private club members and/or residents from playing golf and tennis at their clubs.

While the county and city parks remain closed for the proletariat, this silk-stocking electorate gets to romp and play in their private reserves far from the unwashed masses.

 The hope is, of course, that they wear masks and practice social distancing as they tee off and tell off-color jokes.

Treasure Hills Golf Club Pattaya - Pattaya - Golf Course & Country ...We have seen that furniture stores - like his mother's on Palm Shopping Village - were able to remain open because they have a finance loan company inside and it come under the financial "essential services" category to fight the COVID-19 virus. Aha!

The whopper was the special April 16  memorandum that Treviño issued declaring that car washes may be considered “essential business” under the county’s mandatory shelter-in-place order, based on rules promulgated by the National Cybersecurity Infrastructure Agency, and therefore should be allowed to operate as long as social-distancing and all other precautions are observed.

The what?

The  CISA Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce: Ensuring Community and National Resilience in COVID-19 Response says nothing of the sort. In fact, the list of critical infrastructure does not even mention car washes. Perhaps a latwr update does, but not the one found on the website.

But City of Brownsville Commissioner Jessica Tetreau said  on her Facebook page that "the county" (read Trevino) had interpreted the document to indicate that her car wash should also be considered "essential" because of its relation to the "Transportation" section of the critical infrastructure categories in the CISA Guidance document. She thanked God for enlightening the powers that be to come to her aid in her time of plight.

And so - perhaps inadvertently - candidate Trevino threw out an incentive to Tereau to jump aboard his reelection campaign by making a special dispensation for businesses like hers to ramp up for business.

Hopefully, her political support in the coming campaign will make it a wash. One hand washes...

Do you have the time to read through the guidance document?

El Rrun-Rrun challenges Trevino, Hushen, or Tetreau to show where the word "private commercial car wash businesses"is listed under the "Transportation" category. The closest it comes - and it's a tenuous reach -  mentions "maintenance" and electric charging stations n passing. We list it here below.

(Automotive repair, maintenance, and transportation equipment manufacturing and distribution facilities (including those who repair and maintain electric vehicle charging stations).

We know, Tetreau has to have somewhere to charge her Tesla used car, but is't not at the car wash, is it?  And of course she doesn't repair and maintain a charging station  there.

But is there a fleet of Teslas owners who voluntarily ferry victims to medical facilities that might need the charging service to help in the fight against CODIV-19? No, of course not.

To Trevino's point of view, this is probably a "soft" opening.

But if the businesses can open "as long as social-distancing and all other precautions are observed," she fails miserably since her workers are not required to wear face masks or gloves, even though she said she was taking "every human step possible' to protect them and her customers.

 On the other hand, we are reluctant to mention that here because she might provide the PPE and deduct it from their pay.

All we need now is for the county judge to declare that "politiqueras" provide an essential purpose and "liberates" them to act on his behalf.


Anonymous said...

The new politiqueras ARE NOW ELECTED OFFICIALS. Where's the election committed for ethics. BOLA DE MAMONES..

Anonymous said...

I'm okay with these idiots going out to play. The result may not please them, however. smh

Anonymous said...

I would like to see outdoor activities opened up for everyone. Non-Team Sports including bicycling, running, golf, tennis, frisby golf, fishing, hunting and even kite flying are very low risk activities to spread infection. Hell, sitting on the beach and getting a sun tan is a low risk activity. Closing the boat ramps, beaches and golf courses has never made any sense to me. Outside activities where people can spread out seem like very low risk.

My Facebook feed blows up everyday with pissed off Raza because they cant go out to the Boca Chica Jetties or Gayman bridge. I think our local politicians are going to have a hard time getting re-elected after all of this because they basically imprisoned a large chunk of the community and killed many people's businesses.

I get it .... be safe and social distance . . . . what better way to social distance than by going outside and being outdoors.

Anonymous said...

Of course he's a republican gringos will never vote for a democrate much less un meskin

Anonymous said...

MAMON pinche coco we'll see you on election time...

Anonymous said...

Ooooh can create all the committees in the world and appoint the Tiptons and other businessmen (who wrote checks to you last campaign) but people will see it for exactly what it is: a desperate little crumb of the quid pro quos you have going behind the scenes.

Tetreau’s greedy fat ass relies on her staff sweating and fucking it interiors in order to buy more high quality knock-off bags (people talk sweetie and real ones don’t come from China wrapped in plastic.)

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many gringos buy furniture at his store "NONE"
they don't even know where palm blvd is at.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who the hell still goes to that POS Carwash?
Blue wave blows it away. No comparison.

Anonymous said...

Nombre Dale Shine is the Bomba.

Anonymous said...

Those are NOT blue eyes those are his sunglasses hahahahalolhahaha

Anonymous said...

How dare you speak bad about King Trevino! Because of you pheasants... King Trevino will send us all back to lock down and close down nonessential business, except Car wash places of course !

Anonymous said...

Gringo to meskin: hey you play golf?
mesking to Gringo: que es eso guey?
Gringo to meskin: a game and you put a ball in a hole.
mesking to Gringo: o ay do tat evry nit en la cama guey...

Anonymous said...

She's saying ami ami like that car dealer lady dale gas she's really saying dame mas dame mas...

Former RGV LEO said...

A note to the City of Brownsville and BISD! Please put up a better candidate for county judge! All of us in CC know that B town doesn't want anyone outside of B town as county judge! You all have to have the B town political control in the county seat!

Unknown said...

When is (Democrat) Eddie treviño up for reelection?
