Special to El Rrun-Rrun
After she had lost her jobs cleaning houses when employers feared of a COVID-19 infection, Maria (not her real name) wondered how she and her family were going to pay for their rent, their food, or their utility bills.
She is a Mexican citizen and had been able to hook up on utilities years ago using her Mexican Consular Identification Card (Matricula Consular) and a letter from her landlord confirming she was renting from him. One of her two sons, also Mexican, works in a labor-intensive job and his earnings have kept them afloat since they were not eligible for state or federal assistance.
Up until now, although it was touch-and-go most every month, she had been able to pay her utility bills with PUB, sometimes making arrangements to pay in installments.
As a Brownsville Public Utility Board ratepayer, she was heartened when she heard that the board had bolstered their SHARE Program by $2 million to assist ratepayers whose jobs had been affected by the virus outbreak. After the Shelter in Place and Stay at Home orders, things just dried up.
When she called the company hired by PUB to screen applicants, she was stunned to hear that despite the board members saying that the assistance would go to all PUB ratepayers whose jobs were affected by the virus, she was told right out the gate that she would first have to prove her American citizenship.
"You don't have to be a citizen to be a PUB ratepayer," she said. "The announcement that the PUB made never mentioned that immigration status had anything to do with this assistance. Just people who pay their bills but whose jobs stopped because of that virus."\
Nonetheless, a call to the Community Action Corporation of South Texas (CACOST) which also implements the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) confirmed that the organization - which usually distributes state and federal funds for low-income individuals in Cameron and Hidalgo counties - is screening applicants to the PUB SHARE program and rejecting those who can't provide proof of U.S. citizenship.
The PUB requires that an applicant produce " a) Driver's License or, b) Other valid State/Government issued identification" to open an account. There is no mention of proof of citizenship given the large number of Mexican businesses and individuals who live in Brownsville and open accounts for their residences or businesses.
When the PUB board agreed to hire CACOST to implement the SHARE program, they never intended the citizenship requirement to be included in their screening for assistance.
"Immigration status was never meant to be a requirement for SHARE like it is for CEAP," said Maria's neighbor, an English-speaking friend who is helping the family apply for the help.
"For that other program (CEAP) it is a requirement, but not for SHARE as long as they have a PUB account, they are supposed to qualify, " she said.
CEAP, observers say, is a state program and only pays electric charges, but SHARE - if funds last - are PUB funds that can also be used to pay the water and sewer for ratepayers. There's a possibility that is someone does not qualify for CEAP, thy could qualify for SHARE.
But right off the bat, if the CACOST screeners on their own are determining that U.S. citizenship is a requirement to receive th PUB SHARE assistance, the program would be rejecting the most needy PUB ratepayers of all.
The response to the PUB SHARE program has overwhelmed the CACOST staff and the organization has opened the office in McAllen to help their Harlingen office process the applications, PUB staffers say.
The response to the PUB SHARE program has overwhelmed the CACOST staff and the organization has opened the office in McAllen to help their Harlingen office process the applications, PUB staffers say.
According to sources, PUB is paying CACOST 9 percent of the $2 million ($180,000) to administer the SHARE program. With the citizenship hurdle being applied, it is obvious that those ratepayers most in need will be left out in the cold despite the assurances of the PUB board or the City of Brownsville administration.
they should ask questions like
are you on government assisted housing
do you recieve food stamps
do you get medicaid
are you on wic
and then deny those people too
What aid would an American citizen be able to get in Mexico, Montoya? smh
- Most of the workers are immigrants
- People are expendable to the administration of greed. Trump makes others die to pay for his lazy ass.
I'm glad PUB is asking for citizenship, Any government assistance should be monitored and not be granted to people who are in this country illegally.
Maybe Mexico has a plan to help it's citizens that are living in the United States.
BTW the United States Taxpayers deserve a break.
You can dish on MEXICANS, but you can't say they should go back to Mexico until every other fucker goes back to where his ancestors came from. Get that through your fucking racist head, you God-damned imbecile!
Trump has told aides that he thinks it’s him being cooped up in the White House that’s hurting his poll numbers, not his daily rambling sessions where he lies and obfuscates about the coronavirus to the American people. As a result, the stir-crazy president is apparently getting ready to hit the road again with trips to battleground electoral states, even as much of the country remains under lockdown.
PUB should disolve this share program and keep these $2 million dollars if it does not intend to help out its ratepayers and while you are at PUB Board memebers just raise the rates once again 5% for the next 5 years cuz it dont matter. No one will stop you not the city, county state of PUC. Dale gas
7:56 AM There is indeed an imbecile here and it is you. The issue here is citizenship which is a legal status and not ancestry. If everybody returned to where their ancestors came from there would be nothing but animals left in North America or any of the other Americas for that matter.
In the case at hand, folks who are not in the country legally should not receive any benefits that come to citizens or those who are here legally. You can't sneak illegally into any country and expect to receive the benefits of citizenship or legal immigration. You sir are a cretin.
Why some folks feel that any person of Mexican heritage is worthy of U.S. Citizen benefits defies logic.
Perdon, no es posible que pub este poniendo roñoso despues de todo el dinero ala millonada que se Roberson. La vida da muchas vueltas.Todos pagamos impuestos y se me hace cruel lo que le hicieron a nuestra paisana.
AT:April 30, 2020 at 10:06 AM, A tonto calling somebody else a cretin and than turns around and call the native americans animals and while defending citizenship!
Coming from an incoherent imbecile dimwitted racist loquacious and out of touch with reality you simply make no sense, go back to your virus infected homeland EUROPE mister.
Hey you at 12:29, why don't you pay there bill, let a few move in with you, even better. Wait if you work you are paying there bill. TAXES you work they take!
Pub threw out the 2million like a bone for a dog just to throw off the sent of the 150 million they owe the rate payers on that Tenaska surcharge don't be fooled people.
there? estupido hillbilly at: May 1, 2020 at 7:13 AM
Here's a good idea. Why don't the apply LEGALLY for entry into our country. That's how every other country in the world does it. Giving illegals free stuff is the magnet to come to our country. The people that come here legally go through a vetting process. Part of that process is that you can support yourself. That means work. Everybody always responses with "racism". NO COUNTRY IN THE WORLD LETS YOU GO INTO THEIR COUNTRY ILLEGALLY AND THEN GIVES YOU FREE SCHOOL, MEDICAL, WELFARE, ETC.. DOES THAT MEAN ALL THE COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD ARE "RACIST" EXCEPT US?
I'm tired of people continuing to constantly yell"racism" as an excuse for everything. If it's that bad then go back to your country. Nobody is stopping you. Just quit whining and complaining about everything.
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