Sunday, April 12, 2020


By Juan Montoya

As the FBI probes a $1.3 million "mistake" where the administration of the Brownsville Public Utility Board directed payment to Texas Noble Construction to an account in a different bank, the board is poised to pass an agenda item giving it the power to cover up any information  over the money's disappearance and just about anything else.

As far as the city commission - and even some PUB board members know - the PUB Finance Dept. approved the rerouting of the payments to Noble fom the Lone Star National Bank to the Bank of America based on communication from an as-of-yet unrevealed source.

All that city officials have been told is that "someone at PUB got a call from 'Noble' about switching the bank account for their construction draws rom Lone Star to Bank of America. They got a signed document allegedly from the company regarding this new account.

"When the $1.3 million payment came due, PUB paid it to the new account. Noble called PUB a day or two later wondering when they would receive the payment. That's when they (PUB) realized that they hadn't actually sent the payment to Noble but apparently to someone else."

Who was that "someone else?" Nobody seems to know. And that's when the snail-paced FBI reportedly stepped in.

Now, as recriminations fly and PUB made good on the$1.3 million payment to Noble after being threatened with litigation, costs are said to be accruing that could drive the loss to the utility - $2 million or more is one estimate - to be borne by the ratepayers.

But the PUB administration will try to divert attention to the federal and city management probe into the apparent swindle with an item on the agenda "suspending" - not forgiving, mind you - late payment penalties and disconnections for an undetermined amount of time because of the COVID-19 crisis.

This Monday, during a regular meeting via teleconference call st 5:00 p.m, the PUB members will consider this item:
(Click to enlarge)

Notice that it does not forgive the payments since COVID-19 impacted the local economy, affecting commercial customers and ratepayers, but rather "suspends" late payment penalties on the bills and disconnection of service for nonpayment. It merely kicks the ratepayer's bill down the road to be paid when the crisis is over.

Because of "technical limitations" the public can only listen and only a "limited number" of callers will be allowed to call in.

Why the PUB did not forgive payments for the period when local commerce and workers have been crippled by the effects of the virus? A city commissioner said one could not expect PUB administrator and employees to "work for nothing."

But haven't the PUB ratepayers done just that - paid for nothing - by being subjected to artificially-high utility rates since 2013, when PUB's general manager and CEO John Bruciak - in his expert opinion - told commissioners that he saw the construction of the Tenaska $500 million gas-fired electrical generating plant as the only way to meet future energy needs and got the commission's acquiescence  and gave the PUB authority to hike utility rates to pay for it construction?

“We looked at a lot of things,” Bruciak told the commissioners then. “We did an integrated resource plan on the power supply that looked at everything in the state that was available. This hands down was the most economical and efficient for our residents.”

During that seven-day period of Dec. 11-17, 2012, a unanimous city commission board rammed through two public hearings at two special meetings and passed two ordinances that resulted in adoption of  rate hikes in utilities that totaled a 36 percent increase in electric rates over the next three years, a 20 percent increase in water rates over the same period, and a 6 percent hike in wastewater costs over two years.

So far, the increased rates have garnered the PUB in excess of $100 million in cash collected through the higher utility bills. Talk about paying "for nothing."

The PUB energy guru turned out have been looking at a cloudy crystal ball when he foretold the energy future and the plant - projected to be built by the summer of 2017 (then 200)  - is now on indefinite hold. But Tenaska - with the silent approval of the the PUB administration -  has fought tooth-and-nail to keep the details of the Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) from public disclosure claiming its release would result in "irreparable harm"  to its "proprietary" interests if it was released to the public.

That blueprint to keep the public blind is being followed by Brusiak and company again. Also on the Monday agenda is an item that will shut down information into the  PUB on any matter. It reads:

(Click to enlarge)
We know for a fact that a detailed inquiry for information contained in the inquiry from City Hall on the  missing $1.3 million has been met with silence by the Bruciak administration. Some PUB members who asked Bruciak about it were told he could not comment on it since it was "under investigation" by the FBI.

The Texas Government Code allows a governmental entity like PUB to request the suspension of the  the applicability of the Public Information Act (PIA) for a period of seven days and extend it as the initial period expires. They can then further petition the Texas Attorney General's Office to extend it.

The law provides that in the case of the city inquiry or any other request that may have been filed prior to the PUB's request to the AG to implement the protection of the disaster act, the PUB isn't required to comply until after the end of the suspension periods. That means it could be months before the PUB can be compelled to answer to inquiries.

As far as anyone can determine, the PUB is the only entity in the State of Texas that is claiming this protection from the application of the PIA.

Such authority is vested on the PUB because it claims that it has been "impacted" by a "catastrophe," which under the act, includes an epidemic. Perhaps they fear that delivering envelopes, folders or letters could carry the COVID-19 virus.

Then again, they could transmit the information electronically to prevent transmittal. And we are unaware of any studies that establish that the coronavirus can be transmitted by cyber messaging. Can you infect a population with the truth?

If the agenda item passes, it will give the PUB administration yet another tool to stymie public inquiries into the obvious mismanagement - and potential criminal activity - under Bruciak's watch. Since it is a teleconference meeting, no one will not be able to make their sentiments known on the matter.

Two PUB member intimately linked to Martinez, who voted the Tenaska ball rolling are on the PUB board. Former Brownsville Economic Development Council director Sandra Lopez Langley and Sandra Saenz, his personal secretary, are now on the board. One other board member - chairperson Anna E. Oquin - has been heard complaining that the request for information from the city into the $1.3 million is roiling the waters at the utility.

They could be expected - along with others on the PUB  board - to give Bruciak carte blanche to withhold information to the public, and now from the city administration and commission.

Besides those three, the other board member are: Vice-chair Jude A. Benavides,  Armando Magallanes, Timothy Lopes, and Mayor Trey Mendez, the Ex-Officio member.

If  a majority goes along, the public, of course, stands to lose, but not Bruciak or his cadre of top administrators. 

They have been doing very well since the rate hikes were put into place by the city administration under former Mayor Tony Martinez, a Tenaska booster. From 2013, when the higher rates were implemented, to 2020,  the top three executives gave themselves huge raises.  

(Click on graphic to enlarge.)

*General Manager Bruciak, from $184,059 to $303,576, a $114,517 bump, with $109,069 coming between 2013-2017.

*Fernando Saenz, Asst. GM and OO, from $160,014 to 273,603, a $113,589 bump, with $104,178 coming between 2013-2017 

*Bringing up the rear, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Leandro Garcia went from $160,014 to $263,286, a $103,272 bump, with $94,994 coming between 2013-2017.

So while the board is willing to turn a blind eye to the $1.3 million "mistake" under CFO Garcia's purview at finance, continue to keep its artificially-high utility rates in place for a non-existent Tenaska plant, it cannot provide a month's consideration to forgive commercial and residential ratepayers impacted by the financial tsunami impact that CODIV-19 has wreaked upon them.

With the board members cognizant that the FBI is on the trail of the missing money, will they in effect aid and abet the administration by passing the anti-PIA item and help with the cover up?

It's unbelievable that the imperious nature of Bruciak's PUB administration - facilitated by a majority of its board and a majority of the city commission - is leading them to believe that they can cover up answers to the questions raised by the public and the city claiming  they are protecting the city from the coronavirus. 


Anonymous said...

As the city wallows in Coronavirus depression it should consider working on infrastructure, like fixing the streets while traffic is low. It should also ask local restaurants and taquerias to improve delivery service. Mayor Mendez should be thinking "outside the box" on this one. Dare to try the Big Solution!

Anonymous said...

When will you learn that local public servants are substandard politicians? You get what your elect, bro! And you suffer the consequences. That's the equation you've known for all these years. Yet, you act surprised. smh

Anonymous said...

When do I get my stimulus check?

The first checks were sent as early as April 9 via direct deposit to taxpayers who provided their direct deposit information on their 2018 or 2019 federal tax return. Check your bank account to learn if your deposit has arrived. Most direct deposits should arrive by April 14.

Anonymous said...

"allegedly" directed payment........

Anonymous said...

They should ALL go to jail. Florida built some more barrack

Anonymous said...

LOL! I used to work there and everyone gives each other raises. Also, people hire their buddies and comadres- seen it. It comes to no surprise something like this happens. Also, y’all need to look at the fines BPUB gets and the civilians pay without knowing. There’s many fines that are left under their “private” board meetings.

Anonymous said...

Trump is such a malignant narcissist that he thinks the entire universe revolves around him.

That is bad enough under normal conditions - but he is exploiting the pandemic to feed his ego. He uses the press briefings to talk mostly about himself and then brag about their ratings - like his ratings is what matters most during this crisis. He is also playing games with much needed medical supplies - rewarding those who grovel to him and withholding supplies to anyone who doesn't fawn over him.

Anonymous said...

Get ready for four more years of Herr Drumpf! What joys and 'accomplishments' will these next four bring? United Slaves of Corporate Welfare is GOING DOWN!!!! Had enough yet? Think 'El Globo' is bad? Watch HEB and ALL the others join in the food shortage/price gouging bonanza that is soon to beset us all in a short few months, or weeks, or within the year for CERTAIN!!! NOBODY wants to hear this. NOBODY wants to believe this. Why would anybody? WE live in the land of 'milk and honey'!!!

I'm actually attempting to provide a 'heads-up'. Thus far in my efforts, I repeatedly hear variations of: STOP telling 'others' what to do! STOP panicking! DON'T worry! It will be fine! We DO NOT want to hear your 'unhinged' opinions!

Mark my words! The 'recession' we're going into will be FAR worse than 1939! FAR worse than ANYTHING anyone living today in this country has EVER experienced (with the exception of those who've had the 'pleasure' of living in other 'shit hole' countries during a period of time in which 'democracy' was being 'installed').

Cheers and 'love' from the CIA! "We lied, we cheated, we stole....we had entire classes in it...."

FYI: My 'real' name is Pompous! (I think you can figure that out, can't you?)

John said...

The last time I checked the Tenaska website, 09-23-2018, it's Plants and Projects page ( still included the Tenaska Brownsville Generating Station, scheduled to come on line "as early as 2020."

However, when I checked the Tenaska website today, it no longer listed the Tenaska Brownsville Generating Station. Searching the site for "Brownsville," the only thing I found was a 01-28-2013 post entitled "Tenaska, Brownsville Public Utilities Board Announce Agreement for Development of an Electric Generating Station in Texas"(

I guess the PUB has found another way to Brownsville's energy needs, but lost track of this story a while back. Can anyone fill me in on how the utility payments collected for the Tenaska project has been refunded to the rate payers and/or repurposed to meet Brownsville's energy needs without the Tenaska project?

Anonymous said...

Where did you get the salary data. I found an article based on 2017 where they were barely bumped to 185k.

Anonymous said...

Why hasn’t the state come in and investigate?

Anonymous said...

These PUB top manager's salaries are way too high for this geographical area. Brownsville is the poorest city in the USA and for us taxpayers to subsidize these salaries is totally wrong and unacceptable. How does a public servant be earning over $300,000 annually? They must be out of their goddam mind, enough is enough, they need to be fired, someone else can do the job just as good or better for a lot less than that.

Anonymous said...

Id imagine the corruption these fucking crooks and their compadres do under the table. @ 7:08. Fucking PUB double charging to try to get that deficit back from stealing money. this is embarrassing but it finally caught on, hardworking people paying their fucking bills on time on paycheck to paycheck and the law chingando todavia tambien with their quotas. Politicians and the law of brownsville out on the hunt to fuck the people of brownsville not to serve. Puro muerto de hambre. demand arrests.

Anonymous said...

heads gonna roll
just like barbacoa gate
oh wait that was swept under the rug

Anonymous said...

is this another fajita gate
where 1 man takes the fall?

Anonymous said...

1.3 mill?
how greedy can you be?
take a the top
100k here and there and no one will notice
pero a nodo lo quieren todo

Anonymous said...

With the elected officials we have elected NOTHING is going to happen we've been here before. FIRST get rid of that gringo at PUB than maybe something can get done LIKE SENTING EVERYBODY TO PRISON!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

With people across the U.S. facing orders to remain in their homes, and bars and restaurants closed as part of the ongoing effort to quell the coronavirus outbreak, alcohol sales have gone through the roof.
See ya at the liquor store buddy!

Anonymous said...

"It's funny because only one month ago, everyone was on a gluten-free diet. Now, suddenly everyone is a baker,"
Ok maggots start baking...

Anonymous said...

I keep reading people upset with what is reported here. Why, you are the ones that put up with this corruption day after day. Don't post here call the DA and raise hell, his name is Saenz.

Anonymous said...

Boy, talk about mixing kumquats with cucumbers! You would have been better served with an introductory line stating, "the following are a bunch of unrelated incidents about the PUB but they make the PUB look bad so it's my job to kinda find a way to put them together."

Anonymous said...

Is Anna O'Quinn the only honest politician in Brownsville?
That is why I recommended that they replace Atkinson with her on the BISD
board but they decided on Little Eddie, Aurora and Delia's nephew-in-law.
He is henpecked at home and now on the board.

Anna, go for it and investigate until you get those idiots who are so close to God but steal from the poor people to line their pockets. The Teneska and the Brigdge to Nowhere - Port are under the same category and what has happened with both projects? Get to bottom of this, Mrs. O'Quinn - more power to you.

Anonymous said...

You said it with the "ELECTED OFFICIALS", that probably got elected with ITIN, Individual Tax Identification Number, and not with the true citizens with REAL social security numbers. That's reality in Texas. Check how many SAENZ's clan involved? How many Lopez, Magallanes. These Truely overweight so called rats could live off the land for years and it would not effect them. How low can they get by using the Covid-19 epidemic as an excuse for covering up their setup plan corruption. Kinda makes sense as to why former Cameron county judge Carlos Casco wanted to and got appointed to Secretary of State. To set all their ducks in a roll. This is my opinion Life is a bitch when you get caught with your hands in the cookie jar.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Bruciak and Eddie T, are like 2 forever curled fingers.

Anonymous said...

Confront Bruciak, PUB employees and board members when they are out in public. Shame them for being thieves.

Anonymous said...

To POMPOUS one..


Either you live by FAITH..


Anonymous said...

When this Corona shit is over Brownsville residents should and will start a revolt against these lying bastards at PUB AND COMMISSION.

Anonymous said...

Fire that SOB he's been there much to much and sent him to prison where he belongs but to Houston not fla. Bubba will teach him new tricks

Anonymous said...

Dam elected officials here can steal, rob and finagal everybody but if you sell a hand sanitizer and make 20 centavos more people here want to execute your ass. pinches jotos

Anonymous said...

Where is my stimulus (E.D.) check where?

Anonymous said...

The citizens of Brownsville need to understand that we are being ripped off by PUB ADMINISTRATION AND CITY COMMISSION for the past 7yrs.They have collected and hoarded over $100 million
in higher utilities for a project that will not be built and that we don't need.Even during this pandemic in the poorest city in the country they do NOTHING this is a disgrace.Please start calling, texting,facebook ,and Instagram them till they do something.Always remember folks we own PUB ITS HIGH TIME THESE SO-CALLED LEADERS RECOGNIZE THAT.


Anonymous said...

Aqui tengo tu stimulus check!

Anonymous said...

This explains some recent retirement plans. Looks like the big wigs end game is in trouble.

Anonymous said...

Still waiting for Brownsville people to find out all the fines they pay since the Alton Gloor substation needs to be upgraded but the employees are too lazy to work on it (HINT HINT: why do think half of Alton Gloor lights go out often). Also waiting for people to find out that there's fines for people who are hired that know nothing on the job position. Hiring people with an SOME COLLEGE to be in a very high position. Oh, and also making up positions that don't exist to give raises. Still waiting for people to find out that a good percentage of people that work at BPUB don't even live in the US, most live in Matamoros and use someone else's address. Still waiting for people to find out they fire young people for discovering their mistakes/tracks. Still waiting for people to find out the most people that work in the administration building are related to each other. I know one director that has their tia and sobrin(o/a) working there. Sucks that no one pays attention to this.

Anonymous said...

Pay attention to ALL the gringos making over 200k a year not workers making 7.50 an hour pinche idiota. HINT all gringos live in Harlingen the KKK of the valley puto/a

Anonymous said...

All this talk about salaries and no mention about all the additional perks/allowances they get like car allowance.

CHON said...

Burciak is a gringo so he is worth $300k according to those in power, but when you put some one else in charge, hispanic or others they are only worth maybe half of that salary, just wait n watch when he leaves.

Anonymous said...

Get rid of all the gringos at PUB and save 10 million pesos...hahahaha

Anonymous said...

“Anna, go for it and investigate until you get those idiots who are so close to God but steal from the poor people to line their pockets. The Teneska and the Brigdge to Nowhere - Port are under the same category and what has happened with both projects? Get to bottom of this, Mrs. O'Quinn - more power to you“

Anna? Are you serious? Anna is controlled by Rita Hernandez and Mike Hernandez. Anna is a nice lady but has no business being on the board. Haven’t you seen the vice chair tell her what to say and do?

BISD? Nope!

Anonymous said...

Crystal Ball? There was no crystal ball. At the same time as the bridge to nowhere, the plant deal was pitched by representatives of another utility that tried to buy PUB out of the port service area more than a decade ago. It was not in the best interest of Brownsville at that time so we rejected that deal. I heard the study to buy in was done by a director and former associate of those same representatives to legitimize the project afterward.
