Sunday, April 19, 2020


By Christopher Collins
The Texas Observer

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandering and opportunistic public servants, government agencies now have carte blanche to operate in secret for as long as this crisis persists—and perhaps even longer.

On March 13, Governor Greg Abbott delared a state of disaster, which—along with limiting visitations to nursing homes and urging Texans not to go to work if they are sick— lifted “any order or rule of a state agency that would in any way prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this disaster.”

Some of those waivers seemed sensible, such as a moratorium on fines for Texans who don't register their vehicle on time, or a kibosh on standardized testing in public schools.

But among the temporarily lifted regulations were a handful regarding two cornerstone government transparency laws in Texas. One of them, the Public Information Act (PIA), gives citizens the right to obtain records held by the government in a (generally) timely fashion.

(Brownsville's PUB CEO John Bruciak, facing intense questioning over the loss of $1.3 million to a vendor and another $1.3 million issued - perhaps without board approval to cover the loss - has sought the refuge of a catastrophe decision to ignore the PIA, too.)

The second, the Open Meetings Act, mandates that agencies give advance notice of meetings and allow for public attendance. The statutes are part of a suite of open government laws, including ethics and campaign finance rules, enacted by the Legislature in the early 1970s.

After Abbott’s announcement last month, indicted Attorney General Ken Paxton excused government agencies from some requirements related to open records and open meetings laws. When a person requests records held by a government agency, the agency typically has 10 business days to either agree to hand the records over or ask Paxton’s office for permission to withhold them.

But Paxton told officials they won’t have to comply with the deadline if their offices aren’t open for business, even if the employees who would normally respond to requests are working from home.

As a result, roughly 80 cities, counties, school districts, and other governmental bodies (including the Brownsville Public Utility Board) have filed notices with the attorney general’s office stating they do not intend on fully complying with open records rules. The agencies that have filed “catastrophe notices,” as they’re called, include some that could hold crucial information about the unfolding public health crisis...

Catastrophe notices were created by the Texas Legislature in the session directly following Hurricane Harvey, which flooded some government offices and destroyed records. In the 2019 session, the bill was championed by Senator Joan Huffman, a Republican from Houston, who said in a committee hearing that complying with the act during a disaster would unduly burden government officials.

 (It’s worth noting that Huffman came under fire in 2018 when a Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission employee accused the senator of wielding her influence to scuttle an investigation into a nightclub she and her husband had an ownership interest in; the employee said he was directed by the commission to delete records that would implicate Huffman.) Huffman’s bill was opposed by the Texas Press Association, the Texas Association of Broadcasters, and other open government advocates before being signed by the governor in June.

Despite the extra leniency, some government agencies now aren’t even bothering to file catastrophe notices before ignoring requests. For example, the Texas Public Utilities Commission has said that it will indefinitely delay its response to a request I sent in February because its offices are closed; the agency has otherwise filed no catastrophe notice with the AG’s office. Another request I sent to Lubbock County on March 23 has gone unanswered; the county also sent no notice.

A spokesperson for the AG’s office has not answered Observer questions regarding whether officials who are citing COVID-19 to slow-walk requests are required to file a notice. But the statute's language appears to show that they would be in violation of state law:

“A governmental body that elects to suspend the applicability of the requirements of this chapter to the governmental body must submit notice to the office of the attorney general that the governmental body is currently impacted by a catastrophe and has elected to suspend the applicability of those requirements…”

Another problem—if agencies aren’t filing notices before withholding records, it becomes much more difficult to get a handle on how many of them are freezing requests. Just like the coronavirus itself, the problem could be much worse than available data indicates.

The attorney general’s office has mostly left intact the Open Meetings Act, which requires that agencies give 72 hours notice before meeting to discuss public business. Texas has lifted the requirement to provide a physical place for members of the public to watch the meeting, but agencies must still give the public the opportunity to participate in meetings either through the Internet or by telephone.

Still, public meetings are being fumbled by some officials; in the East Texas town of Palestine, a reporter was barred from attending a city council meeting even though it would not have violated social distancing rules. The town also had not set up a toll-free number for the public to participate in the meeting...

And perhaps that’s what the future holds for Texans if government transparency continues to go down the tubes—a whole lot of voices asking questions but getting no answers.


Anonymous said...

Time for the revolution. March on PUB, City Hall, BISD! CHINGAO!

Anonymous said...

“We're opening up our country,” Trump announced Thursday at a news conference. “And we have to do that. America wants to be open, and Americans want to be open.”

The next day, Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, whose approach Trump has praised, announced new deadlines to relax some restrictions on parks and retailers.

Anonymous said...

Everything will be swept under the rug just like the Casa Del Nylon purchase, total fraud committed with total impunity. Nothing new in Brownsville where we have elected officials with "Historical Designation" bullshit on their personal homes just to avoid paying property taxes unlike their constituents who pay their taxes as required in order to provide municipal services. Brownsville will never shine as long as we have elected officials in office for personal interest.

Anonymous said...

As long as the FBI does their job and doesn't get bullied by certain sucio politicians they will find their rat.Its time for The City of Brownsville to make some drastic changes to how the pub is run their is to much conflicts of intetests and people their need to be held accountable.

Former RGV LEO said...

Q: Has PUB filed a theft report with the Brownsville PD or the FBI?
Q: If so, who is investigating this suspicious disappearance of the money?
Q: Being that it was taxpayer money? Why was it kept hush-hush?
Q: If no theft report has been filed? Then why?

Typical questions that come up when there is suspected corruption in the land of Brownsville! How funny that the lucio name always seems to be involved someway or another?

Anonymous said...

Down here its:
Don't file a theft report
Don't investigate we know where its at
Its taxpayers money so it doesn't matter
No need to file a theft report


Anonymous said...

Folks no need to worry about this Eddie lucio jr n the Turd are on top of this one so rest assured just like the bridge to no where BND fiasco nothing will come out of this and btw ppl if you all want more of this corruption dynasty to continue lust keep voting for these two clownd

Anonymous said...

Juan according to a report to the Texas Senate on the internet, Brownsville PUB when established in the early 1960's is suppose to be a NON Profit MOU, Municipal operating Utility? sounds like this is incorrect. Really? Guess they got lost along the times and way about non-profit vs profit. check out the city charter .
