Brownsville Public Utility Board CEO John Bruciak knows.

PUB's contract lawyers and board counsel know.
And the auditor who presented the finished report on the $1.3 million heist also knows.
About the only ones who don't know are the PUB board members and the ratepayers who paid the $2.6 million bill for the PUB fuck up.
After all, following the mistaken deposit of $1.3 million in salary draws to a Bank of America account instead of to Texas Noble's Builders Lone Star National Bank account based on an apparently bogus telephone call and a letter allegedly from Noble confirming the change of accounts and banks, Bruciak ordered the internal audit.
Now the audit is in, the administration has been sitting on it and keeping the report close to its vest.
And since Bruciak has not shared the findings with the board and the board in turn has not accepted or acknowledged the audit report, it not subject to an open record request as a work in progress or incomplete.
Threatened with litigation by Noble if PUB did not make good on its $1.3 million payment, Bruciak gave in and approved the issuance of another $1.3 million to the company to cover the loss. We assume that the original $1.3 million was issued through board approval. But was the other $1.3 million payment approved by the board? If not, by what authority did PUB issue the second check?
So does that mean that the PUB ratepayer will have to eat the additional $1.3 million?
Oquin has been very active trying to stamp out the brush fire and chiding city commission members for raising the issue in the form of a letter of inquiry sent by the city manager's office demanding to know what happened, how it happened, what the outcome was, and who was responsible.
Meanwhile, PUB board members, city commissioners, and the public is being kept in the dark by the PUB administration.
The response they got to their inquiries was an item on Monday's meeting teleconference agenda approving Bruciak's request to the Texas Attorney General's Office asking that PUB be exempt from any requests for information under the Public Information Act.
(Click on graphic to enlarge.)
If the AG agrees that PUB has been impacted from a catastrophe in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic, PUB can request extension of that exemption until the disaster declaration has passed, that is, a delay to comply for what can be months from now. Under the disaster declaration, any requests for information made before and after PUB's request for the exemption will be put off until the disaster declaration is lifted.
Will anyone step up to the plate and demand that the truth come out and that the guilty (or inept) be held accountable?
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PUB is a typical valley bureaucracy. It KNOWS the people it serves are largely powerless.
Is anger on the rise after government goes heavy-handed?
The “backlash” to all of this will be against an idiotic president who downplayed the seriousness of the situation and the moronic Republicans who went along to get along, or kiss Trump’s ass!
As Franklin famously said, “ An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
We had nearly 3 months to prepare for this disaster and Trump along with the GOP laughed, wore gas masks to Congress, fiddled while the virus slowly burned its way through society, even as our intelligence agencies and health experts the world over, were screaming warnings at the U.S. government.
Folks and we all complain about President Trump and his shenigans, looks like we dont need to go too far, the lawbreakers are right here in our backyard.
Trump Defends Decision to Sign Stimulus Checks:
“I Want My Name to Be Synonymous With the Coronavirus”
Lashing out at critics, Trump said, “I have been working on this pandemic day in, day out, and I deserve total credit for it.”
juan, so the PUB CEO Bruciak has the authority to issue a $1.3 million payment without board approval? Smells fishy, something is wrong here even a blind man can see it.
OPM-others peoples money not mine. lol
Mrs. Oquin, I just dropped you from my pedestal.
Please tell me that you are not in with them!
y esa ana con quien anda
The 2019 novel coronavirus did not come from a lab. It was not the produce of human tinkering with CRISPR or the result of an effort to weaponize SARS. The immediate ancestors of the virus now generating a world pandemic almost certainly made their home in bats, then spent at least a few generations in some as yet unidentified intermediate host before making the leap to humans. The first human to human exchange of the virus came somewhere around the first of December 2019 near the city of Wuhan.
It’s not surprising that this rumor might get started. After all, when a disaster strikes, people naturally seek reasons, and a small change in a specific protein on the tip doesn’t satisfy the itch in the same way as nefarious scientists manipulating the stuff of life for big-“E”-Evil purposes. But it’s not true. COVID-19—like thousands of other diseases that made the leap from animals to humans—happened without the help of anyone in a lab coat.
However, the disaster that’s happening now—that definitely had human help. Specifically, it had Donald Trump’s help. Which is why Trump is desperately trying to revive the “made in a lab” theory in order to deflect the blame he richly deserves.
Thank you for staying on top of this. The Brownsville herald is shit along with ch 4, 23 and 5.
Pub is one of the heralds largest customers so they would not dare report this.
RGV Rio Grand Virus started by the early farmers brought over from you know where(EUROPE).
And that Oquin lady wanted to be a Board member at our school district??? Now we know why.....
Oquin is only showing her true colors. She’s always wanted so badly to be important. Stick to making fries bitch.
Una pinche coquita mamona
BND Brownsville's New Diarrhea at PUB...
Juan, i stand corrected my earlier numbers were way too low, I found this information on the internet for FY 2018 the dollar amount transferred to the City of brownsville was $15.6 million and for FY 2019 it was project at $14.9 million. Wow So with those kinds of dollar amount transfer no one from the the City of Brownsville is going to make any noise about what CEO Bruciak can or cant do. Right?
OQueen is besties with Atkinson. She learned from the best.
Oquin will figure it out —no one gets away with stealing
She just quiet as she should be- let the feds do their thing
BTW people once FEDS are in everyone just law low and stay out of their way—- they will get their crook
She should of been with BISD- wouldn’t be the joke it is now
Interesting how the Board gave the Internal Auditors a huge pay raise plus allowances comparable to the biggest municipalities in the state. I guess it helps to have best friends as Board members.
Oquin married into money. Mirale la cara, es taquache!
Y su esposo es mandilon, panochon. La cara te dice that he is.
She wouldn’t have shit with those looks n shitty personality if she hadn’t married into money
Don't pass the buck without passing the bucks. pasa la mordida primero gueyes...
Is this really surprising to all of us in Cameron County? Brownsville is known for its dirty politics, nepotism and most of all CORRUPTION! Someone knew that this so-called phone scam would line their pockets because of the ignorance at PUB! And then what do you know, the company that was owed that money has as their lawyer, eddie "will steal anything" lucio jr. Then he makes a call and threatens civil action and guess what, they're paid! I wonder if the Feds will do anything about it? So, when are we in Cameron County and much less in Brownsville keep voting or putting up with this shit? Why, for that matter keep voting these crooks into office? This will be buried like all other corrupted dealings!
Once she gets convicted she will know how the gringos operate. Too late now!
iS she Aztec or Mayan?
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