Kindergarten Teacher
BISD, Brownsville, Texas
Schools closing because of a global pandemic was not how I anticipated the second semester of this school year would go. My students were supposed to finish Kindergarten with their peers, excited for moving a classroom over to first grade in the fall. For now, that will most likely not be the case.
As most people know, one of the main issues with a shelter-in-place order from the county was that schools could no longer convene. The solution? Distance teaching: teachers could conduct classes over video calls, assigning classwork that students submitted online. No one would come into contact with one another.
It sounds simple, but it is not. The idea behind distance teaching, or distance learning, assumes so much of parents, and it is because of these assumptions that distance teaching does not work.
It assumes that a) parents understand technology enough to work a video call, access assignments, download and send assignments back, etc., b) parents have a device that their child can use for their schoolwork, c) parents are able to afford internet access, and d) parents do not have a job in which they are considered “essential workers,” meaning they can be at home with their child and help them with their schoolwork.
Even those four points bring up many more caveats. For example, even if a parent is not considered an essential worker, they still have to work from home. They are thus unable to give their undivided attention to their child. Most teachers I know have children (yes, plural). How is a teacher expected to teach from home while they have more than one student at home that needs to “distance learn”?
Distance learning also assumes a lot from school districts.
A common issue we have seen across the Valley has been equipment access. A large portion of students are unable to afford a laptop or a tablet to complete schoolwork. Districts’ supposed solution was to lend devices to students who needed them. Still, most districts do not have enough devices for all students If a student has a sibling who also needs a device, the district would only issue one device per family, and the students would have to share.
This doubling-up drains time for parents who need each child to do their work one at a time while also making sure their other children remain occupied. This is all assuming that parents can afford access to the internet. If they cannot, then the district must provide a hotspot. If the district cannot ensure a hotspot, it creates more issues.
As a teacher, I never signed up to work for Best Buy’s Geek Squad. I feel like the majority of the work that I have done since we began distance teaching is IT support. Every app and website we use requires a username and password. In my Kinder class alone, parents are responsible for knowing over four sets of log-in credentials for their child. I have gotten plenty of comments from parents expressing their exasperation at the sheer volume of log-in credentials they are now responsible for.
This issue might be a little bit easier for teachers who have older students. Still, from what I have experienced, age does not matter: computer literacy is lacking in all age groups. Administrators require nearly the same amount of work as we give our students in class. So, parents, if you were wondering why your children’s teachers are assigning so much work so quickly, I promise you, it is not because we want to.
As I have seen from the administration, they are having the same issue, with these orders coming from their superiors. It has turned into a chain of insatiable demand to justify why any of us should get paid. Teaching is not a commodified industry. Our pay should not depend on what has been produced because we are not trying to produce anything. We are trying to mold, trying to guide. Teaching is an investment in society and the future. No one in education should have to justify why we should get paid. The entirety of our society needs to be kinder in our approach to the situation at hand.
This is a real emergency. When a deadly virus runs rampant, making sure a five-year-old draws a picture of a plant to ensure their teacher’s pay can seem arbitrary. Frankly, we are at the end of the school year already, so the amount of teaching lost will not impact students significantly. Obviously modifications for the next school year will have to be made, and there will be changes, but this is a reality for every aspect of our lives.
One thing about this pandemic is certain: nothing will be the same as it was before. Instead of causing all of this unnecessary stress to justify why the public education system should get paid, we end the school year a little early. Most school districts planned to end the year by the end of May, and we are already a week and a half into April. It is not that much of a loss.
Rather than stressing out students and parents, who are already scared due to the current situation, we should make this a time where students can enjoy being at home. There they will have the time to explore the outdoors, read, and spend time with their families. The 2019-2020 school year needs to end early. We are living through a major historical event. It is time to accept that and behave accordingly.
Hopefully you stay as a kinder garden teacher enjoy your 3 months off (vacation) with pay and quit complaining typical...
(you bring nothing new to the table) smh
Won’t work.... parent supervision is needed and that is almost non-existent in a one-parent home. Even in some two parent homes this won’t work due to lack of supervision and the lack of educated parents.
Another whining teacher. Make it work!
Well, Trump has confirmed his position as Petty President. When he should be helping our great nation, he's busy handing out favors to his friends and punishing his enemies; also known as the American people. The stench of this man is worse than being downwind of a 3000 hog factory farm.
He's just a whining pussy.
Hey, Emma:
Teachers and School Administrators are scared shitless! They are afraid just how little they are needed in the education of our children. They suck tax dollars up like cocaine up a nose and try and convince us that it is all for the good of the children. If nothing else, this virus will bring all their bullshit into question.
Original the 3 months off were for the children to go work in the fields now that is no longer needed, but los pinches mamones saw the raqueta and kepth it..
I'm a teacher and I'm not scared. Nor i complain. That kinder teacher is right on target in many points but she's also exagerating. Kids and parents might not have wealth but they have the latest devices, that's 92 to 95% of what i see in my classes.. yeah i done the stats before.
and we don't have to bring anything to the table either, we are just teachers. Currently we just need to relax and take it one day at a time. And if i am no longer needed i can go and find something else to do, is not the end of the world. You all just need to chill.
For the teacher at 6:29 the kids don't need and education from you, the parents do!!! Send the kid home and make the parents go to school and get some commons sense.
BISD is a paper pusher. Schools are equipped with old ass computers and laptops oh but its all new and shiny when BISD talks about their Tech meetings. Board members love to hear this and Admins know. Mr. Philip Cowen claims he invented the BISD internet smh!!!!!
yes! teachers have duhgrees
and many already have 2 jobs
plus many live in mexico and can survive onlittle income
most come from 2 salary households
go bless our teachers
and in the end may unity and common sense prevail
whatever happens happens
lets not judge them or anyone else
we dont judge firefighters for doing what they do when theres no fires
and we dont blast border patrols for letting so many dangerous people get away while they eat or watch netflix
how many times to we blame prosecutors for lost cases? ie pat ahumada check case...
yeah we dont.
so emma sorry you signed your name
good luck m'am
you have good points
EXCUSE ME you teachers need to chill bunch of prima donnas the 3 months paid vacation is what keeps you there NOTHING ELSE you chill
Excuses, excuses & more excuses. Quit complaining and be grateful for life.
Why not try to make the best of the situation at home, teaching your children respect, manners and how to make it in life, cooking & caring for your home & keeping things in order. Everyone seems to want a free ride instead of being a more productive person in life. Show them more positivity instead of complaining. Be a good role model & how to survive with the Lord's Blessings Always.
Pendejos are the ones that think teachers have it easy and complain about not working for 3 months. Today because of idiots like these individuals teachers have to raise and teach the kids at the same time. Before children learned respect and values at home. Now they learn to bitch, complain and be lazy. I grew up in a time when the paddle took care of many issues, maybe it’s time the paddle came back. So for those that think teachers have it easy, I’m glad your dealing with having to teach your kids at home. Welcome to the world of a teacher mofos
People lets be united !!
Believe in busy work in BISD !!
Hey Miguel Pina, don't you have something better to do? You posted at least 50% of these comments.
Now they complain about salaries! Wow What's next OOPS they already have what's next, staying at home and GETTING PAID WOW
You wadded into a cesspool of anger pendeja one of many out of touch MAESTRAS.
I bet the majority of the people are super glad to now have the kids at home for the whole day and be responsible for their feeding and their education and their discipline. I bet they would like to continue this process from now on since some claim teachers do not do anything. I bet that some of you now realize that your kid is better off in school with teachers who really care about their growing up as educated adults and not like some parents who are now going to teach them to go look for free food, free no-rent houses, free everything. Now they are home to watch you watching novels all day and never dancing with the broom or mop. Hey, now you have them home; why don't you teach them to do such life-skills so they won't grow up like you - lazy y
pediche! Now you should learn how to thank our teachers who take care of our kids for more than half of the day so you can be on the phone all day.
Learn how to make tortillas con frijoles y arros y fideo con papas.
Folks, most persons pick they field they want to work in right and go out to college and get an education for that. So if you dont like to be a teacher or are unhappy at that work very simple, go find another type of job or career, no big deal its not the end of the world for you. Its a simple formula, education field like any other field is one that either you like it or not.
According to trump the almight King of the USofA has suggested to change the name of teachers to providers. Sounds reasonable. 90% of teachers vote racist republican sounds reasonable...
No seamos desconsiderados somos seres humanos, tenemos derecho de expresar nuestros pensamientos, sentimientos. En ves de estar criticandola entendamos la seriedad de el crisis por la que estamos pasando.y que la seguridad salud emotional de nuestros hijos,es lo primordial en esta vida. Si no tenemos SALUD de nada nos sirve lo demas.
Well the all powerful dollar buck peso whatever you wish to call it..stops here.
Can't seem to figure coronavirus out.
Faiths vs Money
You cents serve both!
Divine Spiritual Revival taking over
The whole world..
Now guste o no now guste.
At Vine!
I hope that the commentators here are NOT teachers they sure are doing a piss poor job of expressing themselves using their very poor writing skills. I'd rather keep my kids home than to sent them to BISD where they hire personnel that are not qualified.
That's why trump wants to call them providers and not teachers. Seems reasonable
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