Thursday, April 9, 2020


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"Facial Coverings are recommended when outside of your home for all individuals over the age of 5. Face coverings will become mandatory on Monday, April 13." Amended City Disaster Declaration

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Now is the time time to lay away for your face coverings because you will be required to wear one when you step outside your door Monday. 

Will it be a Roy Rogers-Dale Evans western bandana, an apricot ascot like F. Scott Fitzgerald, or maybe a red-polka dotted bandana like Rosie the Riveter?

Bandits Bandanas - Home | FacebookWith industrial medical face masks virtually impossible to acquire on the open market or even on Ebay and Amazon, it will be up to each of us to figure out a way to keep your bodily vapors and droplets to yourself, thank you.

The positive cases, instead of "flattening," continue in the upward curve and it doesn't look like it's stopping its thrust anytime soon. The total number of cases of COVID-19 in the county is 126. 

In Cameron County, Thursday heralded yet another death to bring the county total to three. The victims are two 91 year-old and 93-year-old females who were patients at Veranda and Atrium nursing homes in Harlingen.
At the Veranda Rest and Rehab facility - a foci of contagion - the score stands this way:

2 patients died

1 employee died

15 patients diagnosed with the virus

12 employees diagnosed with the virus

2 relatives of employees diagnosed with the virus

At Windsor Atrium, a rest home where some Veranda employees also worked:

1 patient died

9 patients diagnosed with the virus

3 employees diagnosed with the virus

Here  are some of the new rules that we must live by in this strange new COVID-19 virus world:

*Restaurants and bars shall permit delivery, pick up and take out only so long as no more than 10 people congregate in the take-out area. Drive-thru and take-out patrons are to be instructed to remain in their vehicles. If take-out patrons are on foot, they must be seated at last 6 feet from each other. Businesses are encouraged to implement procedures whereby take-out patrons pay via telephone or electronic means.

* Downtown City metered parking will continue to be suspended in order to support these measures. Parking areas within Shopping Areas are also strongly encouraged to create takeout and delivery designated parking spaces.

* Business establishments selling groceries or staples of daily living shall discourage persons under the age of 14 to enter the premises, unless absolutely necessary

* Religious and worship services should be provided by video and teleconference. If religious services cannot be conducted from home or through remote services, they should be conducted consistent with the Guidelines from the President and the CDC by practicing good hygiene, environmental cleanliness, and sanitation, and by implementing social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19

* All elective medical, surgical, and dental procedures are prohibited anywhere in the City. Hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, dental offices, and other medical facilities are directed to identify procedures that are deemed “elective” by assessing which procedures can be postponed or cancelled based on patient risk considering the emergency need for redirection of resources to COVID-19 response

*Child day care centers shall not have more than ten (10) children per room and comply with the six (6) foot social distancing requirement, as well as state requirements.

*Adult day care centers shall not have more than ten (10) adults per room and comply with the six (6) foot social distancing requirement, as well as state requirements.

*Plasma centers shall not have more than ten (10) donors per room and comply with the six (6) foot social distancing requirement, as well as any other applicable local, state, or federal requirements.

*All City libraries are closed

*All City of Brownsville residents are strongly encouraged to use online services and drive-thru services while doing business with the City

*School campuses shall be closed to students for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic year. 

Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent a school from distributing meals, or conducting remote classes, online classes, or summer school. “Schools” shall be defined as all K-12 campuses, trade schools, vocational schools, colleges or universities.


Anonymous said...

Port Isabel to set up check point on eve of Easter weekend
Actually its trumputo that's doing it.

Anonymous said...

As a Republican, when you’ve lost the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board, you’ve lost a pillar of your base support. Yet the rabidly conservative, over-the-top reactionary and reflexively pro-Trump WSJ Editorial page has apparently had enough of Trump’s nonsensical campaign rallies masquerading as “daily press briefings,” and the sycophantic swill that comes with them.

Titled “Trump’s Wasted Briefings,” the paper’s lead editorial states, in somewhat more genteel terms, what the majority of Americans have already known for some time: Donald Trump’s captive clown show does next to nothing in terms of informing Americans, mostly because the buffoon who leads them can’t stop trying to make himself the story, with little if any regard for the actual concerns of the American people.

There are the usual, no doubt mandatory allusions in the editorial to the conspiracy-addled fever dreams that perpetuate the right, but there is also a fair degree of disgust, probably reflecting the fact that Trump’s tactics seem to be falling flat from a polling standpoint.

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2020!
Are you tired of winning so much? How about whining?

Anonymous said...

siempre bronsbil
waiting to see what macallen does
then copy their ideas

Anonymous said...

We know for a fact PD had everyone on lockdown and anyone who was stopped was either fined or put in jail. Which is illegal in rather the specific circumstances this issue brought. BPD and the other authorities including the city son puros muertos de hambre trying extort every cent the people of brownsville has with their last days of the months quotas. Highly illegal.

Anonymous said...

Samuel Beckett la escribió en 1947, antes de Esperando a Godot, pero Eléutheria, su primera obra de teatro en francés, no se conoció hasta 1995. Me interesó esta semana leer la historia de Viktor, hijo de los Krap, que se encierra por voluntad propia en su recámara, mientras su familia, amigos, la prometida, un torturador chino y hasta un espectador del público, tratan de sacarlo. El nombre griego de la obra, “Libertad” – relacionada con la autonomía que se mantiene alejada del hilo del tirano –, nos acerca a una idea que he visto crecer en nuestro hábitat, el de los encerrados por la pandemia: la libertad de no hacer nada y que no te angustie.

Anonymous said...

Common sense, China has screwed us for years, Trump said enough, told China new trade deal or else, China had to deal, China then who looks at it's people like we look at ants, opens the test tube for what reason, to get even. Your stay alive pills are made in China think about that the next time you take one. You want your pills made there or here?

Anonymous said...

Could it be the numbers are going up because the numbers of testing has gone up?
Stop the fear mongering.
Others chiefs of police have stated that their officers would NOT be stopping motorist for the purpose of counting passengers, he knows that it is illegal. Apparently no one has informed the local cops that what they are doing is a violation of the 4th amendment. (North Texas Police)

Anonymous said...

agree with .19 am, everything is made in china, so trump change trade agreements and we get this, think about it? Really

Anonymous said...

Hey the cops down here can't count aaah they go uno two tres four...
